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Common denominator in most police shootings of blacks (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 6, 2008
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Political Leaning
Ok so we have riots and looting because people are upset that white cops are shooting black suspects. We have thread after thread on whether it was justified or not. What we haven't had is a thread that focuses on a single but obvious point that led to the shooting to begin with. So I will say with confidence that if you dont want to get shot by police the only thing you have to do is comply. Follow the commands of the arresting officer. Fight your battle in court. Every one of these shootings with the exception of Brianna Taylor started with resisting arrest. Cops are not HUNTING blacks as LeBron moron James suggests. They are simply trying to make an arrest and the badguy is escalating the arrest by resisting.

So I will say to all my black fellow citizens if you don't want to be shot just comply. Follow all the commands. Make the policemans job easy. Understand that they don't know you are not going to hurt them. They don't know that you won't turn on them in a flash. Nobody wants to be hurt or killed even police.

Thousands of blacks are arrested everyday without incident. Police kill more unarmed white guys than blacks every year so there is no hunting going on. Just comply so nobody dies. It really is that simple.
Ok so we have riots and looting because people are upset that white cops are shooting black suspects. We have thread after thread on whether it was justified or not. What we haven't had is a thread that focuses on a single but obvious point that led to the shooting to begin with. So I will say with confidence that if you dont want to get shot by police the only thing you have to do is comply. Follow the commands of the arresting officer. Fight your battle in court. Every one of these shootings with the exception of Brianna Taylor started with resisting arrest. Cops are not HUNTING blacks as LeBron moron James suggests. They are simply trying to make an arrest and the badguy is escalating the arrest by resisting.

So I will say to all my black fellow citizens if you don't want to be shot just comply. Follow all the commands. Make the policemans job easy. Understand that they don't know you are not going to hurt them. They don't know that you won't turn on them in a flash. Nobody wants to be hurt or killed even police.

Thousands of blacks are arrested everyday without incident. Police kill more unarmed white guys than blacks every year so there is no hunting going on. Just comply so nobody dies. It really is that simple.
George Floyd
Philando Castile
Breonna Taylor
Eric Garner

And many others would like a word.

I think the common denominator is bullets.....:shrug:
Ok so we have riots and looting because people are upset that white cops are shooting black suspects. We have thread after thread on whether it was justified or not. What we haven't had is a thread that focuses on a single but obvious point that led to the shooting to begin with. So I will say with confidence that if you dont want to get shot by police the only thing you have to do is comply. Follow the commands of the arresting officer. Fight your battle in court. Every one of these shootings with the exception of Brianna Taylor started with resisting arrest. Cops are not HUNTING blacks as LeBron moron James suggests. They are simply trying to make an arrest and the badguy is escalating the arrest by resisting.

So I will say to all my black fellow citizens if you don't want to be shot just comply. Follow all the commands. Make the policemans job easy. Understand that they don't know you are not going to hurt them. They don't know that you won't turn on them in a flash. Nobody wants to be hurt or killed even police.

Thousands of blacks are arrested everyday without incident. Police kill more unarmed white guys than blacks every year so there is no hunting going on. Just comply so nobody dies. It really is that simple.

Pure bull****, posting sewage; and a blanket "ad hom" sig line, so that EVERY post, is technically a trolling violaton; EPIC!:lamo

Meanwhile back in an alien realm (to the likes of you and other similar posters); known as "reality":

My uncle was telling a story at the hunt camp when I was a kid. They were playing poker and I was listening. The story began with we were fighting with the black boys on the empty lot in Ybor city.......so it got me listening pretty quickly lol. Anyway my uncle says that his gang of Latinos met a gang of black kids for the classic group turf battle back in the 60's. As he tells the story he was swinging wildly a small length of chain in his hand hitting rival after rival when someone grabbed his hand. He turned to punch the person who grabbed his hand. It was a policeman. My uncle seemed to end the story there so I asked him if he hit the cop. His answer was to look at me as if I was crazy and he said hit the cop.......hit the cop.......do you know what they would have done to me if I hit that cop? All the old facts began laughing and saying that the police would have beaten him to a pulp had he hit the cop.

So police were respected back then to the point that it was acceptable for them to beat you if you hurt them. It was expected.

Today you would have to be an idiot to take that job.
George Floyd
Philando Castile
Breonna Taylor
Eric Garner

And many others would like a word.

I think the common denominator is bullets.....:shrug:

Eric garner resisted arrest. He pulled away from the arresting officer. Being a big man he was put in a choke hold. Which led to his death. Cop wasn't trying to kill him BTW.

Floyd resisted arrest. Refused to get into the car.

Castile didn't comply. The officer, who was acquitted, thought he was going for the gun he said he had.

Taylor's shooting was also resisting arrest. Police entered the wrong home conducting a search warrant. Taylors boyfriend began to fire at cops. Now they didnt know they were cops because they were in plain clothes and the cops didn't know they were in the wrong apartment. Tragedy for sure but again police reacted to a precieved resisting arrest. Had Taylor's boyfriend not fired at police she would be alive today. Cops mistake and horrible tragedy but not a good example to rebut what I posted.

Garner and floyd were not killed by bullets BTW.
Pure bull****, posting sewage; and a blanket "ad hom" sig line, so that EVERY post, is technically a trolling violaton; EPIC!:lamo

Meanwhile back in an alien realm (to the likes of you and other similar posters); known as "reality":

Probably better if you would have provided a video showing a black guy complying with police and still being shot.

Flapping your lips all day doesnt make what I said wrong. Provide an example or go away.
Even though the officer in the Castillo case was acquitted, I will give you this one. The officer being acquitted means the jury believed that he felt like Castillo was going for his gun. May not have been i dont know I wasn't on the jury so I will give you this one.

Since it is so common it should be easy to list a couple more shouldn't it.
George Floyd
Philando Castile
Breonna Taylor
Eric Garner

And many others would like a word.

I think the common denominator is bullets.....:shrug:

1. George Floyd was not shot by police. (and his death was just ruled an overdose)
2. Philando Castile shooting was a tragedy, but not the result of a police officer hunting black men. Remember, a 12 person jury, including 2 who were black, acquitted the Hispanic officer on all charges.
3. The op specifically said with the exception of Breonna Taylor.
4. Eric Garner was not shot by police.

I realize there are exceptions, but over all the op's point is a valid one.

i think that some well-meaning liberals ascribe the defiance and violence of many certain young gentlemen to their anger caused by centuries of oppression.

Besides cops, teachers and managers of businesses are also often the objects of those young gentlemen's rage.

Personally, I feel that it's time to wake up and smell the coffee.

This lamentable situation will exist until the end of time, regardless of the cops' ethnicity.
Everything is not always black and white.....

......even though some would like it to be.
Eric garner resisted arrest. He pulled away from the arresting officer. Being a big man he was put in a choke hold. Which led to his death. Cop wasn't trying to kill him BTW.

Floyd resisted arrest. Refused to get into the car.

Castile didn't comply. The officer, who was acquitted, thought he was going for the gun he said he had.

Taylor's shooting was also resisting arrest. Police entered the wrong home conducting a search warrant. Taylors boyfriend began to fire at cops. Now they didnt know they were cops because they were in plain clothes and the cops didn't know they were in the wrong apartment. Tragedy for sure but again police reacted to a precieved resisting arrest. Had Taylor's boyfriend not fired at police she would be alive today. Cops mistake and horrible tragedy but not a good example to rebut what I posted.

Garner and floyd were not killed by bullets BTW.

while I believe we should change things so that the Taylor and Floyd type incidents have less chance of happening, I agree that a lot of it seems to be knowing how to act and not act when in a confrontation with police.
Probably better if you would have provided a video showing a black guy complying with police and still being shot.

Flapping your lips all day doesnt make what I said wrong. Provide an example or go away.

Your OP didn't contain any links. Why don't you lead by example and provide some that corroborate your OP statement?
Ok so we have riots and looting because people are upset that white cops are shooting black suspects. We have thread after thread on whether it was justified or not. What we haven't had is a thread that focuses on a single but obvious point that led to the shooting to begin with. So I will say with confidence that if you dont want to get shot by police the only thing you have to do is comply. Follow the commands of the arresting officer. Fight your battle in court. Every one of these shootings with the exception of Brianna Taylor started with resisting arrest. Cops are not HUNTING blacks as LeBron moron James suggests. They are simply trying to make an arrest and the badguy is escalating the arrest by resisting.

So I will say to all my black fellow citizens if you don't want to be shot just comply. Follow all the commands. Make the policemans job easy. Understand that they don't know you are not going to hurt them. They don't know that you won't turn on them in a flash. Nobody wants to be hurt or killed even police.

Thousands of blacks are arrested everyday without incident. Police kill more unarmed white guys than blacks every year so there is no hunting going on. Just comply so nobody dies. It really is that simple.

How about training cops better? Why should the onus be on whoever the cops are dealing with? Comply or die? That's absurd in what purports to be an advanced and civilised nation.
Everything is not always black and white.....

......even though some would like it to be.

Employ mindless thugs and this is what you get. I don't care how 'stressful' or 'traumatic' the job is (a common excuse); if you can't deal with those issues get another job.
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Even though the officer in the Castillo case was acquitted, I will give you this one. The officer being acquitted means the jury believed that he felt like Castillo was going for his gun. May not have been i dont know I wasn't on the jury so I will give you this one.

Since it is so common it should be easy to list a couple more shouldn't it.

I guess you are responding to me?

Here’s a bunch all in one place......disclaimer, I missed Brionna Taylor’s mention in the OP and was hasty using bullets as a common denominator. I didn’t see Tamil Rice listed.

Unarmed Shooting | The Marshall Project

I can’t speak to the minds and hearts of the LEOs, they seem to have a greater fear of black/brown subjects. There are many instances of subjects complying and still ending up dead....
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what leads a human to blow off other humans being gunned down/killed by other humans when they shouldn't be?

Employ mindless thugs and this is what you get. I don't care how 'stressful' or 'traumatic' the job is (a common excuse); if you can't deal with those issues get another job.

The problem is that it is not easy to find good candidates to fill open police jobs today. Why would anyone with any intelligence want to be a cop? At one time a cop was respected by most people but today it seems most most people dislike cops. In the old days the city would back up the police but today in Democrat run cities those in charge want to defund or do away with their police departments.

Today you can be sitting in your patrol car and some hate filled thug may just walk up and now you away.

You can follow proper procedures to the letter and if you kill a bad guy legitimately the media will crucify you and you may end up being prosecuted and possibly imprisoned because not throwing you in prison would mean riots. Even if you get off your career in police work is likely ended.

I remember listening to some retired cops talking about the current cops in their city. The term used for the newer cops was “gorillas.” The older cops felt the new cops were often undisciplined, rowdy and not too bright.

Sometimes you get what you pay for. If you want good people to agree to work as a cop perhaps you need to double the salary. It would also help if the city management stood behind their police but not WAY behind.
The problem is that it is not easy to find good candidates to fill open police jobs today. Why would anyone with any intelligence want to be a cop? At one time a cop was respected by most people but today it seems most most people dislike cops. In the old days the city would back up the police but today in Democrat run cities those in charge want to defund or do away with their police departments.

Today you can be sitting in your patrol car and some hate filled thug may just walk up and now you away.

You can follow proper procedures to the letter and if you kill a bad guy legitimately the media will crucify you and you may end up being prosecuted and possibly imprisoned because not throwing you in prison would mean riots. Even if you get off your career in police work is likely ended.

I remember listening to some retired cops talking about the current cops in their city. The term used for the newer cops was “gorillas.” The older cops felt the new cops were often undisciplined, rowdy and not too bright.

Sometimes you get what you pay for. If you want good people to agree to work as a cop perhaps you need to double the salary. It would also help if the city management stood behind their police but not WAY behind.

More money alone won't solve the problem; a well-paid thug is still a thug. Proper training, psychological screening and genuine accountability and instant dismissal as a deterrent for those who cross the line into thuggery and corruption might help.
Ok so we have riots and looting because people are upset that white cops are shooting black suspects. We have thread after thread on whether it was justified or not. What we haven't had is a thread that focuses on a single but obvious point that led to the shooting to begin with. So I will say with confidence that if you dont want to get shot by police the only thing you have to do is comply. Follow the commands of the arresting officer. Fight your battle in court. Every one of these shootings with the exception of Brianna Taylor started with resisting arrest. Cops are not HUNTING blacks as LeBron moron James suggests. They are simply trying to make an arrest and the badguy is escalating the arrest by resisting.

So I will say to all my black fellow citizens if you don't want to be shot just comply. Follow all the commands. Make the policemans job easy. Understand that they don't know you are not going to hurt them. They don't know that you won't turn on them in a flash. Nobody wants to be hurt or killed even police.

Thousands of blacks are arrested everyday without incident. Police kill more unarmed white guys than blacks every year so there is no hunting going on. Just comply so nobody dies. It really is that simple.
This is obvious and I agree.

certainly i am sure you agree this doesn’t justify bad policing, and sometimes police overreacted to potential threats, and people die when it could have been avoided with better reactions, but even then usually though it doesn’t rise to the level of a criminal act even then.

We have to allow for deadly cop mistakes sometimes, if it was a reasonably understandable mistake. We can’t expect perfection under poetically deadly situations.

These bad reactions that lead to death are all different, some are understandable and we just move on and try to train more. Some of worse and might indicate the cop needs another profession and should be fire, some are worse still and amount to criminal negligence. Some are even worse and look like intentional murder (which is incredibly rare)
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There are many instances of subjects complying and still ending up dead....

Okay, name some. That is the purpose of this thread. There isn't this massive number of black people who do the right thing and are killed by white police. That is a lie.
Ok so we have riots and looting because people are upset that white cops are shooting black suspects. We have thread after thread on whether it was justified or not. What we haven't had is a thread that focuses on a single but obvious point that led to the shooting to begin with. So I will say with confidence that if you dont want to get shot by police the only thing you have to do is comply. Follow the commands of the arresting officer. Fight your battle in court. Every one of these shootings with the exception of Brianna Taylor started with resisting arrest. Cops are not HUNTING blacks as LeBron moron James suggests. They are simply trying to make an arrest and the badguy is escalating the arrest by resisting.

So I will say to all my black fellow citizens if you don't want to be shot just comply. Follow all the commands. Make the policemans job easy. Understand that they don't know you are not going to hurt them. They don't know that you won't turn on them in a flash. Nobody wants to be hurt or killed even police.

Thousands of blacks are arrested everyday without incident. Police kill more unarmed white guys than blacks every year so there is no hunting going on. Just comply so nobody dies. It really is that simple.

Yes, people should never question police officers and just believe they can be trusted to do the right thing. There are no incidents where people have been killed by people who impersonated police officers.

Our view: Get tougher with police impersonators
More money alone won't solve the problem; a well-paid thug is still a thug. Proper training, psychological screening and genuine accountability and instant dismissal as a deterrent for those who cross the line into thuggery and corruption might help.

I know this, If I was a younger person I would have absolutely no interest in becoming a cop today. I could find a much safer job that pays a lot more where I don’t risk my life everyday and not need all the training, psychological screening and accountability that you mention. I would almost have to be a fool to want to become a cop. I am sure a lot of younger people feel the same as I do. Unfortunately the jobs have to be filled so you get the wrong type of person as a cop because there are no other alternatives.
Everything is not always black and white.....

......even though some would like it to be.

You are looking at policing all wrong. I think of police as “Civilizations garbage men”. They deal with societies refuse.those who cant or wont follow the rules, the drunk, sick, homeless, assaulted, assaulters, they hysterical and the defiant. It is a lousy job, and getting worse.

Cops are lazy and don’t want to get hurt. In a perfect world, it is: “Put your hands behind you, take the cuffs, get in the car”. Easy, peasy. But no, some asshole needs to show his street cred. Someone has taught these people that it is OK to fight the cops. So we have a choice: “Do we want the cops beating on the assholes, or do we want the assholes beating on us”.
When things go wrong with the police, it ALWAYS starts out with a thug fighting the police, producing a weapon, or resisting arrest!!!!!!!!!!!
Everything is not always black and white.....

......even though some would like it to be.

Rotten job. After you ***** foot with someone and gently arrest them and they instantly become violent and put an arse whipping on you or worst, perhaps then you will see most of what looks very bad as not so bad.

I know not all cops are good but most are and they are not hunting blacks or anyone for that matter.

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