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Conservatives or Democrats does it really make a difference? (1 Viewer)


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May 6, 2005
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In the Free World.
I felt like starting a hot topic. I guess nothing hotter than telling people how one side is better than the other.

I do know a substantial amount on American politics but I still want to know what the true Cons and Dems in this forum think and believe.

So what sets the Cons and the Dems so apart. In ideology they are different but are they in practice?

Hope it will be a good debate.

By: Atlas
Well from the way I hear, both parties are basically the same nowadays. One's more slightly dead than the other.

Kinda like the Conservative and the Labour party in the UK.
It is a bit unfortunate, but the far left and the far right define American politics today. Maybe because it is more exciting to talk about than the middle ground Democrat/Republicans, who actually get most of the work done. I also think it gives each side a way to enhance their fund raising, and rally the troops, so to speak. The high cost of campaigns makes fund raising a full time job. The constant rant against the extremes of the parties keeps the money flowing. You can't expand on your ideas if you don't get elected, and you can't win the lotto if you don't buy a ticket. :2razz:
I mentioned it in another post - it seems as though the 'practicers' are switching sides. Kinda like a football game (European or US doesn't matter). If the other team has the ball - they want it. It seems to be more about winning and no longer about the integrity of the game itself. Each 'team' seems to be stooping to all time lows to get that ball.

What makes it even more interesting; when folks that thought something was a damn fine idea 6 years ago - somehow think that it's crazy now.
Sometimes I believe that liberalism is a problem. Conservatives actuall have some moral value.
satinloveslibs said:
Sometimes I believe that liberalism is a problem. Conservatives actuall have some moral value.

Define "moral values". Moral values are different from person to person, not on a set code or structure.

Moral values aren't and shouldn't be classed in black and white.

For example, Conservatives cut benefits from war veterans in the past 4 years. Would you call that moral?

The one party is good, one party is evil stuff doesn't cut with me.
satinloveslibs said:
Sometimes I believe that liberalism is a problem. Conservatives actuall have some moral value.

Moral Values like what...Hypocrisy in making strides in killing juveniles but cutting UNISEF's efforts in Iraq prior to the start of the second Iraq conflict thus killing countless number of Iraqi children..(It should be noted that the ONLY other country in the world that kills children is Somalia)

Moral Values like what...A party that inherently restricts who a person can or cannot marry due to the whims of what people wrote down in a few books a couple thousand years ago

Fine lets work on the platform of all times in US history here, we can look towards the civil rights movement and see all what the Republican party did in restricting African Americans in achieving equal rights...yes thats moral fiber for you

Moral Values like what... A party that inherently restricts Vet's with sub-par and continuing decreasing health-care status

Moral Values like what... A party that inherently restricts women...whether it be choices with their own bodies or in the work force, resulting in a first lady that states publicly that "I'm the desperate house wife".

Moral Values like what...A party that restricts who can serve in our arm forces just upon his/her sexuality

Since conservatives are so willing to merge the bible with politics (or at the very least guide their political agenda -- This being the backbone of your moral value) then lets after all condoned slavery, or stoning of those who refuse to convert to Christianity, or perhaps lock away women in another area of their homes when they are going through their period, or kill people when they work on a Sunday, have someone that lied beaten to death, or a book that at its core makes those that don't adhere to its message as infidels worthy of being killed (This is a set of values that are indeed tolerant to others, as it supposedly preaches)or bring back practices of infanticide or lastly the bible's multiple examples of condoning slavery, sexual based slavery, and rape...
Is this what you call morals? Is this the moral value in which you speak?
-Conservatives are morally hypocritical and politically antiquated, period.
Wow, that's a whole lot of misinformation in one post. :shock:
I think the main problem with politics as it sits now is that people align themselves with a party. A party that sums up some of their values or beliefs. They then get lumped in with "well, if you're a Republican then you MUST agree with everything Bush says, does, writes, etc" and "if you're a democrat then you must follow and do everything that every democrat has ever voted for". It makes politics all neat and tidy when everything is in its own box and this is something that's destroying the government from within. Instead of legislators voting their conscience or doing what's right for the public, they're following party lines.

It's assumed that when we see the donkeys and elephants on this board that we immediately know that person's stance on politics. That they are pro-choice/life, pro or anti Iraq war, or their position on taxes. The list could go on. The problem is that it doesn't serve the people or the debate to assume blind allegiance to a party, an ideal, or an opinion here. It shouldn't serve the United States to have its politicians doing the same either.
I think the main problem with politics as it sits now is that people align themselves with a party.
One of the problems with the two party system, unfortunately. I always find myself "defending" my side against attacks. I can bash them, but I don't want the enemy to, mentality. The left thinks the Neo-cons have a lot more influence than I think they do, although they did move the party to the left somewhat. Same with the Religious right, I don't think they have that much clout. The far left Liberals are different in that they are the ultra rich Hollywood types, who have a national stage. The Liberals are also louder and more in your face, which draws attention to them. The "left wing nut" label fits them well, but gives a bad name to the Democrats.
Squawker said:
Wow, that's a whole lot of misinformation in one post. :shock:

typical con. response....say "well thats wrong" without the ever giving any intelligent response back, see thats a product of the Fox News network
Squawker said:
The Liberals are also louder and more in your face, which draws attention to them.
We all know how quiet the conservatives are.....

Neither side is louder. The Liberals just seem louder because a Conservative is in power, they have more things to point out that he's done wrong and therefore sound louder. Wait until a Liberal becomes president ( it MIGHT happen!) and see which side sounds "louder"
The Liberals just seem louder because a Conservative is in power, they have more things to point out that he's done wrong and therefore sound louder. Wait until a Liberal becomes president ( it MIGHT happen!) and see which side sounds "louder"
:shock: Not in my lifetime, I hope. What do the "normal" Liberals think of the Hollywood Rants? We all have legitimate disagreements with any administration, and we can debate policy all day long. There is no debating someone who operates with talking points, rhetoric, misinformation and name calling. I don't see the far left screamers as advancing any cause, except getting their name in the press.
Madhatter said:
typical con. response....say "well thats wrong" without the ever giving any intelligent response back, see thats a product of the Fox News network
When I see an intelligent post, I always try to respond intelligently.
Squawker said:
Madhatter said:
When I see an intelligent post, I always try to respond intelligently.

oooOOOOooOOOo good one......let me tell you Squawkie, I was blown out of my chair by that one...literally blown, that was a well thought out and very intelligent reply -- I was so impressed by your commanding grasp of satire and wit, that not since someone telling me to "eat my shorts" was I that put in place.
Excuse me now, I need to start the grown-up portion of my day.


Ps. Is the reason why you haven't offered any information in opposition to my original post a result of the fact that you are totally misunderstanding your party and its core "values". Come Join our side, you be at least able to sleep at night.
I thought you would like that one Madhatter. :2funny:

Ps. Is the reason why you haven't offered any information in opposition to my original post a result of the fact that you are totally misunderstanding your party and its core "values". Come Join our side, you be at least able to sleep at night.
Read my lips -- :no:
I must say Squawker if you'd become a liberal right there I would've lost all respect for you. Curse my sympathy! Hah, what a terrible leftist I am! :mrgreen:

Anyway, most liberals dislike Hollywood liberals, just so you know. Or at least...the ones I met do. Too often do these overly-rich and out of touch celebrities yell about what should be done for the common man in America. "Save the starving children! I'd donate more money but..you know these shoes cost $4,000! Sorry!". Disgusting.

The left is not organized, most have good points (in my opinion) but most also disagree on many of these points.

The right is organized. I disagree with many of their points, so do others but...just like Ol' Lenin said
"Can the power of a hundred be greater than the power of a thousand? It can. And it does, when the hundred is organized"

Only when the left becomes organized can things change. Is this going to happen in America anytime soon? I don't see it...
I must say Squaker if you'd become a liberal right there I would've lost all respect for you. Curse my sympathy! Hah, what a terrible leftist I am! :mrgreen:
Been there, done that. I’m in my second childhood and rebelling again. :cool:

Anyway, most liberals dislike Hollywood liberals, just so you know. Or at least...the ones I met do. Too often do these overly-rich and out of touch celebrities yell about what should be done for the common man in America. "Save the starving children! I'd donate more money but..you know these shoes cost $4,000! Sorry!". Disgusting.
I kind of figured, or at least hoped, the down to earth types wouldn’t support the “whacko’s”.

Only when the left becomes organized can things change. Is this going to happen in America anytime soon? I don't see it...
We have a member here (Craigfarmer) who is on the right road, but while Hollywood holds center stage, you are probably right. Amend that to correct. :lol:

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