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Comedian joins the anti-2nd amendment loon band wagon. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 31, 2005
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Slightly Conservative
Like all anti-2nd amendment Trash she spreads lies about how easy it is to order a gun online and othern nonsense.

Buying a gun is about as easy as dialing a toll-free number onscreen, a scathing new sketch from Amy Schumer argues.
The comedian put gun-law loopholes and politicians on blast in a home shopping-themed parody that has Schumer and her co-host, Kyle Dunnigan, assuring dangerous callers that they’ll have “no problemo” obtaining a firearm.
"Here is what's great about this: Now, pretty much anyone can purchase this!" she exclaims in the preview from Thursday’s “Inside Amy Schumer,” brandishing “just your regular, run-of-
Schumer and Dunnigan, vomiting frothy, Home Shopping Network-esque banter, proceed to peddle guns to a violent felon and a suspected terrorist on the no-fly list.
“Oh no, I could never get a gun. I have several violent felonies,” a caller says.
“You bite your tongue, you silly goose,” Schumer chides. “You could absolutely get a gun if you have several felonies, as long as you buy it on the Internet or at a gun show.”
the-mill, meat-and-potatoes handgun.”
Who cares what that woman thinks? All she is known for is dirty jokes and ****ty movies.
Who cares what that woman thinks? All she is known for is dirty jokes and ****ty movies.

"Beaten with the ugly stick" comes to mind.

Still, she dangerous because someone might listen to her.
Like all anti-2nd amendment Trash she spreads lies about how easy it is to order a gun online and othern nonsense.

Amy Schumer puts gun laws, pols on blast in scathing sketch - NY Daily News
Buying a gun is about as easy as dialing a toll-free number onscreen, a scathing new sketch from Amy Schumer argues.
The comedian put gun-law loopholes and politicians on blast in a home shopping-themed parody that has Schumer and her co-host, Kyle Dunnigan, assuring dangerous callers that they’ll have “no problemo” obtaining a firearm.
"Here is what's great about this: Now, pretty much anyone can purchase this!" she exclaims in the preview from Thursday’s “Inside Amy Schumer,” brandishing “just your regular, run-of-
Schumer and Dunnigan, vomiting frothy, Home Shopping Network-esque banter, proceed to peddle guns to a violent felon and a suspected terrorist on the no-fly list.
“Oh no, I could never get a gun. I have several violent felonies,” a caller says.
“You bite your tongue, you silly goose,” Schumer chides. “You could absolutely get a gun if you have several felonies, as long as you buy it on the Internet or at a gun show.”
the-mill, meat-and-potatoes handgun.”

she is the niece of one o the most idiotic gun banning assholes in the history of US Politics. She's just as dishonest as her scumbag uncle
she is the niece of one o the most idiotic gun banning assholes in the history of US Politics. She's just as dishonest as her scumbag uncle
He isn't anti-gun, he is against we the lowly subjects owning or bearing arms. The hypocrite is shown right here with the creepiest look I have ever seen from a person handling a weapon.

He isn't anti-gun, he is against we the lowly subjects owning or bearing arms. The hypocrite is shown right here with the creepiest look I have ever seen from a person handling a weapon.

View attachment 67200726

He oozes douchebag juice. when the Clinton gun ban was passed, Schumer brayed and (most likely jizzed himself) noting

"The NRA said this bill was the nose of the camel under the tent, we are going to show the NRA the rest of the Camel"

He was gloating that the Clinton gun ban was designed to stick it to the NRA.

the good news is the voters stuck it to his scummy party in the 94 elections

Of course a leftwing asshole Like Schumer will keep winning in NY where dickheads like him are massively overrepresented

but He spent most of his first 20 years in the senate in the minority
He oozes douchebag juice. when the Clinton gun ban was passed, Schumer brayed and (most likely jizzed himself) noting

"The NRA said this bill was the nose of the camel under the tent, we are going to show the NRA the rest of the Camel"

He was gloating that the Clinton gun ban was designed to stick it to the NRA.

the good news is the voters stuck it to his scummy party in the 94 elections

Of course a leftwing asshole Like Schumer will keep winning in NY where dickheads like him are massively overrepresented

but He spent most of his first 20 years in the senate in the minority
He is the lowest of the low. He along with Reid, Pelosi, and the other numbskulls demand an equal voice in legislation when they are the minority party but then when they do get a majority they go heavy handed and say "too bad, we have the votes". I will not shed a tear when he is gone.
He is the lowest of the low. He along with Reid, Pelosi, and the other numbskulls demand an equal voice in legislation when they are the minority party but then when they do get a majority they go heavy handed and say "too bad, we have the votes". I will not shed a tear when he is gone.

He's one of the true pukes of American Politics. A power hungry arrogant peckerhead
He isn't anti-gun, he is against we the lowly subjects owning or bearing arms. The hypocrite is shown right here with the creepiest look I have ever seen from a person handling a weapon.

View attachment 67200726

Which is why I say there is a difference between pro-2nd amendment and pro-gun. Anti-2nd amendment trash in office, dictators, and other elite tend to be pro having guns protecting their ass but are totally against you, I and everyone else having that same protection.
Which is why I say there is a difference between pro-2nd amendment and pro-gun. Anti-2nd amendment trash in office, dictators, and other elite tend to be pro having guns protecting their ass but are totally against you, I and everyone else having that same protection.
If they take citizens' guns they are insulated from the ultimate blowback to the ****ing they are putting on us, then we are subjects. Of course politicians want a monopoly on force, at that point they own the U.S., as is they already think they do.

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