• This is a political forum that is non-biased/non-partisan and treats every person's position on topics equally. This debate forum is not aligned to any political party. In today's politics, many ideas are split between and even within all the political parties. Often we find ourselves agreeing on one platform but some topics break our mold. We are here to discuss them in a civil political debate. If this is your first visit to our political forums, be sure to check out the RULES. Registering for debate politics is necessary before posting. Register today to participate - it's free!

Congratulations Debate Politics! (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 31, 2005
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
Political Leaning
Debate Politics just hit 1,000 members! Congratulations!

I am interested in knowing about the origins of this website. Who created it? Who runs it? Why was it created? School project? Hobby? Where is it controlled from? When was it created? What were the initial goals of it and what are they now, if different? How many forums did it have when it started? What was the first item of debate? Which do you think has been the most heated debate? Most popular? And anything else I can be told about it!

Thank you.
Indeed - Congrats Debate Politics.

Hrmm... let's see what I can do with some of these questions.

Our ORIGINAL birth date is in May, but our 're-born' birth date is in October.

I am the owner and co founder of Debate Politics. I recently changed my title from "Admin" to "Lead moderator" so that I could be a team player instead of a boss. For all practical purposes, I am the founder as I do all the coding in the background. Gypsy32 is the other co founder, but he is no longer active and never really was active much anyway. He fronted the money to create this web site (full year of hosting and half the forum charges). Debate Politics.com domain was available when searching for a name, so I bought it even without telling him! He didn't really like the domain name, but accepted it. He is no longer co-owner, but he is still a member. He might sneak in at anytime though.

The forum was created to be a sounding board for everyone of any political bias. We wanted to talk about the upcoming election, but started off way too late for that to happen last year. We were and still are the type of folks that like to keep in touch with the news and write our congressperson whenever we believe it was the good thing to do.

The original concept was a little different than what it is today. We had 3 additional forums that only allowed Conservatives, Independents, and Liberals to start a post - but anyone could respond. This proved to be a challenge to folks that were new to forums and also proved to be a dud. There were also private "flame" forums for each group. Of course we had "Today's news" and "US Politics" as well. Very small forums - I think we had around 12 or so.

The design and the goal has never been to be profitable, but simply pay the bills and refund our losses. I remember saying one time, "It is my hobby and an expensive one - why should anyone else have to pay for my hobby?" I still think of that when posting about how are bills are due in October.

We told friends and family. Probably the first 35 or so were just feeling sorry for us or just wanted to shut me up. :rofl It took forever for google to find us, and when she did - we were very low in the rankings. For 3 months google ignored us after she found us (sandbox effect). Of course now we are top for many competitive searches. Most likely, if you are a new member, you found us through google.

Pacridge is probably one of the longest and still very active members and he can remember the good old days back in early November. I asked him to be a moderator shortly after he signed up. We had around 160 members at the time if I remember correctly. He is truly one of the guys that can be blamed for the sites popularity. From the beginning, I have attempted (not always) to get his take on where we should be heading.

Around the December time-frame we had several folks asking if they could donate and help out because they think we were heading in a direction that other forums were not. The idea of being unbiased was a new concept. I waxed and waned, but finally accepted it. This rekindled my personal spirits greatly that this was a good thing. I think that is a major reason why we are successful. We always try to listen to feedback and most of the time implement on the spot. Alex's recent request for the Political Platform forum is a prime example.

The most successful thread ever was http://www.debatepolitics.com/showthread.php?threadid=482 - "A simple yes or no with a short explanation" - Abortion forum. Currently, the most active is War on Terror.

By now you should all know the concept and philosophy. We have a very diverse moderator team that keeps us all in check. We do not want to give the perception that partisanship is a reason for moderating a post or banning a user. To date we have only banned 4 users.

Thanks to everyone here, we are indeed one of the fastest growing political forum on the net.
How many members are there right now?
I have no idea when I came here, why I came here, or how I came here.. all I remember is I felt welcomed here and glad to be here.

I started out with a great thread with RightAtNYU and I was hooked from then on.

Yeah, he totally beat me in that political debate.

I was flattered when I was offered the chance to not only create various Signatures for the Moderators, including the Banner, but also join the Moderator team. I'll be here for a very long time!
Arch Enemy said:
I have no idea when I came here, why I came here, or how I came here.. all I remember is I felt welcomed here and glad to be here.

I started out with a great thread with RightAtNYU and I was hooked from then on.

Yeah, he totally beat me in that political debate.

I was flattered when I was offered the chance to not only create various Signatures for the Moderators, including the Banner, but also join the Moderator team. I'll be here for a very long time!

I remember debating you as soon as I got here...it was a great time.

Pac was the first person on here from the other side of the aisle who I immediately had respect for and listened to.

I remember getting in fights with Urethra for most of my first couple months here.

This place is fantastic, and I'm certainly not going anywhere.
RightatNYU said:
I remember debating you as soon as I got here...it was a great time.

Pac was the first person on here from the other side of the aisle who I immediately had respect for and listened to.

I remember getting in fights with Urethra for most of my first couple months here.

This place is fantastic, and I'm certainly not going anywhere.

The thread is still around, believe it or not.

Ah Great-Times.

Yeah, I've had my arguments with Urethra, but I have alot of respect for her.
galenrox said:
yeah, I came here to pass the time while I'm at work, cause markets in the summer don't do much, and it turned out to be real cool, and now I spend my offtime here, and my girlfriend is really sick of hearing "Oh, I got someone real good on the forum today!" lol.

"But I was CRUSHED later on by that witty, intelligent & sexy cnredd!"
I am pretty new to this site, I am an intern and I started because my manager is out of town this week and I have nothing to do. But I got instantly hooked. Its probably not something I should be doing at work, but oh well...
galenrox said:
yeah, I came here to pass the time while I'm at work, cause markets in the summer don't do much, and it turned out to be real cool, and now I spend my offtime here, and my girlfriend is really sick of hearing "Oh, I got someone real good on the forum today!" lol.

In about 1months time you've racked up almost double the number of posts I have.

You're such a post whore Galenrox! Much <3 Though.
vauge said:
Indeed - Congrats Debate Politics.

Hrmm... let's see what I can do with some of these questions.

Our ORIGINAL birth date is in May, but our 're-born' birth date is in October.

I am the owner and co founder of Debate Politics. I recently changed my title from "Admin" to "Lead moderator" so that I could be a team player instead of a boss. For all practical purposes, I am the founder as I do all the coding in the background. Gypsy32 is the other co founder, but he is no longer active and never really was active much anyway. He fronted the money to create this web site (full year of hosting and half the forum charges). Debate Politics.com domain was available when searching for a name, so I bought it even without telling him! He didn't really like the domain name, but accepted it. He is no longer co-owner, but he is still a member. He might sneak in at anytime though.

The forum was created to be a sounding board for everyone of any political bias. We wanted to talk about the upcoming election, but started off way too late for that to happen last year. We were and still are the type of folks that like to keep in touch with the news and write our congressperson whenever we believe it was the good thing to do.

The original concept was a little different than what it is today. We had 3 additional forums that only allowed Conservatives, Independents, and Liberals to start a post - but anyone could respond. This proved to be a challenge to folks that were new to forums and also proved to be a dud. There were also private "flame" forums for each group. Of course we had "Today's news" and "US Politics" as well. Very small forums - I think we had around 12 or so.

The design and the goal has never been to be profitable, but simply pay the bills and refund our losses. I remember saying one time, "It is my hobby and an expensive one - why should anyone else have to pay for my hobby?" I still think of that when posting about how are bills are due in October.

We told friends and family. Probably the first 35 or so were just feeling sorry for us or just wanted to shut me up. :rofl It took forever for google to find us, and when she did - we were very low in the rankings. For 3 months google ignored us after she found us (sandbox effect). Of course now we are top for many competitive searches. Most likely, if you are a new member, you found us through google.

Pacridge is probably one of the longest and still very active members and he can remember the good old days back in early November. I asked him to be a moderator shortly after he signed up. We had around 160 members at the time if I remember correctly. He is truly one of the guys that can be blamed for the sites popularity. From the beginning, I have attempted (not always) to get his take on where we should be heading.

Around the December time-frame we had several folks asking if they could donate and help out because they think we were heading in a direction that other forums were not. The idea of being unbiased was a new concept. I waxed and waned, but finally accepted it. This rekindled my personal spirits greatly that this was a good thing. I think that is a major reason why we are successful. We always try to listen to feedback and most of the time implement on the spot. Alex's recent request for the Political Platform forum is a prime example.

The most successful thread ever was http://www.debatepolitics.com/showthread.php?threadid=482 - "A simple yes or no with a short explanation" - Abortion forum. Currently, the most active is War on Terror.

By now you should all know the concept and philosophy. We have a very diverse moderator team that keeps us all in check. We do not want to give the perception that partisanship is a reason for moderating a post or banning a user. To date we have only banned 4 users.

Thanks to everyone here, we are indeed one of the fastest growing political forum on the net.

Are there any new and interesting things we can expect in the future of Debate Politics? Anything currently be worked on or thought of? (I feel like Dan Rather!).
The only thing significant that I can think of ATM is we will be upgrading the forum software as soon as it hits gold release. Prob about a month out.

One of the features is that posts stay unread until you mark them read or actually click on them. The 20 mins and they disapear days will be forever gone!

Also, as soon as I put the time into it - Liberitarian/Constutional and Socialists usergroups will be added.

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