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Did you ... (1 Viewer)

Did you know Debate Politics has an online store?

  • Total voters
Do they have MAGA hats?

I gave @ the office.......
I gave @ the office.......
Why are you providing an answer to a question no one asked while not answering the poll question?
I'm still disappointed that my suggestion of a bloodstained shirt that said "I killed God and all I got was this dumb shirt" didn't get approved.
I'm still disappointed that my suggestion of a bloodstained shirt that said "I killed God and all I got was this dumb shirt" didn't get approved.
So that means your vote in the poll should have been "yes." Yet, for some reason I do not see it. How odd. 😈
Who Read This Thread (Total Members: 18)
Interesting feature.

5 votes out of 18.
(cough) Fantastic. iLOL
I did not, but now I do. Curious about how sales are.
I did not, but now I do. Curious about how sales are.
I was hoping to generate some interest.

There was a thread about it in the Announcements sub-forum back in 2011.
It is still there on the first page. 5th post down.
Anyone else not know?

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