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Do Republicans oppose Ukrainian immigration to the US? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 25, 2017
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Do Republicans oppose Ukrainian immigration to the US? Ukraine has a lot of refugees fleeing the country after the Russian invasion, should they not be allowed to immigrate to the US? Do conservatives think Ukarians will steal their jobs? And if you are going are say Republicans only oppose illegal immigration, Stephen Miller wanted to reduce legal immigration as well, so does that apply to Ukrainians? Or do conservatives apply different standards to different people wanting to immigrate to the US?
Do Republicans oppose Ukrainian immigration to the US? Ukraine has a lot of refugees fleeing the country after the Russian invasion, should they not be allowed to immigrate to the US? Do conservatives think Ukarians will steal their jobs? And if you are going are say Republicans only oppose illegal immigration, Stephen Miller wanted to reduce legal immigration as well, so does that apply to Ukrainians? Or do conservatives apply different standards to different people wanting to immigrate to the US?

How's about Canada accepting refugees?

We have a big problem at our borders down here, with MILLIONS of people seeking to cross illegally.

Instead of asking us, the real question for YOU should be why don't you guys "up there" go "down there" and help all those "needy refugees."

I'd expect to see fleets of Canadian ships along both of Mexico's seaside's, Pacific and Gulf of Mexico. Also every Air Canada plane flying down and loading to the brim, NO charge.

Meanwhile, same goes for Ukraine. Show the world Canada has open borders for everyone.

Now if you aren't for that kind of "assistance," then you've got no room to talk. Or judge.
How's about Canada accepting refugees?

We have a big problem at our borders down here, with MILLIONS of people seeking to cross illegally.

Instead of asking us, the real question for YOU should be why don't you guys "up there" go "down there" and help all those "needy refugees."

I'd expect to see fleets of Canadian ships along both of Mexico's seaside's, Pacific and Gulf of Mexico. Also every Air Canada plane flying down and loading to the brim, NO charge.

Meanwhile, same goes for Ukraine. Show the world Canada has open borders for everyone.

Now if you aren't for that kind of "assistance," then you've got no room to talk. Or judge.
So, instead of replying to the OP's question, you decided to create your own straw man. You could actually do two things: answer his question AND have a hard on about Canadian immigration. Easy, peasy, lemon squeezy.
Come legally please!

Information for Nationals of Ukraine​

Moving from Ukraine to the United States​

Learn the various pathways of immigration to the United States, including family sponsorship and employment from Ukraine.

Options for Ukrainians Wishing to Immigrate to the United States​

Temporary Protected Status

Recently, the Secretary of Homeland Security announced the designation of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Ukrainian nationals already present in the US for a period of 18 months. Regardless of current US immigration status, whether legally or illegally in the US, Ukrainian nationals who were in the US on March 1, 2022, are eligible to apply.

The benefits of TPS include protection from deportation during the TPS period, employment authorization, access to a travel document, and issuance of a social security number. Again, your current immigration status is not relevant, but presence in the US on March 1, 2022, is required. If you meet these basic requirements, we strongly encourage you to file for TPS.
How's about Canada accepting refugees?

We have a big problem at our borders down here, with MILLIONS of people seeking to cross illegally.

Instead of asking us, the real question for YOU should be why don't you guys "up there" go "down there" and help all those "needy refugees."

I'd expect to see fleets of Canadian ships along both of Mexico's seaside's, Pacific and Gulf of Mexico. Also every Air Canada plane flying down and loading to the brim, NO charge.

Meanwhile, same goes for Ukraine. Show the world Canada has open borders for everyone.

Now if you aren't for that kind of "assistance," then you've got no room to talk. Or judge.

Oh who says I don't support Canada taking in more immigrants? Both Canadian and US companies are screwing around with South America, the difference is the CIA supports military coups in South America for company profits and then conservatives get mad about people coming into the US from the countries the US government and corporations purposely screwed up for massive profits.

But this is a dodge from you, do you think the US should take in Ukrainian refugees, why or why not? Do you think there is a difference between immigrants from Ukraine and South America?
Do Republicans oppose Ukrainian immigration to the US? Ukraine has a lot of refugees fleeing the country after the Russian invasion, should they not be allowed to immigrate to the US? Do conservatives think Ukarians will steal their jobs? And if you are going are say Republicans only oppose illegal immigration, Stephen Miller wanted to reduce legal immigration as well, so does that apply to Ukrainians? Or do conservatives apply different standards to different people wanting to immigrate to the US?

Some might. Some might not. Personally, I am all for it. I want as many oppressed peoples from the world as possible yearning to be free and wanting a better life for their families coming to our country. Bahai's from Iran. Refugees from Ukraine. Coptic Christians from Egypt. Uyghurs from China. Rohingya from Burma. Kurds and Yazidi from Northern Iraq. I want to ship them in by the millions each year, as many as want to come.

First generation immigrants from oppressed nations whose liberty-parched lips know how good it is to have tasted freedom for the first time have regularly been counted among our best, most productive citizens, along with their children. I am all for turning that tap on blast.
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Oh who says I don't support Canada taking in more immigrants? Both Canadian and US companies are screwing around with South America, the difference is the CIA supports military coups in South America for company profits and then conservatives get mad about people coming into the US from the countries the US government and corporations purposely screwed up for massive profits.

Blah blah blah.

The point is we don't need people from other countries telling us (or asking us) about how to run our immigration polices.

But this is a dodge from you, do you think the US should take in Ukrainian refugees, why or why not? Do you think there is a difference between immigrants from Ukraine and South America?

Not a dodge. I've made it perfectly clear what my position is on immigration in many threads over the years.

I have also learned what these kinds of questions posed by outsiders with an agenda really seek.
Do Republicans oppose Ukrainian immigration to the US? Ukraine has a lot of refugees fleeing the country after the Russian invasion, should they not be allowed to immigrate to the US? Do conservatives think Ukarians will steal their jobs? And if you are going are say Republicans only oppose illegal immigration, Stephen Miller wanted to reduce legal immigration as well, so does that apply to Ukrainians? Or do conservatives apply different standards to different people wanting to immigrate to the US?
If we could stop illegal immigration, we would be able to accept so many more legal immigrants than we do.
If we could stop illegal immigration, we would be able to accept so many more legal immigrants than we do.

Since illegal immigration is impossible to stop, why not just make it so that the good legal immigrants outnumber the bad illegal immigrants and let more of the desirable immigrants in?
Blah blah blah.

The point is we don't need people from other countries telling us (or asking us) about how to run our immigration polices.

There is no rule on this forum that says I cannot comment on US immigration.

Not a dodge. I've made it perfectly clear what my position is on immigration in many threads over the years.

I have also learned what these kinds of questions posed by outsiders with an agenda really seek.

Did you make your opinions about immigrants from Ukraine known? Do you agree with Stephen Miller that the US should reduce legal immigration?
Do Republicans oppose Ukrainian immigration to the US? Ukraine has a lot of refugees fleeing the country after the Russian invasion, should they not be allowed to immigrate to the US? Do conservatives think Ukarians will steal their jobs? And if you are going are say Republicans only oppose illegal immigration, Stephen Miller wanted to reduce legal immigration as well, so does that apply to Ukrainians? Or do conservatives apply different standards to different people wanting to immigrate to the US?
Of course not. Those people are white.
Republicans and Russians spew the same talking points.
Ukrainians are white, so no
Do you agree with Stephen Miller that the US should reduce legal immigration?
OMG. Who perpetrated that lie?

He never wanted to reduce legal immigration. He only wanted to do better filtering. Link please!
First you have to ask what is the Democrats position. Then republicans will say the opposite
He wanted better screening and not allow immigrants that would likely need to draw subsidies from the government, or be terrorists. Nothing about reducing the total numbers. Just certain types.

Show me.
bullshit? You should really know your people better. Stephen Miller believes in Eugenics as well as reducing legal immigration.

He wanted better screening and not allow immigrants that would likely need to draw subsidies from the government, or be terrorists. Nothing about reducing the total numbers. Just certain types.
No, he wanted to reduce legal immigration period. He doesn't like brown people and he is a white nationalist.
No, he wanted to reduce legal immigration period. He doesn't like brown people and he is a white nationalist.

You need to read his work instead of believing the liars you listen to.

He wanted to limit parts of legal immigration. Not legal immigration itself.

Do you know the different types of immigration?

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