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Cuomo: Trump 'better have an Army' in NYC (1 Viewer)


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Sep 12, 2019
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Hard to believe such a threat would be made. Reckless and irresponsible

Cuomo told reporters Wednesday evening that the president was now "persona non grata" in his home state, and would need an "army" to protect himself were he to walk down the street in New York City.

"Forget bodyguards, he better have an army if he thinks he's gonna walk down the street in New York. New Yorkers don't want to have anything to do with him," Cuomo told reporters, according to multiple news outlets.

Cuomo: Trump 'better have an army' in NYC if he cuts federal funding
I think teh real question here is why is TRump out to kill NYC?
"Forget bodyguards, he better have an army if he thinks he's gonna walk down the street in New York. New Yorkers don't want to have anything to do with him,"

I always liked Cuomo.
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Trump and Cuomo are from the same tribe, the New York, Queens neighborhood tribe. They're both loud and aggressive.

Both of them are lifelong NY City democrats. Well, Trump recently changed to republican.
Trump and Cuomo are from the same tribe, the New York, Queens neighborhood tribe. They're both loud and aggressive.

Both of them are lifelong NY City democrats. Well, Trump recently changed to republican.

Trump changed Republican to Trumplican, not himself to Republican.
That's a threat to murder the president.
That's a threat to murder the president.

Wrong, that is a heartfelt, sincere warning, due to his personal concern for the president's safety. Leaders aren't responsible for anything, right?
Wrong, that is a heartfelt, sincere warning, due to his personal concern for the president's safety. Leaders aren't responsible for anything, right?

Nice spin, defending a threat of murder against the president. :lamo
I think teh real question here is why is TRump out to kill NYC?

Trump would kill every New Yorker if it would stop the Manhattan DA from his investigation. I have always thought it would be a states attorney that takes down Trump, before or after his presidency.
Nice spin, defending a threat of murder against the president. :lamo

Nice, whatever you would call that pathetic nonsense, attempting to suggest that this was a threat of murder against the president. :lamo
Nice, whatever you would call that pathetic nonsense, attempting to suggest that this was a threat of murder against the president. :lamo

You're defending a murder threat against The President of The United States. Should we be surprised, Nate?
You're defending a murder threat against The President of The United States. Should we be surprised, Nate?

:lamo You're adorable. Can't defend something that didn't happen, apdst. I think you might be a little triggered, take two cry closets and call me in the morning.
Hard to believe such a threat would be made. Reckless and irresponsible

Cuomo told reporters Wednesday evening that the president was now "persona non grata" in his home state, and would need an "army" to protect himself were he to walk down the street in New York City.

"Forget bodyguards, he better have an army if he thinks he's gonna walk down the street in New York. New Yorkers don't want to have anything to do with him," Cuomo told reporters, according to multiple news outlets.

Cuomo: Trump 'better have an army' in NYC if he cuts federal funding

Cuomo makes a very strong point.
Nice spin, defending a threat of murder against the president. :lamo

Trump, "“I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters,"

Was then candidate Trump threatening citizens with is remark?
Trump, "“I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters,"

Was then candidate Trump threatening citizens with is remark?

Trump didn't specify anyone. Surely you can tell that Trump's comment was hyperbole. Cuomo's, not so much. Be sure and get back with us on the specific person Trump threatened to shoot.
Nice, whatever you would call that pathetic nonsense, attempting to suggest that this was a threat of murder against the president. :lamo

It was a threat on the life of the President, if a citizen made it publicly like he did that citizen could be facing investigation and possibly arrest. You are safe though seeing as though you are in Canada and I assume not a US citizen. I wonder what would happen if, say, Trudeau wanted to visit Vancouver and the Right Honourable Julie Payette said similar about Trudeau, would that be pathetic nonsense also?
Trump didn't specify anyone. Surely you can tell that Trump's comment was hyperbole. Cuomo's, not so much. Be sure and get back with us on the specific person Trump threatened to shoot.

Seems Cuomo was just giving advice. Not a specific threat. But spin it anyway you want.

(side note: please take President Trump's advice and vote twice. Once by mail and once in person to ensure his reelection).
Seems Cuomo was just giving advice. Not a specific threat. But spin it anyway you want.

(side note: please take President Trump's advice and vote twice. Once by mail and once in person to ensure his reelection).

Cuomo committed a Federal felony. You can tell he knew he stepped on his dick, when he started crawfishing at the end. You folks on the Left demand everyone be held to a high legal standard, until it's a Democrat, then not so much. You got the name of that person Trump threatened to shoot, yet?
Cuomo committed a Federal felony. You can tell he knew he stepped on his dick, when he started crawfishing at the end. You folks on the Left demand everyone be held to a high legal standard, until it's a Democrat, then not so much. You got the name of that person Trump threatened to shoot, yet?

When can we expect Cuomo to arrested and charged by the Feds. Till it happens it is your opinion.

It is interesting you assume someone is "Left" when they disagree with you. Not everyone who disagrees with you are "Left"
Is this a threat or a statement of fact?
It was Cuomo who killed off the elderly in the nursing homes. Not sure why New Yorkers love Cuomo.
I knew crime was bad in NYC lately, but it's so bad Trump would need an army to protect him?
Cuomo committed a Federal felony. You can tell he knew he stepped on his dick, when he started crawfishing at the end. You folks on the Left demand everyone be held to a high legal standard, until it's a Democrat, then not so much. You got the name of that person Trump threatened to shoot, yet?

Then send in the FBI dude. You seem to be so sure of yourself, why don't you personally go to Albany and perform a citizens arrest.: lamo:lamo
I knew crime was bad in NYC lately, but it's so bad Trump would need an army to protect him?

Wait and see how bad it will get if Trump is able to fulfill his promise of cutting off funding.

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