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delete me (1 Viewer)

What should CC do to this thread?

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dekete me please
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The "dekete" function is disabled on my system, so this will have to stay as a testament. To what... I'll let the forum decide.
The "dekete" function is disabled on my system, so this will have to stay as a testament. To what... I'll let the forum decide.

You should sticky it in that case :mrgreen:
I know! it needs a poll.

*deketes megaprongman all over the place*

*deketes megaprongman all over the place*

That could be rather messy. Hey... how did YOU get the "dekete" button to work on YOUR system? :2mad:
THAT'S the best poll you could come up with?!!! Makes me just want to delete this thread rather than deketing it.
THAT'S the best poll you could come up with?!!! Makes me just want to delete this thread rather than deketing it.

Hey - it's a biased poll but it's something we all seem to agree on.

Now - the real challenge is to find something to debate related to it. . . :thinking:
THAT'S the best poll you could come up with?!!! Makes me just want to delete this thread rather than deketing it.

Sometimes its more fun to fail on purpose :mrgreen:
If you fail on purpose - is it really a fail - or is it pure success?
If you fail on purpose - is it really a fail - or is it pure success?

Excellent point. But here's the kicker. If you try to fail on purpose and do, then it is a sucess.... however, since you wanted to fail and you actually suceeded, then you failed at failing, so you really DID fail.
Excellent point. But here's the kicker. If you try to fail on purpose and do, then it is a sucess.... however, since you wanted to fail and you actually suceeded, then you failed at failing, so you really DID fail.

It's official.... my head is spinning... need more tea...
It's official.... my head is spinning... need more tea...

I could continue, but if I did, a black hole would form over this thread, and I want to see the final results of the poll.
Excellent point. But here's the kicker. If you try to fail on purpose and do, then it is a sucess.... however, since you wanted to fail and you actually suceeded, then you failed at failing, so you really DID fail.

Aha, but given your response to my poll, I did indeed fail! So I win!
Aha, but given your response to my poll, I did indeed fail!

Which is true, so you both failed and you failed at failing, which means that your failure at failing is also a failure.

Hey look... a vortex...

Which is true, so you both failed and you failed at failing, which means that your failure at failing is also a failure.

Hey look... a vortex...


I would rather try to enter a polling place with nightstick wielding Black Panthers than to deal with that...
Which is true, so you both failed and you failed at failing, which means that your failure at failing is also a failure.

I disagree, I did not fail at failing, and given this response :

THAT'S the best poll you could come up with?!!! Makes me just want to delete this thread rather than deketing it.

You initially failed to appreciate the beauty of my failure which is your own failure. However, my attempt to fail did not fail because my failure was intentional.

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