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Delay wins GOP Primary (1 Viewer)

Navy Pride

DP Veteran
Jul 11, 2005
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Very Conservative
Despite their best effort Democrats better not count Tom Delay out just yet.........He won the GOP primary with a 64 percent margin.....


Wednesday, March 8, 2006; Posted: 9:19 a.m. EST (14:19 GMT)

Rep. Tom DeLay has the last laugh (1:38)

HOUSTON, Texas (CNN) -- Despite being indicted and relegated to the back benches, Rep. Tom DeLay's political stock remained strong enough with the folks back home for him to win Tuesday night's primary election in his Houston-area district.
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Navy Pride said:
Despite their best effort Democrats better not count Tom Delay out just yet.........He won the GOP primary with a 64 percent margin.....


Wednesday, March 8, 2006; Posted: 9:19 a.m. EST (14:19 GMT)

Rep. Tom DeLay gave up his majority leader post after his indictment. WATCH Browse/Search

Rep. Tom DeLay has the last laugh (1:38)
Tom DeLay
HOUSTON, Texas (CNN) -- Despite being indicted and relegated to the back benches, Rep. Tom DeLay's political stock remained strong enough with the folks back home for him to win Tuesday night's primary election in his Houston-area district.

I think they wanted him to win so that Nick Lampson would be running against him. If Nick is running against someone else, who doesn't have the negative reputation that DeLay has, he has a greater chance of losing. By running against DeLay, he has a better chance of winning.

aps said:
I think they wanted him to win so that Nick Lampson would be running against him. If Nick is running against someone else, who doesn't have the negative reputation that DeLay has, he has a greater chance of losing. By running against DeLay, he has a better chance of winning.


Be careful what you wish for my friend.........You just might get it......;)
An INCUMBENT REPUBLICAN winning a REPUBLICAN primary against no-chance-in-hell-of-winning-dogcatcher REPUBLICANs. :rofl

Batting practice. ;) The real ballgame is in November. :cool:

That is, if he's still around. :2funny:
BWG said:
An INCUMBENT REPUBLICAN winning a REPUBLICAN primary against no-chance-in-hell-of-winning-dogcatcher REPUBLICANs. :rofl

Batting practice. ;) The real ballgame is in November. :cool:

That is, if he's still around. :2funny:
Interesting . NP started a thread based on the facts of what happened in yesterday's election. BWG counters with a crystal ball prediction.

For those keeping score:
Navy Pride 1
Wouldn't the die-hard republicans prefer to see DeLay fade off into the sunset? I mean, after all............ he doesn't help the cause any when you really think about it.
Captain America said:
Wouldn't the die-hard republicans prefer to see DeLay fade off into the sunset? I mean, after all............ he doesn't help the cause any when you really think about it.

I am torn here.

I think DeLay is a politician, thus he is dirty of something, not necessarily of what he is indicted for. The DA filed 13 - THIRTEEN - indictments against deLay over a period of a few years until arguably finally finding a Judge with political aspirations as large as the DA. The DA had even bragged how he was going to 'bag DeLay'! Politically Motivated? HE!!, Yeah!

I think this was a plot, the GOP DeLay caught in their own moral snare. The GOP have a rule that their members must step down if indicted, not convicted, so all anyone has to do to 'take out' a GOP member is get some bogus indictment to stick for (even) a short time. You think the Dems have such a rule/policy? Heck, NO! (Maybe becuase it is a bad week if at least one of their members haven't been indicted!)

But, as I said, he is a politician! It could just as easily be Pelosi, Kerry, or maybe even McCain.....they all do something!
BWG said:
An INCUMBENT REPUBLICAN winning a REPUBLICAN primary against no-chance-in-hell-of-winning-dogcatcher REPUBLICANs. :rofl

Batting practice. ;) The real ballgame is in November. :cool:

That is, if he's still around. :2funny:

Well a lot of your liberal buddies were predicting Delay would get knocked out in the primary and not only did that not happen but he won in a landslide.........Yoy liberals keep underestimating this guy just like you did Pressident Bush and he kicks your *** all over the field..........stay tuned.......
Captain America said:
Wouldn't the die-hard republicans prefer to see DeLay fade off into the sunset? I mean, after all............ he doesn't help the cause any when you really think about it.

I am not a Republican but I hope he sticks it to the dems................They have all been counting him out.......Delay is one powerful congressman and a true conservative whose presence is needed in the HOR.......
I was just thinking that they would be as glad to see him go as I was seeing Clinton fade off into the sunset. I would be ashamed to have him be representative of my party (that is....if I had one.:roll: )
Navy Pride said:
I am not a Republican but I hope he sticks it to the dems................They have all been counting him out.......Delay is one powerful congressman and a true conservative whose presence is needed in the HOR.......

Tom Delay, a true conservative? Hahahahahahahahaha! That's hilarious! :rofl

REPORTER: "Are you saying there's no fat left to cut in the federal budget?"
TOM DELAY: "Yes. After 11 years of Republican majority, we've pared it down pretty good."

Navy Pride said:
I am not a Republican but I hope he sticks it to the dems................They have all been counting him out.......Delay is one powerful congressman and a true conservative whose presence is needed in the HOR.......

Delay, a true Conservative?:rofl

I was hoping Delay would lose yesterday, because Lampson has almost a 20 point lead over him, and is expected to beat him in a cakewalk. If one of the other Republicans had won, they would have had a decent chance to beat Lampson. Lampson himself is no Liberal, but is just about the most famous yellow dog Democrat in the state of Texas.

As for Delay himself? Stick a fork in him. He is done.
It is indeed creeps like Delay that have forced me to leave the party, I have no doubt they will elect him once again, if not for the very reason some give, to stick it to the Dem's. I don't want to stick it to them, if I'm left with this man as the representative of my party. This is not to say he is the only one, or that this is a problem in the Rep. party exclusively, but you have to start somewhere, and this is the party in power.
Isn't it liberating when the ol' lightbulb turns on in your head Dee?

Good on you! But don't give up on the GOP forever. This too, shall pass.

I have seen the dems in their lowest moments as well.

Someday, hopefully soon, the GOP will clean house and we will get all these scalywags out of Washington (and maybe take a few democrats with them.)
Deegan said:
It is indeed creeps like Delay that have forced me to leave the party, I have no doubt they will elect him once again, if not for the very reason some give, to stick it to the Dem's. I don't want to stick it to them, if I'm left with this man as the representative of my party. This is not to say he is the only one, or that this is a problem in the Rep. party exclusively, but you have to start somewhere, and this is the party in power.

Deegan, there was a detailed article that I read on this subject (I would post it if I could remember where I read it). I don't know if DeLay will win. Let's keep our fingers crossed that the people in Sugar Land decide they are ready for someone who doesn't come with all this baggage.

Also, hopefully something will come out against him as to Abramoff, which will further show what an immoral jerk he is.
Deegan said:
It is indeed creeps like Delay that have forced me to leave the party, I have no doubt they will elect him once again, if not for the very reason some give, to stick it to the Dem's. I don't want to stick it to them, if I'm left with this man as the representative of my party. This is not to say he is the only one, or that this is a problem in the Rep. party exclusively, but you have to start somewhere, and this is the party in power.

'The Republican party exclusively'? Try ALL politicians!

Nancy Pelosi, for example, talks out 1 of one of her faces about the GOP starting a 'Culture of Corruption' while explaining out of the other face how 'democrats should be treated differently than GOP', translating into "Don't hammer me for being caught taking trips paid for by lobbyists after accusing DeLay of doing the same thing"!

I swear, If I were king for 1 day, I would call for investigations of ALL Politicians and send every one of the crooked ones home, no matter what party they belonged to!
Ahhh, it's good to see DeLay reduced to winning the title as dog-catcher as oppossed to being the Republicans majority leader.

DeLays a loser already and soon he will be someone's bitch. :2wave:
KCConservative said:
Interesting . NP started a thread based on the facts of what happened in yesterday's election. BWG counters with a crystal ball prediction.

For those keeping score:
Navy Pride 1

And that crystal ball prediction would be what? :confused:
That there is an election in November?

Are you hearing voices in your earpiece again? :2rofll: :2funny:
KidRocks said:
Ahhh, it's good to se DeLay reduced to winning the title as dog-catcher as oppossed to being the Republicans majority leader.

DeLays a loser already and soon he will be someone's bitch. :2wave:

Had much experience in that role, kid, or are you just highly excited in your Bush/GOP-bashing euphoria at the moment?

Even if he is convicted, he won't do any real time - politicians don't do real time. If he has to do time at all, it will be at some place that resembles extremely nice hotels you frequent on vacation, spending hundreds of dollars a night to stay there!
Deegan said:
It is indeed creeps like Delay that have forced me to leave the party, I have no doubt they will elect him once again, if not for the very reason some give, to stick it to the Dem's. I don't want to stick it to them, if I'm left with this man as the representative of my party. This is not to say he is the only one, or that this is a problem in the Rep. party exclusively, but you have to start somewhere, and this is the party in power.

Actually, the problem isnt with the Republican party, but with the parasitic Neocons which infested it. However, there is good news. The Neocons are toast. Signs which point to that are Bush beginning to go back to the pragmatism he once had, Bush distancing himself from Cheney, Neocons losing power within his administration, Bush allowing Condi Rice to neuter Rumsfeld on foreign policy, and many other signs. Famous Neocon pundits are renouncing Neoconservatism, and the Neocons' effect on the GOP is finally beginning to dwindle. In 2008, we may actually see a real Conservative run for the Republican candidacy, and if that happens, I might actually start voting Republican again.

Keep it up Bush, and I just might stop using the word Bushnevik to describe your administration. :)
Actually, the problem isnt with the Republican party, but with the parasitic Neocons which infested it.

BINGO!!! Give that man a cee-gar!!
Apparently Vanity Fair will be publishing an article on Abramoff in its next issue, where he talks about his close relationships with various conservatives including, but not limited to, Bush, DeLay, Gingrich, Burns, Mehlman, and more. This is going to be interesting.
aps said:
Apparently Vanity Fair will be publishing an article on Abramoff in its next issue, where he talks about his close relationships with various conservatives including, but not limited to, Bush, DeLay, Gingrich, Burns, Mehlman, and more. This is going to be interesting.

More GOP bashing....dude, this is like ENRON, who played both sides of the fence. the list of Abramoff's 'clients' who took money is like a who's-who onboth sides of the aisle! Add Kerry, Dean, Reid, Pelosi, and more to that list!

The most interesting thing about the scandal when it broke was the fact that while the conservatives said they were unaware where the money came from and giving it back, the Libs/Dems were claiming they never met the guy, didn't know where he got it, thus they were keeping it!

So, can we knock off the Us vs Them BS, as we all know that both sides take cash from lobbyists as easily/quickly as a drug addict takes free samples!
Captain America said:
I was just thinking that they would be as glad to see him go as I was seeing Clinton fade off into the sunset. I would be ashamed to have him be representative of my party (that is....if I had one.:roll: )

That is sad CA...Delay has not been convicted of any crime at this point and you want to lynch him.......

The democrats hate Delay for the same reason they hate President Bush....He kicks thir *** at every turn........
Navy Pride said:
The democrats hate Delay for the same reason they hate President Bush....He kicks thir *** at every turn........

Funny, most Republicans hate DeLay for exactly the same reason.

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