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Democrats Launch Smear Attacks on Amy Coney Barrett’s Adopted Children (1 Viewer)


Educating the Ignorant
DP Veteran
Dec 19, 2008
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Democrats began smearing Judge Amy Coney Barrett on Friday night before President Donald Trump even nominated her to become the next Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, which he is expected to do on Saturday afternoon.

Dana Houle, a Democrat activist who was once a chief of staff on Capitol Hill to a Democrat lawmaker, tweeted Friday night that he hopes Barrett is investigated over the children she and her husband adopted from Haiti. “I would love to know which adoption agency Amy Coney Barrett & her husband used to adopt the two children they brought here from Haiti,” Houle wrote.

“So here’s a Q: Does the press even investigate details of Barrett’s adoptions from Haiti?” Houle wrote in a follow-up tweet. “Some adoptions from Haiti were legit. Many were sketchy as hell. And if the press learned they were unethical & maybe illegal adoptions, would they report it? Or not bc it involves her children”

In a third follow-up tweet, Houle added: “Would it matter if her kids were scooped up by ultra-religious Americans, or Americans weren’t scrupulous intermediaries & the kids were taken when there was family in Haiti? I dunno. I think it does, but maybe it doesn’t, or shouldn’t.”

Well... what can you say after the Democrats Kavanaugh shit-show?

They found a way to go even lower.

The new Democrat Party logo: :poop:
I'm reminded more and more, every single day. Why I chose to leave such a party.

The depravity, the racism, the bigotry. It just got far too obvious to ignore.
Democrats began smearing Judge Amy Coney Barrett on Friday night before President Donald Trump even nominated her to become the next Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, which he is expected to do on Saturday afternoon.

Dana Houle, a Democrat activist who was once a chief of staff on Capitol Hill to a Democrat lawmaker, tweeted Friday night that he hopes Barrett is investigated over the children she and her husband adopted from Haiti. “I would love to know which adoption agency Amy Coney Barrett & her husband used to adopt the two children they brought here from Haiti,” Houle wrote.

“So here’s a Q: Does the press even investigate details of Barrett’s adoptions from Haiti?” Houle wrote in a follow-up tweet. “Some adoptions from Haiti were legit. Many were sketchy as hell. And if the press learned they were unethical & maybe illegal adoptions, would they report it? Or not bc it involves her children”

In a third follow-up tweet, Houle added: “Would it matter if her kids were scooped up by ultra-religious Americans, or Americans weren’t scrupulous intermediaries & the kids were taken when there was family in Haiti? I dunno. I think it does, but maybe it doesn’t, or shouldn’t.”

Well... what can you say after the Democrats Kavanaugh shit-show?

They found a way to go even lower.

The new Democrat Party logo: :poop:

Kavanaugh was a hack before we found out he was a rapey rage drunk.

And you folks want attacks on her kids. No one is doing that. You want attacks on her religion. Sorry!

We don’t even have to do that. This is a foregone nom. This is the whole GOP ballgame. You’re replacing RBG. Of course this is gonna thought.

All Dems need to do is ask her about the ACA and Roe. Das it.

We are gonna win an election and use her appointment to change the courts. Y’all are gonna do alllll the heavy lifting in this scenario. Amy Conan Barbarian is gonna get her seat. ;)
After the GOP stole Obama's final SCOTUS pick and has now stolen Biden's first SCOTUS pick, I would say anything the dems do or say at this point is fair game.
For sure...you would.

The ends justify any means, right? Even "peaceful" protests organized by the Democratic Party.
Democrats began smearing Judge Amy Coney Barrett on Friday night before President Donald Trump even nominated her to become the next Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, which he is expected to do on Saturday afternoon.

Dana Houle, a Democrat activist who was once a chief of staff on Capitol Hill to a Democrat lawmaker, tweeted Friday night that he hopes Barrett is investigated over the children she and her husband adopted from Haiti. “I would love to know which adoption agency Amy Coney Barrett & her husband used to adopt the two children they brought here from Haiti,” Houle wrote.

“So here’s a Q: Does the press even investigate details of Barrett’s adoptions from Haiti?” Houle wrote in a follow-up tweet. “Some adoptions from Haiti were legit. Many were sketchy as hell. And if the press learned they were unethical & maybe illegal adoptions, would they report it? Or not bc it involves her children”

In a third follow-up tweet, Houle added: “Would it matter if her kids were scooped up by ultra-religious Americans, or Americans weren’t scrupulous intermediaries & the kids were taken when there was family in Haiti? I dunno. I think it does, but maybe it doesn’t, or shouldn’t.”

Well... what can you say after the Democrats Kavanaugh shit-show?

They found a way to go even lower.

The new Democrat Party logo: :poop:
How many investigations into hunter biden have taken place by republicans? All I can suggest is get used to it. This is the kind of stuff the R's are famous for and now that the dems are playing the same game your R's don't like it. Maybe if you guys stopped playing dirty we would too?
Baseless speculation.
Perhaps you missed this at the bottom of the document: " This guide was written and compiled by a coalition of groups including: MoveOn, Frontline/ M4BL Electoral Justice Project, Demand Justice, NARAL Pro-Choice America, CPD Action, Indivisible, and Sunrise Movement. "

Or more likely, you didn't even open the link to the document.
Perhaps you missed this at the bottom of the document: " This guide was written and compiled by a coalition of groups including: MoveOn, Frontline/ M4BL Electoral Justice Project, Demand Justice, NARAL Pro-Choice America, CPD Action, Indivisible, and Sunrise Movement. "

Or more likely, you didn't even open the link to the document.

You said it was the Dem gameplan. Baseless speculation.
For sure...you would.

The ends justify any means, right? Even "peaceful" protests organized by the Democratic Party.
Kyle Rittenhouse was a member of the Trump campaign. That didn’t seem to bother you.
Every one of those organizations work for the Democratic Party.

They do not.You’re just making things up and demanding we accept fever dreams.
Kyle Rittenhouse was a member of the Trump campaign. That didn’t seem to bother you.

Even if it were true, it doesn't bother me. After all, even members of political campaigns have the right to defend their lives from criminals who would kill them.
Really? What was rudy doing in ukraine? How about barr in italy? I didn't say congressional investigations, I said investigations. Isn't opposition research an investigation?

Even if it were true, it doesn't bother me. After all, even members of political campaigns have the right to defend their lives from criminals who would kill them.
Then it’s even odder that you don’t think members of the “dem party” should do likewise.
You guys are very fragile if a bunch of tweets are a "democrats smear attacks" campaign.

Need your blanket too?
How many investigations into hunter biden have taken place by republicans? All I can suggest is get used to it. This is the kind of stuff the R's are famous for and now that the dems are playing the same game your R's don't like it. Maybe if you guys stopped playing dirty we would too?

This is the key. Once the election is over, time to get to work. Flood the zone with legislation and EO’s. Biden’s entire inauguration should just be him signing one EO after another dismantling all 4 years of Trump’s admin.

Then we fix the court.
Then it’s even odder that you don’t think members of the “dem party” should do likewise.

I think everyone...no matter what party they belong to...can defend their lives.

You need to go back and find out who you should be talking to.
This is the key. Once the election is over, time to get to work. Flood the zone with legislation and EO’s. Biden’s entire inauguration should just be him signing one EO after another dismantling all 4 years of Trump’s admin.

Then we fix the court.
I hope the dems should they take control of the government ram through whatever they want. It's time the government stopped working for the super wealthy americans and corporate america and started working more for we the people.
Really? What was rudy doing in ukraine? How about barr in italy? I didn't say congressional investigations, I said investigations. Isn't opposition research an investigation?
Rudy's actions are no more relevant than some run of the mill journalist.

What makes you think Barr was in Italy to investigate Hunter Biden?

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