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DJT's DocsGate - exhibit A (1 Viewer)


Air Muscle
DP Veteran
Dec 1, 2020
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The FBI searched Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida after it obtained evidence there was probably an effort to conceal classified documents in defiance of a grand jury subpoena and despite Trump’s lawyers suggesting otherwise, the Department of Justice said in a court filing late on Tuesday night.

Among new revelations in the 36-page filing were that agents recovered three classified documents from desks in Trump’s office and additional classified files from a storage room, contrary to what Trump’s lawyers indicated.

The DoJ suggested the effort to conceal documents started on 3 June, as Trump’s representatives produced a single legal envelope, double-taped, in response to a subpoena for materials removed from the White House.

In an exhibit resembling how the justice department would show the results of a drug bust, the filing included a photo of retrieved documents emblazoned with classification markings including “top secret” and “secret” designations.
Does anything say declassified?
To my knowledge, it does not. More importantly, docs are stated to be in the category of top secret. Now, the question is - how many of all highly classified docs stolen from the White House had photos taken of them and hidden or transferred to other people during the past year and a half?
To my knowledge, it does not. More importantly, docs are stated to be in the category of top secret. Now, the question is - how many of all highly classified docs stolen from the White House had photos taken of them and hidden or transferred to other people during the past year and a half?

I would be willing to bet quite a few of them.
The lunatic FPOTUS responds.

I would be willing to bet quite a few of them.
Here's a very interesting article by Newsweek that makes educated guesses to what was classified per dates on some docs. Samplings below.


What the Dates on Trump's Secret Documents Tell Us About What Was Found​

The May document, also listed as "top secret," contains no specific security classification. However, its release came in the lead-up to major events involving the United States abroad, including the escalation of the Saudi-Yemeni conflict and revelations around new human rights violations in the Syrian civil war.

The following month, Trump and North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un were scheduled to meet at a nuclear summit in Singapore, marking the first-ever meeting between leaders of the two nations. And in Russia, residents took to the streets in a new escalation of civil protests as President Vladimir Putin's government—already under renewed international scrutiny for the country's alleged role in the 2014 downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17—increased military tensions with NATO and Ukraine.

The biggest coincidence with the May 9 document, however, likely lies with what happened just one day earlier: Trump's announcement that the United States would be withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal.
Here's a very interesting article by Newsweek that makes educated guesses to what was classified per dates on some docs. Samplings below.


What the Dates on Trump's Secret Documents Tell Us About What Was Found​

The May document, also listed as "top secret," contains no specific security classification. However, its release came in the lead-up to major events involving the United States abroad, including the escalation of the Saudi-Yemeni conflict and revelations around new human rights violations in the Syrian civil war.

The following month, Trump and North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un were scheduled to meet at a nuclear summit in Singapore, marking the first-ever meeting between leaders of the two nations. And in Russia, residents took to the streets in a new escalation of civil protests as President Vladimir Putin's government—already under renewed international scrutiny for the country's alleged role in the 2014 downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17—increased military tensions with NATO and Ukraine.

The biggest coincidence with the May 9 document, however, likely lies with what happened just one day earlier: Trump's announcement that the United States would be withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal.

You wouldn't think those would be the kind of documents he could take with him when he left, lol.
You wouldn't think those would be the kind of documents he could take with him when he left, lol.
I kinda wondered that myself. However, Newsweek only explains what was taking place 'out there' close to those dates. The actual information on docs could be more damning. Now, for the dumbass part in me. Are there legal duplicates of info on all classified docs still kept on file somewhere?
I kinda wondered that myself. However, Newsweek only explains what was taking place 'out there' close to those dates. The actual information on docs could be more damning. Now, for the dumbass part in me. Are there legal duplicates of info on all classified docs still kept on file somewhere?

The dumbass part in me has no answer, sadly.
I kinda wondered that myself. However, Newsweek only explains what was taking place 'out there' close to those dates. The actual information on docs could be more damning. Now, for the dumbass part in me. Are there legal duplicates of info on all classified docs still kept on file somewhere?

I wish I did know, and I wish I could connect all the dots as to what he had/what was happening.
I wish I did know, and I wish I could connect all the dots as to what he had/what was happening.
If you knew all of that, that rock on your finger wouldn't compare to how much money you could make right now. :geek:

I just finished a private discussion with me and my dumbass and asking the question to what you stated a little while ago. Why these docs?

Possibly information in those docs contained stuff that had him being looked at by the FBI; Possibly information in those docs contained juicy stuff that some foreign nations would love to know about and he could gain favors/money for that information or possibly information on those that he considered his enemies here in the states that he might gain control over said persons if they didn't do as he demanded. Knowing that pos like we do today, I'd say all the above.
If you knew all of that, that rock on your finger wouldn't compare to how much money you could make right now. :geek:

I just finished a private discussion with me and my dumbass and asking the question to what you stated a little while ago. Why these docs?

Possibly information in those docs contained stuff that had him being looked at by the FBI; Possibly information in those docs contained juicy stuff that some foreign nations would love to know about and he could gain favors/money for that information or possibly information on those that he considered his enemies here in the states that he might gain control over said persons if they didn't do as he demanded. Knowing that pos like we do today, I'd say all the above.

Hmm. There is one I'm drooling over - only $91,000.00! As if, lol. Damn me and my lack of knowledge as to Trump's criming!.

Blackmail & revenge info would not surprise me in the least. Stuff for sale wouldn't surprise me in the least, either. The only thing that would surprise me would be any documents he didn't think would benefit him in some way. Hell, even the Time photo he can use for bragging, if indeed it is a real one and not a fake like he had in MAL.
Hmm. There is one I'm drooling over - only $91,000.00! As if, lol. Damn me and my lack of knowledge as to Trump's criming!.
You're scaring me! :D
Blackmail & revenge info would not surprise me in the least. Stuff for sale wouldn't surprise me in the least, either. The only thing that would surprise me would be any documents he didn't think would benefit him in some way. Hell, even the Time photo he can use for bragging, if indeed it is a real one and not a fake like he had in MAL.
I also forgot something else that is worth mentioning brought up by a reporter or talking head on tv. DJT could threaten to release docs to the open public if he thought that it would keep him from being prosecuted/tried for all of his crimes. That was mentioned about a week or so ago when DJT was busted for stealing docs and stashing them at Mar-a-Lago. He knew that the DOJ was then serious about coming after him. The ole bargaining chip ploy.

I bet Moscow would like to have several of those docs that he stole. Think how much more Putin would love him to get them - if it's not happened already.
You're scaring me! :D

I also forgot something else that is worth mentioning brought up by a reporter or talking head on tv. DJT could threaten to release docs to the open public if he thought that it would keep him from being prosecuted/tried for all of his crimes. That was mentioned about a week or so ago when DJT was busted for stealing docs and stashing them at Mar-a-Lago. He knew that the DOJ was then serious about coming after him. The ole bargaining chip ploy.

I bet Moscow would like to have several of those docs that he stole. Think how much more Putin would love him to get them - if it's not happened already.

I would hope Garland wouldn't give into blackmail, but you never know just what Trump has. I want to know!
View attachment 67409795

The FBI searched Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida after it obtained evidence there was probably an effort to conceal classified documents in defiance of a grand jury subpoena and despite Trump’s lawyers suggesting otherwise, the Department of Justice said in a court filing late on Tuesday night.

Among new revelations in the 36-page filing were that agents recovered three classified documents from desks in Trump’s office and additional classified files from a storage room, contrary to what Trump’s lawyers indicated.

The DoJ suggested the effort to conceal documents started on 3 June, as Trump’s representatives produced a single legal envelope, double-taped, in response to a subpoena for materials removed from the White House.

In an exhibit resembling how the justice department would show the results of a drug bust, the filing included a photo of retrieved documents emblazoned with classification markings including “top secret” and “secret” designations.

Please stop using "-gate" as a suffix for everything.
The American people have been drowned in so much of this that adding -gate to something just numbs them further.
This is treason, so please call it what it really is.
Please stop using "-gate" as a suffix for everything.
The American people have been drowned in so much of this that adding -gate to something just numbs them further.
This is treason, so please call it what it really is.
Maybe not treason, not with what we know right now. Just mundane crimes such as espionage and obstruction.

I would hope Garland wouldn't give into blackmail, but you never know just what Trump has. I want to know!
I agree. AG Garland must see this through right to the end. Just as the 1/6 Committee must see their investigation through until the end. Just as the DOJ must see the 1/6/21 Capitol assault through until the end. No matter all the crap that DJ and his shifty lawyers throw at them.

Now, if you haven't heard since about 25 minutes ago, last night when the DOJ rejected the use of a Special Master they also provided the content of the subpoena used to obtain certain docs during their search. I don't remember the actual type of classification listed in that subpoena along with the other classifications of docs listed that the FBI but because you and others want to know what docs DJT stole and had in his possession at Mar-a-Lago, one set of docs represented nuclear arms/material. Just for giggles, that original classification occurred under the Atomic Energy Act. Said nuclear arms/material became the property of our US military. In that subpoenaed, the FBI was looking to recover those particular docs that is highly secretive and sensitive. If memory serves me correctly, DJT has already denied having nuclear related docs. WRONG!!
Has anything been heard from the judge after DOJ's filing?

And Trump isn't WRONG, he's a LIAR.
Does anything say declassified?
Only in Trump's brain 😱

C'mon if there had been a blanket declassification policy in the West Wing, would not Meadows or someone else at the VERY least have done a memo of record, or as we military folks call it CYA, cover your ass. He is a liar, there was no policy.
Only in Trump's brain 😱

C'mon if there had been a blanket declassification policy in the West Wing, would not Meadows or someone else at the VERY least have done a memo of record, or as we military folks call it CYA, cover your ass. He is a liar, there was no policy.

Of course there wasn't.
Please stop using "-gate" as a suffix for everything.
The American people have been drowned in so much of this that adding -gate to something just numbs them further.
This is treason, so please call it what it really is.
Checkerboard strangler doesn’t like -gate gate

Sorry, had to :p
The lunatic FPOTUS responds.

WTF is he babbling about, some FBI agent getting there ass chewed.

What was your intent with the documents?

Why did you hide documents from the FBI?

Why did you lie to the about possessing additional documents to the FBI after the retrieval in June?

The American people have questions
Checkerboard strangler doesn’t like -gate gate

Sorry, had to :p
I just figure people subconsciously lump everything together if there's a "gate" in the name.
And this is just too serious...it's not "papergate" or "secretgate" ---- it's ****ing treason.

In another time or another country, people hang for this.
I just figure people subconsciously lump everything together if there's a "gate" in the name.
And this is just too serious...it's not "papergate" or "secretgate" ---- it's ****ing treason.

In another time or another country, people hang for this.
I like treasongate
Maybe not treason, not with what we know right now. Just mundane crimes such as espionage and obstruction.

I wonder if Habba would use those same words in a courtroom under oath?

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