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Do you know your Bill of Rights? (1 Viewer)


Jul 22, 2020
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
What they are? What they say? What they mean? For your wayback pleasure, ThePodocasts presents to you 'The Bill of Rights' part 1!

I know you have the Right to remain silent.

I learnt that from watching the original Robocop film which had a ludicrous amount of swearing in it.
Robocop is the best!!!!!!!!
I know you have the Right to remain silent.

I learnt that from watching the original Robocop film which had a ludicrous amount of swearing in it.
Robocop is the best!!!!!!!!

Lol, original robocop was great, the remake was not bad at all. I usually don't care for remakes but that one was passable!
Well we made the second video. First one did ok, I was surprised! For your viewing pleasure, part 2! Our video guy is getting better and better each video..lol. He had some general knowledge on how to do it, but never applied himself to actually doing it three times a week, thinking he is hitting his stride on the fundamentals, now on to video enhancements!

You have the right to undervalue your rights.
In legal terms, it's called "waiving" your right.

That's more of a direct act, as opposed to useless pieces of **** deciding over time that they want a dictator.
That's more of a direct act, as opposed to useless pieces of **** deciding over time that they want a dictator.

Ah, you mean Trump's latter-day Sturmabteilung voting for him to be president for life ?
(or at least they would given the opportunity)

MAGA Hat = Brown shirt

They trade rights for nationalistic "feel good"
Trump tells them that the USA is #1, and so by extension, they're #1 too, regardless how dilapidated their shack is.
Good luck with having 'rights' without money; it takes serious bucks in court costs and shyster fees to exercise them. 'Freedom of the press belongs to those who own the presses' is one example of a non-existent 'right' we're seeing in real time today with media and internet companies..
Good luck with having 'rights' without money; it takes serious bucks in court costs and shyster fees to exercise them. 'Freedom of the press belongs to those who own the presses' is one example of a non-existent 'right' we're seeing in real time today with media and internet companies..
This is actually one of the major problems with having only negative rights. Its hard to exercise those kinds of rights if one is starving for example.
This is actually one of the major problems with having only negative rights. Its hard to exercise those kinds of rights if one is starving for example.

if one is starving for example.

Oh you exaggerate sir
I know you have the Right to remain silent.

Specifically if charged of a crime and put on trial, you have the right to not testify or answer questions from the judge without fear of being presumed guilty. Suspects can also "plead the Fifth" when they are arrested.
Do you remember which one it is?

Actually I don't, like the 2nd Amendment speaking of a militia to defend a free state, it's a relic of an 18th century constitution.

What would a constitution include today? Access to the internet? Greenhouse gases, fossil fuels? Twitter accounts ?

Sorry but the amendment prohibiting quartering troops in private residences does nothing but date the Constitution and reduce its relevance today.
Actually I don't. Like the 2nd Amendment speaking of a militia to defend a free state, it is a relic of an 18th century Constitution.

What would a constitution include today? Access to the Internet? Greenhouse gases, fossil fuels? Twitter accounts?

Sorry but the amendment prohibiting quartering troops in private residences does nothing but date the Constitution and reduce its relevance today.

The problem with the Second Amendment is how gun rights supporters interpret "the right to bear arms" while ignoring the fact it is specifically about self defense. Unless that cute phrase is in the amendment itself, taking guns away from people is constitutional.
The problem with the Second Amendment is how gun rights supporters interpret "the right to bear arms" while ignoring the fact it is specifically about self defense. Unless that cute phrase is in the amendment itself, taking guns away from people is constitutional.

In the 18th century, the militia was seen as a guarantor of freedom/security

The militia was a band of musket armed men to see off invading armies and/or a regular army of their own government

It is completely irrelevant now and a total relic of a bygone age.
In the 18th century, the militia was seen as a guarantor of freedom/security

The militia was a band of musket armed men to see off invading armies and/or a regular army of their own government

It is completely irrelevant now and a total relic of a bygone age.

Yes. Jefferson had to resort to using Federal troops to enforce the embargoes in his second term, after also facing up to the fact we also needed a standing Navy.
If right wingers were really serious about gun rights and everyone should have a few, they would have charities that ran around providing firearms to the homeless. Wonder why they don't.
Yes. Jefferson had to resort to using Federal troops to enforce the embargoes in his second term, after also facing up to the fact we also needed a standing Navy.

Standing armies and navies are a fact of life - the Constitution seems somewhat naïve towards them.

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