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Death Penalty Brought Back in Iraq, Did You Know That? (1 Viewer)


Active member
May 24, 2005
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Texan by Choice
Just recently, under the radar of the international media, The Iraqi government reinstated the use of the death penalty.

They have also just announced Saddam Huessein will go to trial within the next 3 months.

Gee, coincidence?
That's a hell of a way to start a country...
Gandhi>Bush said:
That's a hell of a way to start a country...
I agree, and they are being nice enough to consider giving Saddam an express lane ride. Good job Iraq! :shoot :applaud
What do you bet he won't get 20 years on death row before they off him. hmmm maybe they will just cut his head off after his trial. Shall we take bets as to style of execution? :mrgreen:
I think he’ll be hung within a week of his sentencing but I suspect it will be exactly three days after.
I saw a crazy video where they got this poor guy and tied one hand to a flagpole and drove off with him tied to a jeep. It was pretty gross.

Fun times in the muslim world.
It's not that gory to watch because the cloud of smoke caused by the dynamite hides the more graphic details but it certainly shows Saddam taking a personal part in the executions.
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Let's end the murderous reign of a tyrant and start a beautiful democracy... with a killing...

Does that seem stupid to anyone else?
Doesn’t sound stupid to me. Perhaps you’re enlightened enough to explain why I should think it so?
We overthrowing a murderous, oppressive, dictator, and up first on the docket is killing him. That's hypocritical at best. It's saying, "Yeah what he did was wrong, do it to him."

"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind."
Gandhi>Bush said:
We overthrowing a murderous, oppressive, dictator, and up first on the docket is killing him. That's hypocritical at best. It's saying, "Yeah what he did was wrong, do it to him."

"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind."

I think the first thing they did was take a picture of him in his underwear. Then they get to execute him.
Of course, maybe they should take him on a detailed tour of his own torture and rape rooms first. :wink:
I nominate you to be the one to rape him.
I'm still against the use of the death penalty. But why not do to him what those isolated GIs did to the Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib? Except this time no one take pictures.
I think we should give him a sex change and then sell his penis on ebay.com to aid in the reconstruction of Iraq. After that we should shave his mustache and release him back in to the general public.
Seriously, folks, seriously. There are millions of Iraqis, alive and passed on, who take this issue seriously. Let's not belittle the process and discussion of punishment for Saddam Hussein.

That being said, I like the idea of someone raping him, then a sex change, then make him recite the pledge of allegiance. And then of course, to top it all off, I'd like to see him have a dance-off to Lil Jon and the Yin-Yang Twins. God Bless hip-hop and rap.

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