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Desperate Democrats Are Already Borrowing One of Trump's Favorite Slogans Ahead of Midterms [W:76] (1 Viewer)


Educating the Ignorant
DP Veteran
Dec 19, 2008
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As the 2018 midterm elections approach, Democrats have shifted away from focusing on their “Better Deal” economic plan and are starting to embrace one of President Donald Trump's favorite slogans, “drain the swamp,” in hopes they can spin it to their advantage.


Just can’t make it up. And it’s beyond dimwitted, but if they think it’ll work... Go for it. But I have the feeling this is going to be about as believable as Schumer, Schiff and Pelosi.

I guess running on Russian collusion and raising taxes isn’t polling well... ROTFLOL...

Dems do not have much, or anything to offer. They shot their wad trying to nail Trump, and instead... are getting bitch slapped in the worst way possible...

A Crossfire Hurricane is revealing ObamaGate/SpyGate... where Obama makes Nixon look like a saint.

”Drain the Swamp”... yep... it looks like Democrats are being exposed and hopefully will face justice.

Dems are hoping Criminal Hillary will keep her fat yap shut... because that is one massive bottle with legs... Swamp problem.

[h=1]In messaging shift, Democrats are now the ones promising to 'drain the swamp'[/h]In messaging shift, Democrats are now the ones promising to 'drain the swamp' | Fox News
Re: Desperate Democrats Are Already Borrowing One of Trump's Favorite Slogans Ahead of Midterms

Just can’t make it up. And it’s beyond dimwitted, but if they think it’ll work... Go for it. But I have the feeling this is going to be about as believable as Schumer, Schiff and Pelosi.

I guess running on Russian collusion and raising taxes isn’t polling well... ROTFLOL...

Dems do not have much, or anything to offer. They shot their wad trying to nail Trump, and instead... are getting bitch slapped in the worst way possible...

A Crossfire Hurricane is revealing ObamaGate/SpyGate... where Obama makes Nixon look like a saint.

”Drain the Swamp”... yep... it looks like Democrats are being exposed and hopefully will face justice.

Dems are hoping Criminal Hillary will keep her fat yap shut... because that is one massive bottle with legs... Swamp problem.

[h=1]In messaging shift, Democrats are now the ones promising to 'drain the swamp'[/h]In messaging shift, Democrats are now the ones promising to 'drain the swamp' | Fox News

Wonder who their candidate will be. Let's see if someone like Corey Booker can "drain the swamp".
Re: Desperate Democrats Are Already Borrowing One of Trump's Favorite Slogans Ahead of Midterms

Im assuming this is sarcasm?

Well I suppose so, its odd that a party that has nominated Clinton last will attempt to play to this idea of people being fed up with Washington.
Re: Desperate Democrats Are Already Borrowing One of Trump's Favorite Slogans Ahead of Midterms

Well I suppose so, its odd that a party that has nominated Clinton last will attempt to play to this idea of people being fed up with Washington.

Look at the guy the other party elected to drain the swamp?

It will just be a slogan for anyone until money is removed from politics.
Re: Desperate Democrats Are Already Borrowing One of Trump's Favorite Slogans Ahead of Midterms

Just can’t make it up. And it’s beyond dimwitted, but if they think it’ll work... Go for it. But I have the feeling this is going to be about as believable as Schumer, Schiff and Pelosi.

I guess running on Russian collusion and raising taxes isn’t polling well... ROTFLOL...

Dems do not have much, or anything to offer. They shot their wad trying to nail Trump, and instead... are getting bitch slapped in the worst way possible...

A Crossfire Hurricane is revealing ObamaGate/SpyGate... where Obama makes Nixon look like a saint.

”Drain the Swamp”... yep... it looks like Democrats are being exposed and hopefully will face justice.

Dems are hoping Criminal Hillary will keep her fat yap shut... because that is one massive bottle with legs... Swamp problem.

[h=1]In messaging shift, Democrats are now the ones promising to 'drain the swamp'[/h]In messaging shift, Democrats are now the ones promising to 'drain the swamp' | Fox News

Considering the scandals Trump's "good people" in his cabinet are experiencing along with Trumps own scandals it is a obvious move. Trump has made his very own swamp on top of Washington's
Re: Desperate Democrats Are Already Borrowing One of Trump's Favorite Slogans Ahead of Midterms

Look at the guy the other party elected to drain the swamp?

It will just be a slogan for anyone until money is removed from politics.
Look at what he’s done towards draining it...

Thanks to dimwitted political enemies, his tweet about Obama spying has been proven true.

That will cause some serious draining and realigning.
Re: Desperate Democrats Are Already Borrowing One of Trump's Favorite Slogans Ahead of Midterms

Considering the scandals Trump's "good people" in his cabinet are experiencing along with Trumps own scandals it is a obvious move. Trump has made his very own swamp on top of Washington's

Trump Impeachment isn’t working... so they’ll try this?

With all the sexual abuse scandals related to Leftists in the past year... why not go take a trip down memory lane and dig up the slogan from 2006?

It’s a war on women... ROTFLOL... it will work just as well as co-opting Trump’s “Drain the Swamp”.

If they’re stupid enough to co-opt his slogan, he’ll have a great time mocking Dems.

This move by the Dems rates as... all-time moronic.

But... I guess they don’t have anything to run on like ... the economy, ISIS, borders, taxes...

Re: Desperate Democrats Are Already Borrowing One of Trump's Favorite Slogans Ahead of Midterms

Trump Impeachment isn’t working... so they’ll try this?

With all the sexual abuse scandals related to Leftists in the past year... why not go take a trip down memory lane and dig up the slogan from 2006?

It’s a war on women... ROTFLOL... it will work just as well as co-opting Trump’s “Drain the Swamp”.

He’ll have a great time mocking Dems.

This move by the Dems rates as... all-time moronic.

But... I guess they don’t have anything to run on like ... the economy, ISIS, borders, taxes...


They have plenty to run on. Trump gives them more everyday. Now he want to throw NFL players out of the country for exercising their 1st amendment rights.
Re: Desperate Democrats Are Already Borrowing One of Trump's Favorite Slogans Ahead of Midterms

They have plenty to run on. Trump gives them more everyday. Now he want to throw NFL players out of the country for exercising their 1st amendment rights.

There are plenty of issues for Democrats to run on. People like the OP need these biased articles that reenforce their own confirmation bias. Among the issues are:

  • Health care -- and how the GOP Congress has acted to throw millions of Americans off insurance, raise the premiums and have the government pay more.
  • Attacks on Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security -- before the ink was dry on the GOP tax-cut on the rich, GOP leaders were planning to reduce these programs to pay for the cuts.
  • Capping SALT deductions in blue states -- Blue states have many Republican Congressfolk. They are located mostly in wealthy areas that are mostly effected by dropping SALT. Demographically, there are many swing states.
  • Net Neutrality -- having these rules are very popular and the GOP is on the wrong side.
  • Corruption -- the party that said it was draining the swamp, against pay to play, etc. are the epitome of these. The Trump Admin is essentially a criminal enterprise.
Re: Desperate Democrats Are Already Borrowing One of Trump's Favorite Slogans Ahead of Midterms

Just can’t make it up. And it’s beyond dimwitted, but if they think it’ll work... Go for it. But I have the feeling this is going to be about as believable as Schumer, Schiff and Pelosi.



In the Quinnipiac poll, McConnell was 14 points lower in approval than Trump, while the Kentucky senator’s disapproval was 6 points higher than Trump’s.
The secret of McConnell’s “success” in this dubious category is being disliked by everyone. It’s no surprise that Democrats find him odious—McConnell’s unfavorables are 50 points higher than his favorables with his natural antagonists.
Re: Desperate Democrats Are Already Borrowing One of Trump's Favorite Slogans Ahead of Midterms

Wonder who their candidate will be. Let's see if someone like Corey Booker can "drain the swamp".
Even without any draining, at least not adding swamp dwellers to it like Trump did and does is still better.
Re: Desperate Democrats Are Already Borrowing One of Trump's Favorite Slogans Ahead of Midterms

Look at what he’s done towards draining it...
Absolutely nothing. He added more low life imbeciles to it.

Thanks to dimwitted political enemies
The Trump supporters are part of the problem.

his tweet about Obama spying has been proven true.
Only in the minds of the low intellect Trump minions.
Re: Desperate Democrats Are Already Borrowing One of Trump's Favorite Slogans Ahead of Midterms

Absolutely nothing. He added more low life imbeciles to it.

The Trump supporters are part of the problem.

Only in the minds of the low intellect Trump minions.


Obama is the new Nixon... the game clock is simply counting down until it’s 100% official.

And time is on our side. :)

It takes talent to corrupt the CIA, FBI, DoJ, and IRS like Obama’s did.

Herr Hussein Obama has proven he has game.
Re: Desperate Democrats Are Already Borrowing One of Trump's Favorite Slogans Ahead of Midterms

Yea a good sign that you have nothing intelligent and coherent.

Obama is the new Nixon...
Nice delusion.

And time is on our side. :)
On my side? How did you come up with such moronic tripe?
Re: Desperate Democrats Are Already Borrowing One of Trump's Favorite Slogans Ahead of Midterms

Yea a good sign that you have nothing intelligent and coherent.

Nice delusion.

On my side? How did you come up with such moronic tripe?
Ahhh... the old ”Yea a good sign that you have nothing intelligent and coherent” ploy.

Which means you have nothing much to say.

Obama is the new Nixon... incredible he beat out the Clintons for the title!

Time is on our side; the deep state may try to slow walk this... but the truth will come out. It already has. Now it’s to watch the scurrying masses of culprits try to play a shell game.

It’s been fun to watch... Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Yates... retards... try to spin this. It’s marvelous entertainment. They’re sick and corrupt to the core, and have done great damage... but the **** is done... may as well enjoy watching the roaches get corralled.

Obama used 3rd World Banana Republic ****hole tactics to spy on a political opponent.

Obama is the new Nixon.

THe NYT accidentally let the cat out of the bag, and no amount of scurrying is going to get it back in.
Last edited:
Re: Desperate Democrats Are Already Borrowing One of Trump's Favorite Slogans Ahead of Midterms

Look at the guy the other party elected to drain the swamp?

It will just be a slogan for anyone until money is removed from politics.

There will always be money in politics, the only way to limit the corruption is to limit the size and scope of government.
Re: Desperate Democrats Are Already Borrowing One of Trump's Favorite Slogans Ahead of Midterms

Ahhh... the old ”Yea a good sign that you have nothing intelligent and coherent” ploy.
Just a simple fact.

Obama is the new Nixon...
You are welcome to delude yourself all you want, because that is all you do.

Time is on our side
Sure it is.

the deep state may try to slow walk this...
Right, then your foil hat will disintegrate and reality will set in.

but the truth will come out.
Of course it will.
Re: Desperate Democrats Are Already Borrowing One of Trump's Favorite Slogans Ahead of Midterms

There will always be money in politics, the only way to limit the corruption is to limit the size and scope of government.

Other countries use public funding rather than campaign contributions. We have a system were total campaign costs over a billion total. That makes politicians beholden to people that can give that kind of money.

The majority of govt spending is military, ss, midical care.
Re: Desperate Democrats Are Already Borrowing One of Trump's Favorite Slogans Ahead of Midterms

Other countries use public funding rather than campaign contributions. We have a system were total campaign costs over a billion total. That makes politicians beholden to people that can give that kind of money.

The majority of govt spending is military, ss, midical care.

Even if you were to make campaign contributions illegal it would simply push it underground. As long as politicians will be interfering in the market there will always be those that try to sway politicians in order to give them an edge.

You could pass a law that states that any politician taking money from any group would be ineligible to vote on anything regarding said group and end campaign contributions instantly. I'm pretty sure you won't find more than 3 politicians that would vote for that.
Re: Desperate Democrats Are Already Borrowing One of Trump's Favorite Slogans Ahead of Midterms

Just can’t make it up. And it’s beyond dimwitted, but if they think it’ll work... Go for it. But I have the feeling this is going to be about as believable as Schumer, Schiff and Pelosi.

Given that this policy of continuing to go negative instead of running on substantive policy almost certainly originated from the likes of the legitimacy free Clinton wing championed by Schumer, Schiff and Pelosi, you're probably right.
Re: Desperate Democrats Are Already Borrowing One of Trump's Favorite Slogans Ahead of Midterms

There are plenty of issues for Democrats to run on. People like the OP need these biased articles that reenforce their own confirmation bias. Among the issues are:

  • Health care -- and how the GOP Congress has acted to throw millions of Americans off insurance, raise the premiums and have the government pay more.
  • Attacks on Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security -- before the ink was dry on the GOP tax-cut on the rich, GOP leaders were planning to reduce these programs to pay for the cuts.
  • Capping SALT deductions in blue states -- Blue states have many Republican Congressfolk. They are located mostly in wealthy areas that are mostly effected by dropping SALT. Demographically, there are many swing states.
  • Net Neutrality -- having these rules are very popular and the GOP is on the wrong side.
  • Corruption -- the party that said it was draining the swamp, against pay to play, etc. are the epitome of these. The Trump Admin is essentially a criminal enterprise.


You want to blame the GOP for the increases in Obamacare? That’s delusional or flat out dishonest or both. It has run amuck with higher costs for less coverage since its inception.
Re: Desperate Democrats Are Already Borrowing One of Trump's Favorite Slogans Ahead of Midterms


You want to blame the GOP for the increases in Obamacare? That’s delusional or flat out dishonest or both. It has run amuck with higher costs for less coverage since its inception.

You are right, I must be imagining that under Trumpcare Government will spend $33 billion more to cover 8.9 million fewer Americans, as premiums soar
Those fiscal geniuses in the White House and Republican-controlled Congress have managed to do the impossible: Their sabotage of the Affordable Care Act will lead to 6.4 million fewer Americans with health insurance, while the federal bill for coverage rises by some $33 billion per year.

Also, by the way, premiums in the individual market will rise by an average of more than 18%.

Heck of a job.
Key Findings by the Urban Institute:

  • The elimination of the individual-mandate penalties and the other policy changes... will lead to an additional 6.4 million people uninsured in 2019 compared with prior law (12.5 percent of the nonelderly population uninsured compared with 10.2 percent).
  • The introduction of expanded short-term, limited-duration policies, consistent with proposed regulations, would increase the number of people without minimum essential coverage by 2.5 million in 2019. Of the 36.9 million people without minimum essential coverage, 32.6 million would have no coverage at all (completely uninsured), and 4.2 million would enroll in expanded short-term limited-duration plans.
  • The combined effect of eliminating the individual-mandate penalties and expanding short-term limited-duration policies would increase 2019 ACA-compliant no group insurance premiums 18.2 percent on average in the 43 states that do not prohibit or limit short-term plans.
  • Federal government spending in 2019 will be an estimated 9.3 percent higher than under prior law, owing to the combined effect of expanding short-term limited-duration policies, eliminating the individual-mandate penalties, and other recent policy changes. This increase in federal spending is lower than the overall increase in premiums because of cost reductions caused by decreases in enrollment
Re: Desperate Democrats Are Already Borrowing One of Trump's Favorite Slogans Ahead of Midterms

You are right, I must be imagining that under Trumpcare Government will spend $33 billion more to cover 8.9 million fewer Americans, as premiums soar

Key Findings by the Urban Institute:

  • The elimination of the individual-mandate penalties and the other policy changes... will lead to an additional 6.4 million people uninsured in 2019 compared with prior law (12.5 percent of the nonelderly population uninsured compared with 10.2 percent).
  • The introduction of expanded short-term, limited-duration policies, consistent with proposed regulations, would increase the number of people without minimum essential coverage by 2.5 million in 2019. Of the 36.9 million people without minimum essential coverage, 32.6 million would have no coverage at all (completely uninsured), and 4.2 million would enroll in expanded short-term limited-duration plans.
  • The combined effect of eliminating the individual-mandate penalties and expanding short-term limited-duration policies would increase 2019 ACA-compliant no group insurance premiums 18.2 percent on average in the 43 states that do not prohibit or limit short-term plans.
  • Federal government spending in 2019 will be an estimated 9.3 percent higher than under prior law, owing to the combined effect of expanding short-term limited-duration policies, eliminating the individual-mandate penalties, and other recent policy changes. This increase in federal spending is lower than the overall increase in premiums because of cost reductions caused by decreases in enrollment

But that was the dream plan of Yobamacare. Nice try but the Obamacare debacle, lies and failure it was/and is his Legacy.
Re: Desperate Democrats Are Already Borrowing One of Trump's Favorite Slogans Ahead of Midterms

Just can’t make it up. And it’s beyond dimwitted, but if they think it’ll work... Go for it. But I have the feeling this is going to be about as believable as Schumer, Schiff and Pelosi.

I guess running on Russian collusion and raising taxes isn’t polling well... ROTFLOL...

Dems do not have much, or anything to offer. They shot their wad trying to nail Trump, and instead... are getting bitch slapped in the worst way possible...

A Crossfire Hurricane is revealing ObamaGate/SpyGate... where Obama makes Nixon look like a saint.

”Drain the Swamp”... yep... it looks like Democrats are being exposed and hopefully will face justice.

Dems are hoping Criminal Hillary will keep her fat yap shut... because that is one massive bottle with legs... Swamp problem.

[h=1]In messaging shift, Democrats are now the ones promising to 'drain the swamp'[/h]In messaging shift, Democrats are now the ones promising to 'drain the swamp' | Fox News
Sorry, buddy. Your "but Hillary" knee-jerk is showing.
Trump *is* the swamp.

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