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Do you think that Putin and DJT have been in PERSONAL CONTACT with each other since Jan 20, 2021? (1 Viewer)

Do you think that Putin and DJT have been in PERSONAL CONTACT with each other since Jan 20, 2021

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Air Muscle
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Dec 1, 2020
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My question includes any possible personal contact either by phone, text, email or letter. Myself, suspecting what a mob bossy DJT's life he's had while constantly surrounded by lawyers who taught him how to 'not get caught' by not doing this or that - it's my opinion that he'd not use text, email or any letter writing that might possibly turn up as embarrassing evidence someday. So, I think that there's at least a possibility that he's had a few phone chats with Putin - nothing in the likes of constant phone chats with Hannity but at least a couple long distance chats that has kept them somewhat close. imo I understand that I could be wrong about this, but I feel more strongly than not that the two have remained in contact.
I think it's quite possible. Look at the way Trump is defending his invasion? Nothing has changed since Trump chose Putin over us on that stage in Helsinki . . .
Completely predictable right?
And just as predictably, and even worse, his supporters continue to act like it didn't happen and/or make excuses for his behavior.
A poll relying on pure conjecture, but if I had to guess I'd say no probably not.
Completely predictable right?
And just as predictably, and even worse, his supporters continue to act like it didn't happen and/or make excuses for his behavior.

Even when the words are 100% clear, we are constantly being told we don't understand what he said. The arguments get so convoluted, it's ridiculous, until finally we are told the problem is with us! Us!

Imagine that? We are the problem! We just don't understand! WTH?

Quite honestly, some Trump supporters take us for fools. And, that may be the most disgusting part of this whole Trump phenomena.
I think it's quite possible. Look at the way Trump is defending his invasion? Nothing has changed since Trump chose Putin over us on that stage in Helsinki . . .
Frankly, I think what you are mostly hearing from Trump is how Putin has played Biden so badly. Sadly, I think he's just telling the sad truth like it is, whether we want to face that fact or not. Biden's the one in charge of the U.S. and this is not going well. A recent poll indicates a majority doesn't even think we'd be here if Trump were in office. I'm certainly in that majority who thinks we wouldn't be here. Trump wouldn't have messed around and waited to see what all 30 NATO members wanted him to think and say and do. We keep hearing how unified NATO is right now - but that's creating a big delay of let's all check with each other and work to find agreement among all. Sounds good in principle but Ukrainians are rapidly dying and suffering horribly - while NATO chats.

Even when the words are 100% clear, we are constantly being told we don't understand what he said. The arguments get so convoluted, it's ridiculous, until finally we are told the problem is with us! Us!Imagine that? We are the problem! We just don't understand! WTH?
Quite honestly, some Trump supporters take us for fools. And, that may be the most disgusting part of this whole Trump phenomena.
Yep. We had a Trump/right-winger just the other day on the forums trying to tell us that Trump calling Putin savvy, genius, and "how smart is that?" about Putins attack on Ukraine...was really just a critique of how bad Biden is doing. They get direct quotes from Trump/right wing sources, and they deny it outright.
That's what's so scary...if they can do that on this topic, what can't they do this with? They could justify anything if they have that sort of media/propaganda/cult influence on people. Things could apparently get a lot worse.
My question includes any possible personal contact either by phone, text, email or letter. Myself, suspecting what a mob bossy DJT's life he's had while constantly surrounded by lawyers who taught him how to 'not get caught' by not doing this or that - it's my opinion that he'd not use text, email or any letter writing that might possibly turn up as embarrassing evidence someday. So, I think that there's at least a possibility that he's had a few phone chats with Putin - nothing in the likes of constant phone chats with Hannity but at least a couple long distance chats that has kept them somewhat close. imo I understand that I could be wrong about this, but I feel more strongly than not that the two have remained in contact.
If Putin thinks tRump can do something for him. Otherwise he's not gonna return the many many calls I'm sure dOnald has made.
My question includes any possible personal contact either by phone, text, email or letter. Myself, suspecting what a mob bossy DJT's life he's had while constantly surrounded by lawyers who taught him how to 'not get caught' by not doing this or that - it's my opinion that he'd not use text, email or any letter writing that might possibly turn up as embarrassing evidence someday. So, I think that there's at least a possibility that he's had a few phone chats with Putin - nothing in the likes of constant phone chats with Hannity but at least a couple long distance chats that has kept them somewhat close. imo I understand that I could be wrong about this, but I feel more strongly than not that the two have remained in contact.
Bigger question is why the left is so frigging obsessed with President Trump while the world is going to shit on their demented dude's watch.
Trump wouldn't have messed around and waited to see what all 30 NATO members wanted

You could be correct, Crooked donnietrumps a pretty profound dumb**** and very well may have done something colossally stupid and started WWIII. Almost guarantee he would have.
Fortunately, America had set that moron Reality TeeVee host out to the curb before he could do further damage.

I'm not overly concerned about Ukraine, and theres no reason for me to be. Putin isnt a dumb**** like Crooked donnietrump, he's not going to overpress his bounds with any NATO country, theres absolutely nothing to be gained from that.
You could be correct, Crooked donnietrumps a pretty profound dumb**** and very well may have done something colossally stupid and started WWIII. Almost guarantee he would have.
Fortunately, America had set that moron Reality TeeVee host out to the curb before he could do further damage.

I'm not overly concerned about Ukraine, and theres no reason for me to be. Putin isnt a dumb**** like Crooked donnietrump, he's not going to overpress his bounds with any NATO country, theres absolutely nothing to be gained from that.
Sure there is. Split NATO and then take back all the Baltic states.
Frankly, I think what you are mostly hearing from Trump is how Putin has played Biden so badly. Sadly, I think he's just telling the sad truth like it is, whether we want to face that fact or not.

You know, he always says this stuff, and then others come in to clean it up and rationalize it.

Quite frankly, it's grown old.

Biden's the one in charge of the U.S. and this is not going well. A recent poll indicates a majority doesn't even think we'd be here if Trump were in office.

What's this got to do with the OP topic? it sounds like a deflection.

And no way do I believe Trump would be 'harder' on Putin. Did you not see him on the stage in Helsinki?

I'm certainly in that majority who thinks we wouldn't be here. Trump wouldn't have messed around and waited to see what all 30 NATO members wanted him to think and say and do. We keep hearing how unified NATO is right now - but that's creating a big delay of let's all check with each other and work to find agreement among all. Sounds good in principle but Ukrainians are rapidly dying and suffering horribly - while NATO chats.

Yeah, but this doesn't change the OP topic, nor change what Trump said.
Sure there is. Split NATO and then take back all the Baltic states.

Except for attacking a NATO country is going to result in a firestorm the likes of which has never been seen, and Putin would have to be fully aware of that.

I am not up with what hardware and troops Russia has in their military, but I know its nothing remotely capable of defeating the worlds NATO nations, except maybe in a MAD scenario, which has always been a possibility for these past decades. A possibility that we've all been living with for a long time.
As usual, the media and social media will blow shit up to be 1,000 times what it actually is.
I have no need to sit and worry about Ukraine, I wish them well and offer support as President Biden is doing. With sanctions, aid to Ukraine, etc. No direct military involvement.
Bigger question is why the left is so frigging obsessed with President Trump while the world is going to shit on their demented dude's watch.
Exactly. What Trump is doing (like it or not) is pointing out what is going on with the "demented dude" in charge and, about that, Trump is not wrong. The world is falling apart in ways the leader of the United States simply can't let happen. The world should not have arrived here. The issue is BIden. Talk about Trump until you're blue in the face but Joe Biden is POTUS and look where we have arrived!!!!
You know, he always says this stuff, and then others come in to clean it up and rationalize it.

Quite frankly, it's grown old.

What's this got to do with the OP topic? it sounds like a deflection.

And no way do I believe Trump would be 'harder' on Putin. Did you not see him on the stage in Helsinki?

Yeah, but this doesn't change the OP topic, nor change what Trump said.
Okay, so you don't like what Trump said. I get that.

There is so much going on and it's so big and I'll leave you to worry about what "Trump said". That topic, in my very strong opinion, is the deflection from the invasion of Ukraine, the immediate reality of that horror, and the current POTUS and his role!
Except for attacking a NATO country is going to result in a firestorm the likes of which has never been seen, and Putin would have to be fully aware of that.

I am not up with what hardware and troops Russia has in their military, but I know its nothing remotely capable of defeating the worlds NATO nations, except maybe in a MAD scenario, which has always been a possibility for these past decades. A possibility that we've all been living with for a long time.
As usual, the media and social media will blow shit up to be 1,000 times what it actually is.
I have no need to sit and worry about Ukraine, I wish them well and offer support as President Biden is doing. With sanctions, aid to Ukraine, etc. No direct military involvement.

Again, unless he splits NATO. Putin's got their balls in a vise with their energy.
He leads an anti-American faction and ideology and tried to overthrow the government.
At some point you guys are going to have to get over that delusion. Oh well.
I think it's quite possible. Look at the way Trump is defending his invasion? Nothing has changed since Trump chose Putin over us on that stage in Helsinki . . .
Why would Putin call Trump?

Why would Putin accept a call from Trump?

No, they have not talked. You can take it to the bank.


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