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Do You live near a Potential United States target for a Russian Nuke? (1 Viewer)


Supporting Member
DP Veteran
Sep 12, 2019
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Political Leaning
I gave this some thought after that horrific speech Biden gave yesterday in Poland.

People have really screwed the pooch putting slo-Joe and hoe-Harris in positions of authority.

I live in proximity to Ft Campbell Ky. We will go quickly. 🚀

How about you? Instant goo or are you one of the many who get to hang around and suffer?

The struggle is real.
Depends. If I'm at work, I won't even know it when I get killed.

At home, I'm in the burns and window glass injuries zone.
I gave this some thought after that horrific speech Biden gave yesterday in Poland.

People have really screwed the pooch putting slo-Joe and hoe-Harris in positions of authority.

I live in proximity to Ft Campbell Ky. We will go quickly. 🚀

How about you? Instant goo or are you one of the many who get to hang around and suffer?

The struggle is real.
Almost my entire life: 1971 to now.

Your post seems to indicate that you were born at the end of or after the Cold War where threat of nuclear war was a daily thought and worry for me and my generation. BTW, that's not a slam on you if you were born after that period in time; just an observation.

Before you slam Biden, however, please note that from 1971 to the end of the Cold War in 1991 (my timeline of experiencing the threat of nuclear war on a daily basis), where the worry you have posted was a daily worry for me, only one president during that time period was a Democrat. All the others were Republican who pushed the situation in several ways that could have ended in nuclear war at any given moment.

Also, your concern is not without merit, I'm not dismissing your concerns here about a nuclear strike. However, to sit there and blame Biden for the situation...well...that's kind of shortsighted. If you were to blame all presidents going back to the late 50's...then I wouldn't disagree. Each president since then has had success in not blowing up the planet...but they all share culpability for not diminishing the chances of it happening to one degree or another.

And there's one more thing to consider. We are the only ones to use nuclear weapons in a war. No one else has. Ever.
I gave this some thought after that horrific speech Biden gave yesterday in Poland.

People have really screwed the pooch putting slo-Joe and hoe-Harris in positions of authority.

I live in proximity to Ft Campbell Ky. We will go quickly. 🚀

How about you? Instant goo or are you one of the many who get to hang around and suffer?

The struggle is real.
If you want your political commentary(to use the words "political" and "commentary" very loosely) to be taken at all seriously, I would suggest against things like "hoe-Harris" and other juvenile namecalling. The only ones who will take your comments seriously are QAnon Trump supporters, and look what else they take seriously...
I'm on the edge of Amish country. There is nothing out here that would be targeted by a nuclear weapon.

If you want your political commentary(to use the words "political" and "commentary" very loosely) to be taken at all seriously, I would suggest against things like "hoe-Harris" and other juvenile namecalling. The only ones who will take your comments seriously are QAnon Trump supporters, and look what else they take seriously...
This thread begs to be flushed.
I live in Dublin so when the Russians nuke London it’ll be slow death from radiation poisoning for me.
I figure if it's an all out nuke war the east coast from Washington DC to Boston will be radioactive. I'll be as dead as MTG's brain cells.
I gave this some thought after that horrific speech Biden gave yesterday in Poland.

People have really screwed the pooch putting slo-Joe and hoe-Harris in positions of authority.

I live in proximity to Ft Campbell Ky. We will go quickly. 🚀

How about you? Instant goo or are you one of the many who get to hang around and suffer?

The struggle is real.
It's over 5k miles from Moscow to Kansas...
we should be pushing that all nuclear weapons be disabled immediately. Nuclear weapons tools makes it too easy for politicians to use as a political tools over pragmatic and diplomatic tools.

Yes this means that nuke power will also need to disabled.

All of the above is over due.
I'm on the edge of Amish country. There is nothing out here that would be targeted by a nuclear weapon.

This thread begs to be flushed.
Except that radioactive drift might get you .............. we know there would be plenty. WE cannot run away from something we cannot see or smell.
I would probably get the nuke on the second or third wave.
I gave this some thought after that horrific speech Biden gave yesterday in Poland.

People have really screwed the pooch putting slo-Joe and hoe-Harris in positions of authority.

I live in proximity to Ft Campbell Ky. We will go quickly. 🚀

How about you? Instant goo or are you one of the many who get to hang around and suffer?

The struggle is real.
Cheyenne Mountain (NORAD) about five miles to the west, Fort Carson about five miles to the south, Peterson AFB about five miles to the east and Schriever AFB about 20 miles out east on the plains.

Yeah...I'd say "instant goo".

However...with an hour warning, I can be in the mountains to the west and then all I'll have to worry about is the fallout that drifts over from Nevada, Utah and points west.

But it won't happen.
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Cheyenne Mountain (NORAD) about five miles to the west, Fort Carson about five miles to the south, Peterson AFB about five miles to the east and Schriever AFB about 20 miles out east on the plains.

Yeah...I'd say "instant goo".

However...with an hour warning, I can be in the mountains to the west and then all I'll have to worry about is the fallout that drifts over from Nevada, Utah and points west.

But it won't happen.
you'll be met with traffic jams galore.........
Almost my entire life: 1971 to now.

Your post seems to indicate that you were born at the end of or after the Cold War where threat of nuclear war was a daily thought and worry for me and my generation. BTW, that's not a slam on you if you were born after that period in time; just an observation.

Before you slam Biden, however, please note that from 1971 to the end of the Cold War in 1991 (my timeline of experiencing the threat of nuclear war on a daily basis), where the worry you have posted was a daily worry for me, only one president during that time period was a Democrat. All the others were Republican who pushed the situation in several ways that could have ended in nuclear war at any given moment.

Also, your concern is not without merit, I'm not dismissing your concerns here about a nuclear strike. However, to sit there and blame Biden for the situation...well...that's kind of shortsighted. If you were to blame all presidents going back to the late 50's...then I wouldn't disagree. Each president since then has had success in not blowing up the planet...but they all share culpability for not diminishing the chances of it happening to one degree or another.

And there's one more thing to consider. We are the only ones to use nuclear weapons in a war. No one else has. Ever.
very good
16 miles from an army depot and chemical weapon storage facility. Yeah, I'm a goner.
I'm in Metro Detroit. Probably far enough from the city center and manufacturing facilities to survive the initial blasts.
I figure if it's an all out nuke war the east coast from Washington DC to Boston will be radioactive. I'll be as dead as MTG's brain cells.
The only thing I really see in the OP is another opportunity to trash Biden and his administration. But here are my thoughts relative to Putin using nukes.

I'm in a DC suburb about 13 miles west of the Pentagon. I have always believed if my time was up, then it's up. I think there is very low chance Putin uses nukes.

One has to believe he does care about Russia.
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Im an expat in the third world so Im probably gonna be safe from an initial strike. The chaos and worldwide nuclear fallout that follows on the other hand, might be a little tough to live through.
Do you think Russia could land a nuke in America? I'm not sure if being next to Mount Weather is good or bad. Probably bad.
Do you think Russia could land a nuke in America? I'm not sure if being next to Mount Weather is good or bad. Probably bad.
Russia, just like the US, has submarines with nuclear launch capabilities. A sub could be anywhere off either coast and hit any target they program into the missile's guidance system.
I live about 40 miles east of NYC. Probably far enough that an initial won’t kill me. After that who knows.
I gave this some thought after that horrific speech Biden gave yesterday in Poland.

People have really screwed the pooch putting slo-Joe and hoe-Harris in positions of authority.

I live in proximity to Ft Campbell Ky. We will go quickly. 🚀

How about you? Instant goo or are you one of the many who get to hang around and suffer?

The struggle is real.
You live in kentucky? If so, that explains a lot about you point of view. Congrats on possibly having the two worst senators in the country.
I gave this some thought after that horrific speech Biden gave yesterday in Poland.

People have really screwed the pooch putting slo-Joe and hoe-Harris in positions of authority.

I live in proximity to Ft Campbell Ky. We will go quickly. 🚀

How about you? Instant goo or are you one of the many who get to hang around and suffer?

The struggle is real.
Probably go quickly due to close proximity to a number of military bases.

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