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Cutting the cable cord. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 2, 2015
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Political Leaning
Hey folks, any tips and advice for getting the best out of internet/wifi TV? My goal is to cut the cable cord completely, I don’t watch that much programing so It really doesn’t make sense to have this big cable bundle. I started with the main TV, I didn’t go all in for a smart TV just the amazon fire stick with voice remote on the existing. I do watch the nightly news in my bedroom so I did replace that TV with a smart unit that already has all the apps installed. The TV was advertised as the easiest to use but the amazon stick is much better in my opinion.

I’m sure, like all things there will be a learning time to get accustom to this formate. It looks like live streaming news could be an issue, but it may be just me not taking the time to play with the system, It’s only been a few days since I purchased the fire stick and smart TV.

So, any advice is welcome, The one thing that works in my favor with Wi/Fi TV is that I do have a decent internet connection. (Ping) is typically about 20, (download) is consistent at 175 or better mbps and (upload ) 12.84 mbps.
Hey folks, any tips and advice for getting the best out of internet/wifi TV? My goal is to cut the cable cord completely, I don’t watch that much programing so It really doesn’t make sense to have this big cable bundle. I started with the main TV, I didn’t go all in for a smart TV just the amazon fire stick with voice remote on the existing. I do watch the nightly news in my bedroom so I did replace that TV with a smart unit that already has all the apps installed. The TV was advertised as the easiest to use but the amazon stick is much better in my opinion.

I’m sure, like all things there will be a learning time to get accustom to this formate. It looks like live streaming news could be an issue, but it may be just me not taking the time to play with the system, It’s only been a few days since I purchased the fire stick and smart TV.

So, any advice is welcome, The one thing that works in my favor with Wi/Fi TV is that I do have a decent internet connection. (Ping) is typically about 20, (download) is consistent at 175 or better mbps and (upload ) 12.84 mbps.

Live news and sports are more difficult. That being said I will watch the newshour (day late) with the PBS app and CBSN live when I want to do that, the rest of the news apps let you watch clips. I expect over time both will get better. You can try the slingtv for some more traditional news/sports but I can't comment as I haven't used the service.

We cut the cord 2 1/2 years ago and haven't been tempted to go back to cable/satellite.
The Watch ESPN app is still a bit too wonky for me to cut cable completely.
I cut the cord when our last kid moved out. Didn't actually cut the cord but gave direct tv the boot. We have cable internet with wireless router and Apple TV w/ Netflix. I can get local (Los Angeles) news, some Brit news. I Bluetooth off my phone too. I sure don't miss all of the pharmaceutical ads.""
The TV next to my computer has antenna and ROKU....
My viewing habits are educational, mostly. I am addicted to one Network show, TBBT. Not so much addicted but do like Futurama, Simpson's, Family Guy, American Dad, etc..
Still have cable, but would sever it immediately if I could get the wife's permission.
Hey folks, any tips and advice for getting the best out of internet/wifi TV? My goal is to cut the cable cord completely, I don’t watch that much programing so It really doesn’t make sense to have this big cable bundle. I started with the main TV, I didn’t go all in for a smart TV just the amazon fire stick with voice remote on the existing. I do watch the nightly news in my bedroom so I did replace that TV with a smart unit that already has all the apps installed. The TV was advertised as the easiest to use but the amazon stick is much better in my opinion.

I’m sure, like all things there will be a learning time to get accustom to this formate. It looks like live streaming news could be an issue, but it may be just me not taking the time to play with the system, It’s only been a few days since I purchased the fire stick and smart TV.

So, any advice is welcome, The one thing that works in my favor with Wi/Fi TV is that I do have a decent internet connection. (Ping) is typically about 20, (download) is consistent at 175 or better mbps and (upload ) 12.84 mbps.

I have two TVs. one hasn't been plugged in for like 3 years. the other I might watch a movie on it once or twice a month that's it. I haven't watched television programming in oh 15 years.
I do have Amazon Prime and Netflix and can watch stuff on that. mostly movies and tv series and documentaries. Honestly I bet if you just quite watching the news you wouldn't miss it. you can find out what you need online and watch video of it if you need to.
I have a Roku and love it. I use the Netflix and Amazon channels mostly. I also have HBO Go in there for Game of Thrones. For your local stuff just get an antenna.
Hey folks, any tips and advice for getting the best out of internet/wifi TV? My goal is to cut the cable cord completely, I don’t watch that much programing so It really doesn’t make sense to have this big cable bundle. I started with the main TV, I didn’t go all in for a smart TV just the amazon fire stick with voice remote on the existing. I do watch the nightly news in my bedroom so I did replace that TV with a smart unit that already has all the apps installed. The TV was advertised as the easiest to use but the amazon stick is much better in my opinion.

I’m sure, like all things there will be a learning time to get accustom to this formate. It looks like live streaming news could be an issue, but it may be just me not taking the time to play with the system, It’s only been a few days since I purchased the fire stick and smart TV.

So, any advice is welcome, The one thing that works in my favor with Wi/Fi TV is that I do have a decent internet connection. (Ping) is typically about 20, (download) is consistent at 175 or better mbps and (upload ) 12.84 mbps.

I have TONS of information on this. Though I have not "cut the cord" I have been studying how and toying with lots of hardware and software for about 6 months. You will need the following things:

1) A really good antenna.
2) A media streaming player. Which one depends on your needs, your likes, and your "ecosystem".
3) A list of stations that you want/need.
4) Pricerange in mind.

As to the latter, without a cable subscription, some apps that would normally be free, will now be pay, though depending on your needs and media streamer, the price could vary a bit.

Post what you are looking for and I'll try to give some advice... might be a good discussion for the whole forum, too.
I have TONS of information on this. Though I have not "cut the cord" I have been studying how and toying with lots of hardware and software for about 6 months. You will need the following things:

1) A really good antenna.
2) A media streaming player. Which one depends on your needs, your likes, and your "ecosystem".
3) A list of stations that you want/need.
4) Pricerange in mind.

As to the latter, without a cable subscription, some apps that would normally be free, will now be pay, though depending on your needs and media streamer, the price could vary a bit.

Post what you are looking for and I'll try to give some advice... might be a good discussion for the whole forum, too.

Thanks for the advice and interest, CC, and others.

My goal is to get rid of most of the cable when my contract is up on Sept 1st. I’m going to keep the internet portion because Its pretty much the only option and game in town for the performance I need, but I will be dumping the media,voice and phone.

Since my OP I haven’t had a whole lot of time to play with the two platforms I now have but I can say this. The amazon fire stick works flawlessly and I find it very easy to navigate. The apps preloaded smart TV I find to be clunky to work thru. This may be solved with taking the time building a watch list. Almost all the content I was looking for is available via amazon, I’m also a prime amazon member so much of the streaming is free.

(Programing I was looking for)

The top cable news outlets.
History channel,Discovery,PBS,Ted, National Geographic and a few others.

I also discovered that I can download my Xfinity to go app to the fire stick, with that comes a whole lot of live streaming including most of the cable news and sports.

(Antenna for local channels)

CC’s post put me on too this, I wasn’t even aware there was such a thing for HD. I did some research for my area as far as signals and It’s not great. I (may) get four towers that are south of my location ( terrain permitting) for local programing, those four stations I’m really not interested in. There were some stations I could pickup with an outdoor antenna or amplified unit inside but the cost and hassle isn’t justifiable for me considering I’m keeping my cable internet, so no worries.

All in all I’m pleased with how the switchover is going, and I’m sure in a few weeks I will have mastered internet WIFi TV. I don’t want to promote a particular product but the amazon lineup sure is working for me. I also have an echo unit “Alexa” which I use for many things including controlling lighting.
Thanks for the advice and interest, CC, and others.

My goal is to get rid of most of the cable when my contract is up on Sept 1st. I’m going to keep the internet portion because Its pretty much the only option and game in town for the performance I need, but I will be dumping the media,voice and phone.

Since my OP I haven’t had a whole lot of time to play with the two platforms I now have but I can say this. The amazon fire stick works flawlessly and I find it very easy to navigate. The apps preloaded smart TV I find to be clunky to work thru. This may be solved with taking the time building a watch list. Almost all the content I was looking for is available via amazon, I’m also a prime amazon member so much of the streaming is free.

(Programing I was looking for)

The top cable news outlets.
History channel,Discovery,PBS,Ted, National Geographic and a few others.

I also discovered that I can download my Xfinity to go app to the fire stick, with that comes a whole lot of live streaming including most of the cable news and sports.

(Antenna for local channels)

CC’s post put me on too this, I wasn’t even aware there was such a thing for HD. I did some research for my area as far as signals and It’s not great. I (may) get four towers that are south of my location ( terrain permitting) for local programing, those four stations I’m really not interested in. There were some stations I could pickup with an outdoor antenna or amplified unit inside but the cost and hassle isn’t justifiable for me considering I’m keeping my cable internet, so no worries.

All in all I’m pleased with how the switchover is going, and I’m sure in a few weeks I will have mastered internet WIFi TV. I don’t want to promote a particular product but the amazon lineup sure is working for me. I also have an echo unit “Alexa” which I use for many things including controlling lighting.

I have a Roku palm-sized box. I suggest you increase the size of your gadget from a stick to something larger. The sticks have slower processors.

Roku has thousands of free channels. I also subscribe to Netflix & Amazon. See Rokuguide.com.

I had 3.0mbps DSL and now have 25mbps broadband. I find that the 25 mbps is not that fast, compared to 3mbps DSL. It's like 25 mbps broadband is equal to about 2.5 mbps DSL (because DSL is a dedicated line to your house, I presume, whereas broadband is on a shared highway). I used to be able to watch streaming on my Roku & use my laptop at the same time, when I had DSL, although my laptop would be really slow. NOW, with 25mbps broadband, I can't use my laptop at all while Roku streaming, or the Roku will stall. So I wouldn't consider 20mbps broadband very fast. I would go for at least 60mbps. But if I were to get dsl thru at&T, it has a low cap, so it would end up costing me a lot more to have that. Better for me to upgrade to faster broadband, if I want to use multiple devices. You only need 6.0mbps dsl to have multiple device capability.

I have digital antennas (the flat kind) attached to 2 tvs. What you will get with them is dependent on a number of factors. Check out tvfool.com and anntennaweb.org. NOTE: I get more stations than those sites say I should get, whereas in a different city, I got fewer than those sites said were available to my location. It depends on strength of tower signal, its direction and distance from the room in your house, the terrain between you and the tower, your antenna, and other things.
I was a kid when TV went off at midnight and came back on at 6AM. We had four channels. Today's media is a rats next of blood thirsty competitors squeezing money from potential viewers.
I was a kid when TV went off at midnight and came back on at 6AM. We had four channels. Today's media is a rats next of blood thirsty competitors squeezing money from potential viewers.
me too and it is but there are about 5 or 6 programs I enjoy on HBO plus I like a few mindless shows for going to sleep

I can't quite cut the cord yet
I was a kid when TV went off at midnight and came back on at 6AM. We had four channels. Today's media is a rats next of blood thirsty competitors squeezing money from potential viewers.

in my area, tv did not go off during late night
however, it sure was a slow, uninteresting program
late night tv indian test pattern.jpg
on all three channels
Cutting the cable or cutting back is like smoking less. It's silliness. It leads to that cigarette didn't count or I only smoke four a day and I'm already up to March 13th, 2144.

Quit or don't quit. It really doesn't matter to anyone but you.
I have a Roku and love it. I use the Netflix and Amazon channels mostly. I also have HBO Go in there for Game of Thrones. For your local stuff just get an antenna.

This is my plan, but not getting Amazon. I want HBO GO though. We have the bundle package....tv, cable, phone. We are grandfathered in on the phone so we only pay 4.95 per month...anywhere in the world, no extra charges. That's a plus. Everyone was dumping their landlines and we got the deal years ago to keep it but bundled. However, the TV shows....there are only about 10 to 12 we bother to watch. The rest are sports, hispanic channels, MTV, etc. So we are wasting time having to scroll like mad to find something we watch. We have netflix already, so we are happy with that. But I'd love to dump ALL the cable channels except the basic ones. But we still have to pay 10 bucks for the box itself if we went basic cable. We are paying about 160 bucks a month for all the above. Internet ROCKS and is very fast. Phone is great. Its just teh cable itself we are not thrilled with.
me too and it is but there are about 5 or 6 programs I enjoy on HBO plus I like a few mindless shows for going to sleep

I can't quite cut the cord yet

You can have mindless shows for going to sleep if you get a digital antenna. I like to have mindless shows going when I go to sleep, too. It helps me drift off, for some reason.
You can have mindless shows for going to sleep if you get a digital antenna. I like to have mindless shows going when I go to sleep, too. It helps me drift off, for some reason.
yes I am not sure what that is about but I think it may act sort of like white noise...a meaningless distraction
Hey folks, any tips and advice for getting the best out of internet/wifi TV? My goal is to cut the cable cord completely, I don’t watch that much programing so It really doesn’t make sense to have this big cable bundle. I started with the main TV, I didn’t go all in for a smart TV just the amazon fire stick with voice remote on the existing. I do watch the nightly news in my bedroom so I did replace that TV with a smart unit that already has all the apps installed. The TV was advertised as the easiest to use but the amazon stick is much better in my opinion.

I’m sure, like all things there will be a learning time to get accustom to this formate. It looks like live streaming news could be an issue, but it may be just me not taking the time to play with the system, It’s only been a few days since I purchased the fire stick and smart TV.

So, any advice is welcome, The one thing that works in my favor with Wi/Fi TV is that I do have a decent internet connection. (Ping) is typically about 20, (download) is consistent at 175 or better mbps and (upload ) 12.84 mbps.

I haven't paid for cable in roughly 4 years now. I watch what I want to watch either through Hulu, Netflix, Youtube, or CBS Live. Most news that I get is, believe it or not, here at DP. You get a more varied news sources than you do on Basic Cable and if you want further info you can always use Bing or Google or whatever you prefer to use as a search engine.
Time to buy a device. Right now I'm trying to decide between the Roku Streaming Stick+, Roku Ultra, or the Amazon Fire TV Stick. I'm open to others as well.
I have 56k dial up using Windows 2000 on a NT platform.
I do not download or upload any material...works for me.
I've been in a hotel with cable for about 45 days of the past 60. I still use my computer to watch stuff though. Cable sucks.
I've been in a hotel with cable for about 45 days of the past 60. I still use my computer to watch stuff though. Cable sucks.

I forget how many years ago I cut my cable channels. I use an antenna, and streaming on my internet connection. There are too few things out there I cant see right away, like the latest season of Game of Thrones, but that's OK. It will be out in Bluray in on the 12th.
Besides, cable doesn't give you shows like "Star Trek Continues." They just had their last episode 11.13.17. The episode name was "To Boldly Go pt. II."

All episodes are available on YouTube. Different cast of course, but Kirk, Spock, et. al. continue the 5 year mission. There are 11 quality episodes of this show.

They did a great job.

I hope they sell it on Bluray.
Time to buy a device. Right now I'm trying to decide between the Roku Streaming Stick+, Roku Ultra, or the Amazon Fire TV Stick. I'm open to others as well.

We went with the Roku Streaming Stick.

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