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Cop snatches phone and smashes it (gets caught on video anyway) (1 Viewer)

Its the LAPD- probably the most brutal cops in the entire country, is anyone surprised?
Its the LAPD- probably the most brutal cops in the entire country, is anyone surprised?

Nope. I remember when they changed their motto from "To protect and serve" to "We'll treat you like a King".
Watch: LAPD deputy snatches woman's cellphone - One News Page VIDEO

More over the top actions by police who somehow believe they are above the law.

Note: The way she's holding the device and the loudness of the smash on the ground leads me to suspect it wasn't a cell phone, but as Today as reported a "camera".

LAPD doing what it does, and it should surprise no one that it happened. But it does point to a growing problem we have on an increasing number of police officers acting as if they are above the law, I did not see a reason from that short clip that justified what the officer did (but I will stipulate that with that short clip we seem to have little idea what happened both before and after.)
Where are the "ride along" cop apologists?

Dudes dressed like he's blackwater, ****in coward.
LAPD doing what it does, and it should surprise no one that it happened. But it does point to a growing problem we have on an increasing number of police officers acting as if they are above the law, I did not see a reason from that short clip that justified what the officer did (but I will stipulate that with that short clip we seem to have little idea what happened both before and after.)

Let me just say, from the short snippet of what happened that we saw, I do NOT condone the police officers actions, however, don't we have to ask ourselves why it is that outlets like NBC are pushing this meme...? I mean, you and others that can be so easily manipulated by a 10 second snip of footage, and a narrative need to back up a moment, and check why you are falling for this silliness.
Watch: LAPD deputy snatches woman's cellphone - One News Page VIDEO

More over the top actions by police who somehow believe they are above the law.

Note: The way she's holding the device and the loudness of the smash on the ground leads me to suspect it wasn't a cell phone, but as Today as reported a "camera".

:shrug: initially his actions look fairly indefensible, however, it's pretty obviously clipped. We will see what fully comes out.

In the meantime, those who rush to jump on the cop are operating in as much dark as those who rush to defend him.
Oh my...Not "Blackwater"!!! We should make paramilitary gear illegal.

If the d00d wanted to be a high speed low drag hero, he should have joined an outfit where they are more likely to shoot back.
:shrug: initially his actions look fairly indefensible, however, it's pretty obviously clipped. We will see what fully comes out.

In the meantime, those who rush to jump on the cop are operating in as much dark as those who rush to defend him.

There is nothing that woman could have done or said that would justify the grab and smashing/kicking of her personal property.
If the d00d wanted to be a high speed low drag hero, he should have joined an outfit where they are more likely to shoot back.

*Sigh* yeah ok....Being on a gang interdiction police force in LA for Christ sake, is not dangerous enough...Right on Dirty Harry. :roll:
My only comment on this is to ask who in their right mind would want to be a police officer in this day and in this political/social climate? Constantly watched/taped, constantly second guessed, constantly accused of being criminal or thugs, and constantly having an entitled public up in their faces everywhere they go and work.

Being a police officer today has to be one of if not the most stressful of jobs going. You couldn't pay me enough to be one and I'm grateful for those who do the job and do it well.
There is nothing that woman could have done or said that would justify the grab and smashing/kicking of her personal property.

You know, of you get too close to the Tiger cage at the zoo, it may attack you as well....
My only comment on this is to ask who in their right mind would want to be a police officer in this day and in this political/social climate? Constantly watched/taped, constantly second guessed, constantly accused of being criminal or thugs, and constantly having an entitled public up in their faces everywhere they go and work.

Being a police officer today has to be one of if not the most stressful of jobs going. You couldn't pay me enough to be one and I'm grateful for those who do the job and do it well.

Hear, hear....! My company is talking about putting dashcams in our trucks pointing not only at the road, but back at us as well...So far, 5 people have quit.
Let me just say, from the short snippet of what happened that we saw, I do NOT condone the police officers actions, however, don't we have to ask ourselves why it is that outlets like NBC are pushing this meme...? I mean, you and others that can be so easily manipulated by a 10 second snip of footage, and a narrative need to back up a moment, and check why you are falling for this silliness.

I don't think it has anything to do with the 10 second snip. It has everything to do with the many hundreds of citizens shot by the Police every year. Police killings are common as horse turds and inexcusable. It's supposed to be "Protect and Serve," not center mass.
From the short video it looks like one of the cops tells her to get back and she was starting to do just that when the other cop straight up snatches the phone or camera out of her hands and I can't see anything that would have given him a good reason to do that.
:shrug: initially his actions look fairly indefensible, however, it's pretty obviously clipped. We will see what fully comes out.

In the meantime, those who rush to jump on the cop are operating in as much dark as those who rush to defend him.

This one is a little longer.

Los Angeles Sheriff's Deputy Snatches Camera From Woman, Smashes it to Sidewalk, Kicks it - PINAC

Part of the rush to judgment is likely based on the difficulty of imagining a likely situation which would make the behavior justifiable.
The lady seems to be backing away (as requested?).

In that situation, what interest of the state would outweigh the lady's Fourth Amendment rights?

There's not an answer which readily comes to mind.
So from there, humans leap to the conclusion that if they cannot imagine such a scenario, then one does not exist.
There's not enough information to categorically rule out the possibility that the state had good reason to suspend Constitutional rights.

But, truth be told, my imagination is failing me at the moment as well.
I am having trouble imagining a likely scenario wherein the state has some interest which supersedes the lady's Fourth Amendment rights.

But I am open to new information as it arrives.
There may be some very plausible scenario where the lady's Constitutional rights must be violated.

If anyone thinks up a plausible scenario, please feel free to share it.
Let me just say, from the short snippet of what happened that we saw, I do NOT condone the police officers actions, however, don't we have to ask ourselves why it is that outlets like NBC are pushing this meme...? I mean, you and others that can be so easily manipulated by a 10 second snip of footage, and a narrative need to back up a moment, and check why you are falling for this silliness.

I'm not convinced we can dismiss this one under the guise of network news motivations.

I get that in the course of police action one cannot interfere, but at a reasonable distance while *out in public* the Police have no expectation of privacy where they can demand to not be filmed. At the same time what the officer did do was destruction of private property and arguably assault (the effort to grab the phone, again... arguably.)

I do not think as a society we can tolerate officers who look at their activity as being above the law.
I don't think it has anything to do with the 10 second snip. It has everything to do with the many hundreds of citizens shot by the Police every year. Police killings are common as horse turds and inexcusable. It's supposed to be "Protect and Serve," not center mass.

Well, yeah...Maybe the dumb asses should stop running, and or assaulting the police...Ya think?
Let's remember too, that he is holding an AR15. Now if an officer attacks you unprovoked, without warning, do you have the right to defend yourself? Would you defend yourself knowing that, unless a video is being shot somewhere else, you are probably going to be beaten and abused and charged with a crime because what you call sell defense they will call assault or resisting ect...

I posted another thread that proposes a new law for violations of the public trust....

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I'm not convinced we can dismiss this one under the guise of network news motivations.

I get that in the course of police action one cannot interfere, but at a reasonable distance while *out in public* the Police have no expectation of privacy where they can demand to not be filmed. At the same time what the officer did do was destruction of private property and arguably assault (the effort to grab the phone, again... arguably.)

I do not think as a society we can tolerate officers who look at their activity as being above the law.

But, I am not saying that...Who decides what a "reasonable distance" is? The police trying to bust in on a biker gang? or the citizen trying to catch them in something to discredit their actions?
My only comment on this is to ask who in their right mind would want to be a police officer in this day and in this political/social climate? Constantly watched/taped, constantly second guessed, constantly accused of being criminal or thugs, and constantly having an entitled public up in their faces everywhere they go and work.

Being a police officer today has to be one of if not the most stressful of jobs going. You couldn't pay me enough to be one and I'm grateful for those who do the job and do it well.

Yup. Having performed that task a couple of times, I can say that when you risk yourself to protect a populace that you increasingly feel chooses to view the law (and you, as its avatar) as the enemy, rather than the criminals, it's pretty crappy. A lot of the anti-coppers depersonalize the middle class dude with a tough job into some kind of hydra-monster "The State", and confuse childish rantings against the police officer with striking some kind of brave individualistic pose against the former.
*Sigh* yeah ok....Being on a gang interdiction police force in LA for Christ sake, is not dangerous enough...Right on Dirty Harry. :roll:

FBI reports 27 cops were killed last year. But how many civilians were killed by officers? - The Washington Post

there are nearly 1 million LEOS.

27 were killed in the line of duty last year:

"Six were killed while making arrests. Five were ambushed. Four were involved in tactical situations. All but one were killed with a firearm. One was struck and killed by a vehicle."

No, gang interdiction, is not as dangerous as it sounds..

She wasn't a gang banger.

and the other cop, with the tactical beard? come on now., /facepalm
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