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Conservatives: Are you happy with the current direction of the Conservative Movement? (1 Viewer)

Are you happy with the current direction of the Conservative Movement?

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Dans La Lune

Senior Defenestrator
DP Veteran
Aug 30, 2019
Reaction score
Oceania, 1984
Political Leaning
Among the leaders of the Conservative Movement:

Donald Trump
Steve Bannon
Nick Fuentes
Tucker Carlson
Alex Jones
Among the leaders of the Conservative Movement:

Donald Trump
Steve Bannon
Nick Fuentes
Tucker Carlson
Alex Jones

Not a conservative so I won't answer the poll but when talking to the conservatives i know the answer is overwhelming no
so many have left and become independent or label themselves moderates or say they are republican but then are quick to say what/who they do not support
Among the leaders of the Conservative Movement:

Donald Trump
Steve Bannon
Nick Fuentes
Tucker Carlson
Alex Jones
I don't follow movements, but hey...they can do whatever they want. It's a free country.

(Or, it's supposed to be.)
Among the leaders of the Conservative Movement:

Donald Trump
Steve Bannon
Nick Fuentes
Tucker Carlson
Alex Jones

Righties believe that people are a resource to be chewed up and spit out. Look at what they did to trump when he publicly recommended getting the vaccine that he pushed for while in office.
Among the leaders of the Conservative Movement:

Donald Trump
Steve Bannon
Nick Fuentes
Tucker Carlson
Alex Jones

I don't like any of those choices. But that Ron DeSantis governor of Florida I could really support that guy.
Both of our two main political movements are deeply toxic and unhealthy. Part of me wishes we could get back to arguing over the top marginal tax rate and health care policy. But another part of me wonders if I'm mis-remembering things and those days never actually existed at all.
There is no conservative movement........I should know,--I am the last surviving one....

Your lean says "moderate". You're a moderate conservative?
I have not been happy with Republican party since Bush 1 was elected. I understand why Reagan had to pick H.W. Bush in order to unite the party at that time, but I never liked Bush 1 or Bush 2.... typical East coast globalist elitists.

I wish the Republicans would have followed Pat Buchanan. Now there was a conservative who would have really made America great again.
I have not been happy with Republican party since Bush 1 was elected. I understand why Reagan had to pick H.W. Bush in order to unite the party at that time, but I never liked Bush 1 or Bush 2.... typical East coast globalist elitists.

I wish the Republicans would have followed Pat Buchanan. Now there was a conservative who would have really made America great again.

Which policies do you think the Republican party should have pushed?
Considering the choices and then some, the question makes me glad I'm currently not a conservative.
MAGA people.

I'd also add Ben Shapiro as a leader.
Where have the MAGA people (whoever they are) claimed that your list represents the “leaders” of the conservative movement, and how did you become their spokesmodel?
Both of our two main political movements are deeply toxic and unhealthy. Part of me wishes we could get back to arguing over the top marginal tax rate and health care policy. But another part of me wonders if I'm mis-remembering things and those days never actually existed at all.

There are serious people pushing for and discussing policy, rather than Culture War stuff, but they're generally talking to an empty room.


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