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Colorado Shootings: 1st Dark Knight Lawsuit Filed [W:90] (1 Viewer)

Sorry... Rednecks, white trash, gun nuts, criminals, and gang-bangers... Did I leave anyone out?

Wanna-be Rambo posers who read Solider of Fortune magazine?

Normal people don't carry guns into movie theaters.

castrated eunuchs, girlymen, and others afraid of their own shadow and their ability to properly handle a weapon are against others carrying guns because that reminds the hand wringing cowards of their own inadequacies.

its like Aesop's fox
I count FIVE pictures with no context. What is their job? Why do they carry a gun?

And I said to a movie theater... so don't change the conversation.

Here's the point, sport, carrying a firearm in public for no good reason makes you a dangerous asshole. IMO.

Again, photos w/o context are meaningless. Fail on your part.

I doubt that anyone with a CCW carries for no reason, self defense is a damn good one.
I doubt that anyone with a CCW carries for no reason, self defense is a damn good one.

After this shooting, how could anyone suggest there's no reason to carry?
its like Aesop's fox

I forget that one, was the Fox irritated at the gun nut a-holes who can't see how stupid it is to carry a gun around in public when you're not a trained LEO.

That's right, the key key line in the fable was: "These Rambo wannabes should all go to hell."
I doubt that anyone with a CCW carries for no reason, self defense is a damn good one.

Self-defense is a reason to keep a weapon in your home. Carrying one in public is just putting everyone around you at risk, and IMO overcompensation for a small penis.
I forget that one, was the Fox irritated at the gun nut a-holes who can't see how stupid it is to carry a gun around in public when you're not a trained LEO.

That's right, the key key line in the fable was: "These Rambo wannabes should all go to hell."

I have better training than 99% of all civilian (federal or state) police officers or special agents.

that's why I teach them how to shoot and when they are allowed to shoot
Self-defense is a reason to keep a weapon in your home. Carrying one in public is just putting everyone around you at risk, and IMO overcompensation for a small penis.

this sort of confirms why no one who understands this issue takes your emotospewing psychotic babbling on guns seriously
I have better training than 99% of all civilian (federal or state) police officers or special agents.

Yeah, yeah...we've heard all your stories. Only, IMO, the lack of actual facts and knowledge in your posts indicates a person with a wild imagination.


So, keep spinning your yarn, it's more entertaining than Korea vs Mexico archery semi-finals.

But when Beach Volleyball comes back on, I'm tuning you out.

that's why I teach them how to shoot and when they are allowed to shoot

Teach now, do you?


Self-defense is a reason to keep a weapon in your home.

Home invasion isn't the only reason or place for self defense.

Carrying one in public is just putting everyone around you at risk

Source for that claim? Please show me where gun related violence increased in places that CCW passes.

I guess that 72 year old man who stopped the robbery on July 13th was the one who put everyone in danger, while only having shot the perps, rather than the criminals themselves. People like you only want criminals and police to have guns in public places.

and IMO overcompensation for a small penis.

Says the coward afraid of guns.
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Says the coward afraid of guns.

In a society that allows citizens to carry guns in public, the intelligent man must be afraid of being shot accidentally by a poorly trained, overzealous gun fanatic who is really just overcompensating for a small penis.
In a society that allows citizens to carry guns in public, the intelligent man must be afraid of being shot accidentally by a poorly trained, overzealous gun fanatic who is really just overcompensating for a small penis.

Im done with your baseless personal attacks, as Goshin said in the NRA thread, "Opposing lawful carry is opposing the right to bear arms."

You don't care about my freedom? Fine, I don't care to hear more of your tripe. The facts remain that CCW permit holders are better shots and more trained w/ more range time than most LEOs.
It's clear that you're only interested in baiting, so this'll likely be my last response in this vein of conversation, but there are countless "normal people" for which putting on a firearm in the morning is part of their daily routine. It's not a conscious decision to carry only to the movie theater, it's a commitment to be prepared and alert no matter where they are.

A firearm does not make a person a wannabe cop or soldier any more than a fire extinguisher makes you a wannabe firefighter or a first aid kit makes you a wannabe doctor.

Here, let's play a game:

Tell me, where is the redneck or the white-trash in these photos
View attachment 67131610

View attachment 67131611

...where is the criminal or gang-banger in these pictures?

View attachment 67131612

View attachment 67131613

Despite the attempts of the anti-personal defense crowd to paint everyone with a gun using the same broad brush that you did above, it doesn't change the fact that there are millions of "normal people" who go about their everyday business while at the same time taking responsibility for their own safety..

some of the pictures look staged to me.... just saying
Says the coward afraid of guns.

In a society that allows citizens to carry guns in public, the intelligent man must be afraid of being shot accidentally by a poorly trained, overzealous gun fanatic who is really just overcompensating for a small penis.
Moderator's Warning:
Both of you knock it off. Or else.
The American wet dream: sue somebody.

It's no wonder everything is so expensive in the United States.
I keep looking for puddles to slip in, and crack my wrist, with no luck. Maybe when it's winter, and it snows again.

Past that, I'm having a hard time trying to find something to sue some large corp over. Give me time, though...
I have better training than 99% of all civilian (federal or state) police officers or special agents.

that's why I teach them how to shoot and when they are allowed to shoot

Except one of you has a sheet of paper as an opponent and the other has an erratic unpredictable opponent capable of shooting or stabbing back.
I keep looking for puddles to slip in, and crack my wrist, with no luck. Maybe when it's winter, and it snows again.

Past that, I'm having a hard time trying to find something to sue some large corp over. Give me time, though...

You could watch a bunch of movies and wait for a copycat?
You could watch a bunch of movies and wait for a copycat?

But how would I get money out of that? The person that made the movie being copied might, sure...but not me.

It doesn't matter how things look to you, just saying.

I have heard of laws to carry a concealed weapon but those weapons were not exactly concealed... Why would somebody go grocery shopping with gun exposed on their hip? It does matter how things look to me. I'd like some answers or I am going to think some of those photos are staged.
I have heard of laws to carry a concealed weapon but those weapons were not exactly concealed... Why would somebody go grocery shopping with gun exposed on their hip? It does matter how things look to me. I'd like some answers or I am going to think some of those photos are staged.

Well, because photos of people concealing their weapons would look rather like people carrying nothing at all, these are all photos of people in States where open carry is legal.
Well I have never heard of those laws and I am not sure if I agree with them. Now lets get back on topic.
Colorado Shootings: 1st Dark Knight Lawsuit Filed

Colorado Shootings: 1st Dark Knight Lawsuit Filed | Reuters

Front Sight's Answer to Aurora, CO Massacre

I have the answer to the insanity of Gun Free Zones and I am putting my money where my mouth is by paying the legal fees of the first victim to file a very specific lawsuit against the Cinemark Movie Theater chain that denied responsible citizens their right to carry a concealed weapon to defend themselves against the murderous rampage of a deranged killer.


Why am I doing this? Because it needs to be done! Victims of the Aurora, CO shooting need to file a lawsuit against the Cinemark Theater chain for denying them the ability to defend themselves by prohibiting the carry of licensed and permitted, concealed weapons into the theater. I believe that a private company certainly has the choice to deny patrons the right to carry a gun into the building, but in denying the right to self defense with a gun, once the private company accepts money from the patron, they also accept the liability to protect the patron TO THE SAME LEVEL that the patron would have had available to them, had the private company allowed them to carry their licensed and permitted weapons for self defense.

I believe a jury of Aurora, CO citizens will recognize the responsibility and liability the Cinemark Theater accepted and set new legal precedence with a favorable jury verdict for the victims of the shooting. This in turn will cause every “Gun Free Zone” in America to rethink their position or face a similar verdict.

I'm glad to see private entities are being held responsible for maintaining well-documented public hazards.

If you want your business to be a gun-free zone, then you should have to demonstrate a 'need', provide armed security, pay a special insurance due to the increased crime, and file for an annual 'public hazard' permit.
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Self-defense is a reason to keep a weapon in your home. Carrying one in public is just putting everyone around you at risk, and IMO overcompensation for a small penis.
:lol: What does that say about me then, since the gun I carry the most is a snub-noes?


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