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Desperate Democrats Are Already Borrowing One of Trump's Favorite Slogans Ahead of Midterms [W:76] (1 Viewer)

Re: Desperate Democrats Are Already Borrowing One of Trump's Favorite Slogans Ahead of Midterms

I think his point is that he would prefer the ALL AMERICANS be united in love for the country. Reasonable debate in a proper and appropriate forum is encouraged.

The purpose of the thumb in the eye protest venue was to aggravate and offend. If ol' Colin was serious about providing a remedy to what it was that wandered through his brain when it did, he'd have used pulpit that his position afforded him to relay a thought.

Instead, he decided to piss on the flag and piss people off.

Mission accomplished!

Trump is the one pissing on the flag. I see you don't know what it symbolizes either.
Re: Desperate Democrats Are Already Borrowing One of Trump's Favorite Slogans Ahead of Midterms

Look at what he’s done towards draining it...

Thanks to dimwitted political enemies, his tweet about Obama spying has been proven true.

That will cause some serious draining and realigning.

It hasn't been proven. Show us the proof.
Re: Desperate Democrats Are Already Borrowing One of Trump's Favorite Slogans Ahead of Midterms

There are obviously going to be some ground shaking reveals contained in the IG Report.

It's probably a good time to not be Clapper, Comey, Brennan, Lynch, Holder, Clinton or Obama.

LOL Yea like the great reveal this week? What happen to the "spy story"?
But you are right it is a difficult time to be a patriotic American but it is a worse time to be acquaintance of Trump. 19 indictments and 5 guilty pleas so far. And that is the tip of the iceberg.
Re: Desperate Democrats Are Already Borrowing One of Trump's Favorite Slogans Ahead of Midterms

Trump is the one pissing on the flag. I see you don't know what it symbolizes either.

There is a saying comparing a married couple to a pair of scissors. It observes that the two halves are often moving in opposite directions, but is is wise to not come between them.

There is another about standards of conduct. Only about 5% of actions are outlawed and only about 5% are mandated. The other 90% is regulated by courtesy.

In the case of CK, I'm not in any way saying that what he did is illegal, just that it is discourteous in the extreme.

He is perfectly within his rights to piss on the flag and I am perfectly within mine to condemn this act of bad manners.

Again, Whatever message he was thinking about, his action was calculated specifically to offend. Mission accomplished!

He could have delivered whatever his message might have been on that day and not alienated 70% of the country.
Re: Desperate Democrats Are Already Borrowing One of Trump's Favorite Slogans Ahead of Midterms

LOL Yea like the great reveal this week? What happen to the "spy story"?
But you are right it is a difficult time to be a patriotic American but it is a worse time to be acquaintance of Trump. 19 indictments and 5 guilty pleas so far. And that is the tip of the iceberg.

That's actually the proof of the police state.

Don't you find it at all interesting that the stories are all changing and the tables are all turning as the IG Report moves forward?

Comey, Clapper and Brennan have all been lying the behinds off.

This is going to be getting very interesting very soon.
Re: Desperate Democrats Are Already Borrowing One of Trump's Favorite Slogans Ahead of Midterms

There is a saying comparing a married couple to a pair of scissors. It observes that the two halves are often moving in opposite directions, but is is wise to not come between them.

There is another about standards of conduct. Only about 5% of actions are outlawed and only about 5% are mandated. The other 90% is regulated by courtesy.

In the case of CK, I'm not in any way saying that what he did is illegal, just that it is discourteous in the extreme.

He is perfectly within his rights to piss on the flag and I am perfectly within mine to condemn this act of bad manners.

Again, Whatever message he was thinking about, his action was calculated specifically to offend. Mission accomplished!

He could have delivered whatever his message might have been on that day and not alienated 70% of the country.

LOL That's right. Throw him out of the country for expressing his views. That is Trumpism at it's finest. You just lap it up. Sad.
Re: Desperate Democrats Are Already Borrowing One of Trump's Favorite Slogans Ahead of Midterms

LOL That's right. Throw him out of the country for expressing his views. That is Trumpism at it's finest. You just lap it up. Sad.

Did my post include anything even remotely connected to you response?
Re: Desperate Democrats Are Already Borrowing One of Trump's Favorite Slogans Ahead of Midterms

That's actually the proof of the police state.

Don't you find it at all interesting that the stories are all changing and the tables are all turning as the IG Report moves forward?

Comey, Clapper and Brennan have all been lying the behinds off.

This is going to be getting very interesting very soon.

Actually the indictments are proof of the corruption that surrounds and defines Trump, corruption that you must ignore and deflect because it is against your tribal interests. I am not worried about anything your tribe does. The rule of law is king not Trump. He is going down just like Nixon did. Trump picked the wrong country, this is not Russia as much as you would like it to be.
Re: Desperate Democrats Are Already Borrowing One of Trump's Favorite Slogans Ahead of Midterms

Healthcare is the single biggest reason that the democrats are in the mess they are in. Obamacare immediately threw 8 million Americans off of Health Insurance. I should know. I was one of them. And calling it the "affordable healthcare act" is ludicrous. it was the individual mandate and the one size fits all approach that has caused health insurance costs to balloon well past what previously existed. Obamacare is was the single biggest factor in the democrats losing the white house as well as both houses of congress.
So Obamacare immediately threw 8 million Americans off health insurance? Who knew -- certainly not the numbers. You guys truly live in an alternative universe. Let me remind you that Obama overwhelmingly won reelection in 2012, two years after Obamacare was passed and that Hillary received millions of more votes. So, Obamacare wasn't that unpopular, huh?

[FONT=&quot]The ACA has led to unprecedented gains in coverage through a carrot-and-stick approach.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]The stick was Obamacare's individual mandate, which required nearly all Americans to have some form of health coverage as of 2014, or pay a fine in the form of a tax penalty.[/FONT]


Foundation(slush fund). Clinton's sold government influence with it's donors assuming that Hillary was going to be the next president. They are now attempting to revive it as donations dropped to near zero after Hillary Von Pantsuit lost the election.
The smear campaign that asserted, without facts, that the Clinton Foundation sold influence was completely discredited.

According to their reporting, Clinton spent a remarkably large share of her time as America’s chief diplomat talking to people who had donated money to the Clinton Foundation. She went out of her way to help these Clinton Foundation donors, and her decision to do so raises important concerns about the ethics of her conduct as secretary and potentially as president. It’s a striking piece of reporting that made immediate waves in my social media feed, as political journalists of all stripes retweeted the story’s headline conclusions.
Except it turns out not to be true. The nut fact that the AP uses to lead its coverage is wrong, and Braun and Sullivan’s reporting reveals absolutely no unethical conduct. In fact, they found so little unethical conduct that an enormous amount of space is taken up by a detailed recounting of the time Clinton tried to help a former Nobel Peace Prize winner who’s also the recipient of a Congressional Gold Medal and a Presidential Medal of Freedom.
Re: Desperate Democrats Are Already Borrowing One of Trump's Favorite Slogans Ahead of Midterms

Actually the indictments are proof of the corruption that surrounds and defines Trump, corruption that you must ignore and deflect because it is against your tribal interests. I am not worried about anything your tribe does. The rule of law is king not Trump. He is going down just like Nixon did. Trump picked the wrong country, this is not Russia as much as you would like it to be.

Interesting take. The world's most overstated Capitalist is to you a Communist.

Granting greater self determination and less government control is not what Russia is known for. Trump's trade marks are cutting taxes and scrapping regulations.

What is it that you think Trump is doing that seems like it is Russia-like?

What are all of these indictments in regard to? When did any of these alleged crimes occur? Why were the guilty pleas made?

Police state tactics of intimidation are hardly proof of anything other than police state tactics of intimidation.
Re: Desperate Democrats Are Already Borrowing One of Trump's Favorite Slogans Ahead of Midterms

Which you could not refute or even address.

Good job!
To refute the tripe you posted? :lamo:lamo:lamo
Re: Desperate Democrats Are Already Borrowing One of Trump's Favorite Slogans Ahead of Midterms

To refute the tripe you posted? :lamo:lamo:lamo

You asked what he's done to drain the swamp.

I told you one of the approaches he is pursuing and demonstrated why it was important to the draining and one of the real world examples why it will be helpful.

You started to cry like a little girl.

You are free to man up if you'd like.
Re: Desperate Democrats Are Already Borrowing One of Trump's Favorite Slogans Ahead of Midterms

Interesting take. The world's most overstated Capitalist is to you a Communist.

Granting greater self determination and less government control is not what Russia is known for. Trump's trade marks are cutting taxes and scrapping regulations.

What is it that you think Trump is doing that seems like it is Russia-like?

What are all of these indictments in regard to? When did any of these alleged crimes occur? Why were the guilty pleas made?

Police state tactics of intimidation are hardly proof of anything other than police state tactics of intimidation.

Scrapping regulations that keep Govt. honest so he can fill the swamp with corruption. You actually like it when Trump sells out your country for his own personal gains. That is real tribalism for sure. At the very least the indictments show the caliber of Trump's "good people" that he surrounds himself with. Trump has skirted the law his entire life but now as President he is being held to a higher standard that he can never measure up to. He's toast. The whole world will breath a sign of relief when he is out...well except for his tribe and Putin of course.
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Re: Desperate Democrats Are Already Borrowing One of Trump's Favorite Slogans Ahead of Midterms

Scrapping regulations that keep Govt. honest so he can fill the swamp with corruption. You actually like it when Trump sells out your country for his own personal gains. That is real tribalism for sure. At the very least the indictments show the caliber of Trump's "good people" that he surrounds himself with. Trump has skirted the law his entire life but now as President he is being held to a higher standard that he can never measure up to. He's toast. The whole world will breath a sign of relief when he is out...well except for his tribe and Putin of course.

Link? For anything?
Re: Desperate Democrats Are Already Borrowing One of Trump's Favorite Slogans Ahead of Midterms

You asked what he's done to drain the swamp.
Yes and you came back with the drivel about regulations. Maybe you should educate yourself about the meaning of draining the swamp.
Re: Desperate Democrats Are Already Borrowing One of Trump's Favorite Slogans Ahead of Midterms

Yes and you came back with the drivel about regulations. Maybe you should educate yourself about the meaning of draining the swamp.

Maybe you should defend your position or support your assertion.

The swamp is comprised of many things and one of them is the pencil necked petty tyrants trying to control those afflicted by their pencil necked petty zealotry.

Regulations is their weapon.

Regulations is one of many things that skew the risk/reward equation.

Out of curiosity, what do you think the swamp is? If your definition has nothing to do with corruption and control, you're missing the boat.
Re: Desperate Democrats Are Already Borrowing One of Trump's Favorite Slogans Ahead of Midterms

No. One can't make up how clueless you are.

"drain the swamp" was originally used metaphorically in 1903 by Social Democratic Party organizer Winfield R. Gaylord.

It's been borrowed by at least a half dozen US politicians. Trumps version......


[B][SIZE=3]ROTFLOL... talk about TOTALLY clueless. You missed the point ENTIRELY.[/SIZE][/B]

Trump used the term to great effect in 2016... Democrats are idiots to try to use it in 2018.

It’s a marketing thing.

But hey, I love it when Democrats do stupid things... to themselves.
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Re: Desperate Democrats Are Already Borrowing One of Trump's Favorite Slogans Ahead of Midterms

It hasn't been proven. Show us the proof.

Semantics... You folks want to call the spy an “informant”... ROTFLOL...

OK... an informant who spied.

Clapper admitted there was a spy... did not like the term, but tough darts... he was a spy...


“Protecting Trump”

Re: Desperate Democrats Are Already Borrowing One of Trump's Favorite Slogans Ahead of Midterms

Maybe you should defend your position or support your assertion.
Defend what? I asked a simple question and you replied with irrelevant drivel.

The swamp is comprised of many things
Redefining things to suit your drivel is dishonest in the least.
Re: Desperate Democrats Are Already Borrowing One of Trump's Favorite Slogans Ahead of Midterms

Defend what? I asked a simple question and you replied with irrelevant drivel.

Redefining things to suit your drivel is dishonest in the least.

Don't you just hate it when a poster edits your words to change the meaning and then posts them as if the edit never happened?
Re: Desperate Democrats Are Already Borrowing One of Trump's Favorite Slogans Ahead of Midterms

Don't you just hate it when a poster edits your words to change the meaning and then posts them as if the edit never happened?
Now the victim of editing eh? How about instead something relevant and intelligent?
Re: Desperate Democrats Are Already Borrowing One of Trump's Favorite Slogans Ahead of Midterms

Just can’t make it up. And it’s beyond dimwitted, but if they think it’ll work... Go for it. But I have the feeling this is going to be about as believable as Schumer, Schiff and Pelosi.

I guess running on Russian collusion and raising taxes isn’t polling well... ROTFLOL...

Dems do not have much, or anything to offer. They shot their wad trying to nail Trump, and instead... are getting bitch slapped in the worst way possible...

A Crossfire Hurricane is revealing ObamaGate/SpyGate... where Obama makes Nixon look like a saint.

”Drain the Swamp”... yep... it looks like Democrats are being exposed and hopefully will face justice.

Dems are hoping Criminal Hillary will keep her fat yap shut... because that is one massive bottle with legs... Swamp problem.

[h=1]In messaging shift, Democrats are now the ones promising to 'drain the swamp'[/h]In messaging shift, Democrats are now the ones promising to 'drain the swamp' | Fox News

In terms of a message to rally their base, they've been pretty woeful. The "Better Deal" didn't inspire interest and this one even less so. They need to find a better strategy other than riding anti-Trump sentiment. If they're against his policies then they should articulate those reasons otherwise they're going to fail.
Re: Desperate Democrats Are Already Borrowing One of Trump's Favorite Slogans Ahead of Midterms

In terms of a message to rally their base, they've been pretty woeful. The "Better Deal" didn't inspire interest and this one even less so. They need to find a better strategy other than riding anti-Trump sentiment. If they're against his policies then they should articulate those reasons otherwise they're going to fail.

I’m curious where this “riding anti trump sentiment” phenomenon exists in current candidates” platforms. Every candidate I’ve seen has been running on progressivist issues.
Re: Desperate Democrats Are Already Borrowing One of Trump's Favorite Slogans Ahead of Midterms

Now the victim of editing eh? How about instead something relevant and intelligent?

Not so much the victim of as as the witness to.

What you do here has absolutely no impact on me.

That said, though, I find it interesting that people who do what you did blame their target(s) for citing the rudeness employed.
Re: Desperate Democrats Are Already Borrowing One of Trump's Favorite Slogans Ahead of Midterms

Not so much the victim of as as the witness to.
Is that why you post drivel and deny it or divert from it?

What you do here has absolutely no impact on me.
Yea, that would require some posting integrity.

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