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Do you consider yourself "woke" (tolerant, open-minded, progressive, pro-science) ? (1 Viewer)


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I have to wonder why someone would oppose being tolerant, open-minded, and pro-science.?

Woke is a relatively new word, which I didn't hear until 1-2 years ago.

But yeah, you are either "woke" ... or you are:

# stuck in the past
# pessimistic
# authoritarian / dictatorial
# anti-science
# xenophobic
# racist
# misogynistic (women-hating)
# pro environmental destruction
# conservative or Republican
# intolerant towards minorities such as gays
# pro-Putin, pro-Xi
# a bully
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Woke is a relatively new word, which I didn't hear until 1-2 years ago.

But yeah, you are either "woke" ... or you are:

# stuck in the past
# pessimistic
# authoritarian / dictatorial
# anti-science
# xenophobic
# racist
# misogynistic (women-hating)
# pro environmental destruction
# conservative or Republican
# intolerant towards minorities such as gays
# pro-Putin, pro-Xi
# a bully

Woke is a relatively new word, which I didn't hear until 1-2 years ago.

But yeah, you are either "woke" ... or you are:

# stuck in the past
# pessimistic
# authoritarian / dictatorial
# anti-science
# xenophobic
# racist
# misogynistic (women-hating)
# pro environmental destruction
# conservative or Republican
# intolerant towards minorities such as gays
# pro-Putin, pro-Xi
# a bully
Or don't vote a straight Democrat choice on your ballot?
Woke means aware. Especially for minorities. Woke means they know they are getting screwed. And how they are getting screwed.
I'm "woke" about 3/4 of each day, tolerant and open minded to a rational degree, progressive to beneficial changes, and pro-science as the best means of elevating/increasing our knowledge about the natural world in which we live.
You left out the qualification of being progressive to be considered “woke” in this poll.
See my profile.............

Is there a problem with being politically progressive?

Well, the woke people most certainly aren't open minded when it comes to things they don't agree with.
Such as fascism bigotry and willful ignorance? Why should I tolerate that, especially in the age of the internet?
"believe in science"

"Thinks men are women if they really really really want to be."

Leftists are a ****ing crack-up.
I think the series "Woke" on Hulu may be on to something.

I am for "wokeness" to a degree, but I do not buy completely into it. I buy into the awareness that people can have a harder ride and struggle through a broken criminal justice system or for reasons that are not their fault. I also buy into the original #BlackLivesMatter thesis that a black person should be treated the same way that a white person is. I also am encouraged by such movements (When they are on message) and the potential it has to have offshoots (i.e., #DisabledLivesMatter, etc.) that would further correct the problems inflicted on others for reasons not their fault.

What I don't agree with is the identity politics aspect of it. In American politics in particular, there is very much as "You're either 100% for it or against it." It takes away free thoughts and disables the ability to arrive at pragmatic solutions. Most of the common sense solutions I have seen, such as in New York, have been either voter initiatives or done at the state level. While I believe there should be federal reform, too, a victory is a victory. If this is the premise of the argument, then I would technically be against it, even though I applaud several of the citizen initiatives and state measures that have been passed.

We also focus too much on the punishment angle. Yes, corrupt cops who can't do their job should be removed from their job. But we can also reward good cops as a way to incentivize cops who are on the fence or want to make amends to behave better. You can't have all sticks and no carrots because it sets up a "Damned if I do, damned if I don't" mentality.

I also think the level that wokeness (or at least political correctness) has reached has gotten a little ridiculous. For example, if a woman (specific to this observation) says that 2 + 2 is 5:
* If I correct her, I'm buying into the stereotype that women are bad at math
* If I explain it to her, I'm mansplaining
* So the only logical action is to let her keep believing that, even though it is factually incorrect

(This is a parody, but I can see it reaching these heights one day if it's not scaled back)

If we cut back a little on ridiculousness and more towards substantive policies, "wokeness" and other movements would be a powerful force.

So, to answer your question, if I have to take 100% of what is given to me, then no I am not woke. If I can choose how I tackle issues and resolve them even if it disagrees at face value with the movement, then yes I would qualify.
The term WOKE has just turned into a pejorative by people who need , but won't benefit from all the HR diversity training given by big corporations.
But also there's no guarantee the training will be successful. If your company is 98% white, then the diversity training is being given from the perspective of the very people who have benefited from a bias that is trying to be corrected...
But also there's no guarantee the training will be successful. If your company is 98% white, then the diversity training is being given from the perspective of the very people who have benefited from a bias that is trying to be corrected...
That goes under 'won't benefit from'
That goes under 'won't benefit from'
Oh... I thought you meant bigots who wouldn't benefit from the training they received anyway. I stand corrected and thank you for the clarification! :)
Not that I have a problem with the adjectives listed, I just find the parent term to be more of a label of membership than any accurate summary of posessed traits.
You pretty much summed up where my current thought process is. I just had a less succinct way of saying it :)
This is a very strange definition of "woke" that bears little resemblance to how I would define it.

If I was trying to be as even-handed as I can be, I might define woke as "A strain of leftism that views identity politics (e.g. race, sex, sexual preferences, gender identity) as the primary axis around which social and political problems should be addressed."

In practice, it's exactly the opposite of tolerant, open-minded, progressive, or pro-science. It's just the newest strain of puritanical Calvinism, repackaged for people who think they are atheists/agnostics.
Yes, of course.
Depends how you define it.

By this specific dictionary's definition, sure:

But language does not limit itself to the current official or semi-official definitions, so there's probably an interpretation of the word I wouldn't accept if applied to myself.

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