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DNC Convention Opens (1 Viewer)


Loves third parties and steak
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Mar 25, 2010
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So far we've had a gospel song, Boyz II Men, a prayer to the "god of the universe" for Hillary Clinton to become President (with very loud chants of BERNIE BERNIE BERNIE) during the prayer.

It's gonna be interesting, folks.
So far we've had a gospel song, Boyz II Men, a prayer to the "god of the universe" for Hillary Clinton to become President (with very loud chants of BERNIE BERNIE BERNIE) during the prayer.

It's gonna be interesting, folks.

Some booing of Barney Frank.
"DNC Convention" is redundant. It's not the Democratic National Convention Convention.
It's like a high school pep rally with each class trying to outdo the other with the "Hillary" and "Bernie" chants.
The new chair Marcia Fudge is being shouted down and booed. Ouch. She's pissed.
My response to the other thread that asked: "Is anyone else really disturbed by what they are seeing at the RNC?"

Nope, of course not, its a nutter circus show!
nor will I be shocked by the DNC which Im guessing will be "different" but the same, a nutter circus show.

its just more hype and fluff that we all knew was coming and it will not sway ANY significant amount of voters in anyway whatsoever.

Lets see where this circus of politics leads :D
So much for the unity of the Democrats over the unity of the Republicans.
Here's the DNC apology to Bernie supporters:

"DNC Convention" is redundant. It's not the Democratic National Convention Convention.

I think DNC stands for Democratic National Committee.
"DNC Convention" is redundant. It's not the Democratic National Convention Convention.

Considering that DNC stands for "Democratic National Committee" WTF are you talking about
Any chance Bernie might end up being the candidate by the time the convention is done? Personally I believe that's the only chance the dems have of winning this one.
Any chance Bernie might end up being the candidate by the time the convention is done? Personally I believe that's the only chance the dems have of winning this one.

No chance.
I think DNC stands for Democratic National Committee.
"DNC Convention" is redundant. It's not the Democratic National Convention Convention.

DNC stands for both Democratic National Committee and Democratic National Convention. The Democratic National Committee organizes the Democratic National Convention.
Any chance Bernie might end up being the candidate by the time the convention is done? Personally I believe that's the only chance the dems have of winning this one.

I agree. How they ended up with Hillary over Bernie is beyond my comprehension.
DNC stands for both Democratic National Committee and Democratic National Convention. The Democratic National Committee organizes the Democratic National Convention.

Well, that's confusing. So is it the 'Democratic National Committee's Democratic National Convention'? I think "Democratic National Committee convention" is probably correct because it would be redundant to say convention twice.

Hahaha -- captions, anyone?
DNC stands for both Democratic National Committee and Democratic National Convention. The Democratic National Committee organizes the Democratic National Convention.

Well, that's confusing. So is it the 'Democratic National Committee's Democratic National Convention'? I think "Democratic National Committee convention" is probably correct because it would be redundant to say convention twice.

Then: DNC^2


This is making me dizzy ...
It's like a high school pep rally with each class trying to outdo the other with the "Hillary" and "Bernie" chants.
Sounds like democracy, to me! ;)
Bernie Sanders has texted supporters to NOT boo or protest in any way at the DNC. I guess they didn't get the memo.
Bernie supporters are getting a lil quieter.

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