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Dad confronts abortion protesters (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Feb 6, 2010
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Political Leaning
TYT usually irritates the **** out of me (they didnt USED to be so damn irritating) but every once and a while they pick something cool up.

EDIT: Argh! The title was supposed to read "Dad confronts abortion protesters"
Re: Dad

What a bunch of stupid protesters. Good for the Father and my heart goes out to him. I can't imagine what it must be like to know your child is dead and Abortion is the only option that is open and to then have to hear those bitches shouting. He showed more restraint that I would have in a similar position.
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Re: Dad

TYT usually irritates the **** out of me (they didnt USED to be so damn irritating) but every once and a while they pick something cool up.

EDIT: Argh! The title was supposed to read "Dad confronts abortion protesters"

This could have been a real poignant and teaching moment for these two ladies. Unfortunately, the dad did what just about anyone would, which was to go off on them while playing a game of Gotcha.
I think people should make a more compassionate case for opposing abortion, but this is just really twisting things around to cast aspersions. Most of the people going into that clinic probably are not facing those kinds of circumstances. The fact a person feels bad does not mean you should cheer them on or tell them they are doing the right thing either.

If abortion were only allowed in cases like this and life-saving cases we would probably not have these kinds of incidents.
I doubt that the point was understood by those ladies...
I think people should make a more compassionate case for opposing abortion, but this is just really twisting things around to cast aspersions. Most of the people going into that clinic probably are not facing those kinds of circumstances. The fact a person feels bad does not mean you should cheer them on or tell them they are doing the right thing either.

If abortion were only allowed in cases like this and life-saving cases we would probably not have these kinds of incidents.
Part of what kills me was brought up in the video. One woman tries to say that "Such and such percent of women commit suicide after an abortion" and they stand outside screaming and yelling, waving signs and calling people "baby killer" and they dont think that's going to negatively effect their state of mind?
Part of what kills me was brought up in the video. One woman tries to say that "Such and such percent of women commit suicide after an abortion" and they stand outside screaming and yelling, waving signs and calling people "baby killer" and they dont think that's going to negatively effect their state of mind?

Many of these protesters are rightly angry in my opinion, but you are right that it does not help anyone to be furious and confrontational all the time. Angry responses usually only incite angry reactions rather than achieving any progress.
Why do they have a right to be angry?

Well, I think anyone has the "right to be" angry, but what I specifically said was that I believe they are rightly angry. As for why I think they are rightly angry it is simply because I think abortion generally is a horrific thing that should not be allowed except in those very select circumstances where it is akin to "pulling the plug" on a dying or dead person or saving one life by taking another.

Someone getting an abortion just to avoid paying for a baby is not something I think person should accept and as such a person is rightly angry over it.
Well, I think anyone has the "right to be" angry, but what I specifically said was that I believe they are rightly angry. As for why I think they are rightly angry it is simply because I think abortion generally is a horrific thing that should not be allowed except in those very select circumstances where it is akin to "pulling the plug" on a dying or dead person or saving one life by taking another.

Someone getting an abortion just to avoid paying for a baby is not something I think person should accept and as such a person is rightly angry over it.

I think religion in general is dragging the whole world down and it should be suppressed from the public eye entirely!

The difference is I don't shout my opinion in people's faces on the worst day of their lives.

(also "my opinion" is not actually my opinion)
Sounds like a setup to me. The guys story sounds like BS. There's not much before the "Dad's" barrage, but it looked to me like the women were just standing there holding signs. Also, it seems a bit fishy that they would be directed to a clinic for the reasons claimed.

If it's legit, which I really doubt, I can defiantly understand the guys anger. The majority of people that go into that clinic, though, are not getting "medical emergency" abortions.
The difference is I don't shout my opinion in people's faces on the worst day of their lives.

If you are talking specifically about this case I understand, but if you are talking about the common visitor to an abortion clinic what you are saying is a joke. Some should not be angry or hateful, but I find it absurd to suggest that person is not rightly angry about abortion.
I think religion in general is dragging the whole world down and it should be suppressed from the public eye entirely!

The difference is I don't shout my opinion in people's faces on the worst day of their lives.

(also "my opinion" is not actually my opinion)

Religion doesn't have anything to do with it in many cases...

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