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Cnn feels anti-media rage (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 10, 2015
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Southern Oregon
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The problem with the media is that they are biased and unrepentant about it. Fix your ****ing programing and do your ****ing job. No one should treat them with any respect until they stop being a being bunch of partisan hacks.
The problem with the media is that they are biased and unrepentant about it. Fix your ****ing programing and do your ****ing job. No one should treat them with any respect until they stop being a being bunch of partisan hacks.

I fully agree and won't give them the time of day.
I fully agree and won't give them the time of day.

I wouldn't either. If one of those idiots came up to me I would just tell them that I don't have time to talk to partisan hacks.
Oh, now you're a traitor if you don't worship Trump?

The rhetoric keeps getting nuttier.
Trump Rally-Goer To CNN Reporter: "I Am A Patriot And You Are A Traitor!"

Trump Rally-Goer To CNN Reporter: "I Am A Patriot And You Are A Traitor!" | Video | RealClearPolitics

I fully agree. The MSM and others are in the tank for Clinton.....no pretense whatsoever of objectivity....No Fair and Balanced.............just total bias!

Good for him. I use to watch CNN regularly and would laugh when people would say they were biased. But then I started watching some FOX. Then I'd switch back and forth and now I'm mostly a FOX viewer but everyone once in a while (for as they say sh^*)^* 's and Giggles) I'll flip to see what CNN has to say about the same story. It's hysterical in a very sad almost seriously depressing way. So much for the giggles.
Must have missed where he said you have to worship Trump. Sounds more like he's upset about CNN's biased coverage.

You're going to split hairs between "worship" Trump and "support" Trump?


The Trump supporter called someone who doesn't support Trump (I assume, given that it's a CNN reporter) a "traitor!" What is it with Trumpsters and insanely angry hyperbole? ("Kill her!" "Traitor!" etc).

Let me guess, you're going to do that with me because you see my lean is "slightly liberal", BUT, you also criticize anyone who believed that Trump meant Obama literally founded ISIS when he said that Obama literally founded ISIS, and the next day, said that he had meant it? If anyone believed that, they're just stupid liberals who didn't recognize exaggeration when they see it, right? But you're still on solid ground complaining that I said "worship" instead of "support" or some other less strong word, yes?

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If it wasn't so tragic, I'd have to laugh uproariously at threads like this and the previous one that bitched about the mean old media not being nice to sweet whittle Donnie.

How stupid do you have to be to not have recognized that the media, CNN at the forefront, pimped Trump for 10 months to get idiots in the Republican primaries to make him the nominee and now they are likewise pimping for Clinton, because that's who they've wanted to be President all along. The best way to ensure Clinton gets elected is to have the worst possible opponent nominated by the other side. Voila, here's Donnie!!

Pretty rich to be a Trump supporter and not raise a peep about the tens of $millions in free media the Donald got for the better part of a year and now complain because they've turned on him. You get the media you deserve, and right now you deserve crappy media because you're too stupid not to be manipulated by it.
If it wasn't so tragic, I'd have to laugh uproariously at threads like this and the previous one that bitched about the mean old media not being nice to sweet whittle Donnie.

How stupid do you have to be to not have recognized that the media, CNN at the forefront, pimped Trump for 10 months to get idiots in the Republican primaries to make him the nominee and now they are likewise pimping for Clinton, because that's who they've wanted to be President all along. The best way to ensure Clinton gets elected is to have the worst possible opponent nominated by the other side. Voila, here's Donnie!!

Pretty rich to be a Trump supporter and not raise a peep about the tens of $millions in free media the Donald got for the better part of a year and now complain because they've turned on him. You get the media you deserve, and right now you deserve crappy media because you're too stupid not to be manipulated by it.

The MSM was never for Trump, they have been trying to bury him since the beginning.
If it wasn't so tragic, I'd have to laugh uproariously at threads like this and the previous one that bitched about the mean old media not being nice to sweet whittle Donnie.

How stupid do you have to be to not have recognized that the media, CNN at the forefront, pimped Trump for 10 months to get idiots in the Republican primaries to make him the nominee and now they are likewise pimping for Clinton, because that's who they've wanted to be President all along. The best way to ensure Clinton gets elected is to have the worst possible opponent nominated by the other side. Voila, here's Donnie!!

Pretty rich to be a Trump supporter and not raise a peep about the tens of $millions in free media the Donald got for the better part of a year and now complain because they've turned on him. You get the media you deserve, and right now you deserve crappy media because you're too stupid not to be manipulated by it.

I'm still waiting for American conservatives to take responsibility for their own actions in meaningful numbers. Trump is the right's candidate. He couldn't have become the right's candidate unless a whole bunch of people on the right - conservatives - voted for him in the primaries. Nothing the media did or said forced Trump to embrace a persona that conservatives liked.

Even if they were giving Trump more air time in the hope that the right would rally behind a disgusting ***hole, the right still rallied behind the disgusting ***hole. "The media" wasn't in the RNC back rooms stuffing ballots.

They're supposed to be big on personal responsibility, but somehow, everything they do wrong is someone else's fault.
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You're going to split hairs between "worship" Trump and "support" Trump?


The Trump supporter called someone who doesn't support Trump (I assume, given that it's a CNN reporter) a "traitor!" What is it with Trumpsters and insanely angry hyperbole? ("Kill her!" "Traitor!" etc).

Let me guess, you're going to do that with me because you see my lean is "slightly liberal", BUT, you also criticize anyone who believed that Trump meant Obama literally founded ISIS when he said that Obama literally founded ISIS, and the next day, said that he had meant it? If anyone believed that, they're just stupid liberals who didn't recognize exaggeration when they see it, right? But you're still on solid ground complaining that I said "worship" instead of "support" or some other less strong word, yes?

Didn't look at your lean, but it's plain to see you're an adherent to stereotypes. Also good to know that I can pretty much ignore what you post, because what you type isn't really what you mean.

I'm not a Trump supporter at all, but I would like to see the media a little less biased in their coverage. Stereotype that.
Also good to know that I can pretty much ignore what you post

Please do that. The post in which you objected to what I wrote was dishonest and stupid. I'd rather not have you responding to my posts if you can help it.
The MSM was never for Trump, they have been trying to bury him since the beginning.

No question. From total fabrication of comments he made when he announced his intent to run, to this very day regarding Guantanamo and trying US Citizens. The media has been in overdrive directing people to who they will allow to be President of the United States.

What has lobotomized Trumps detractors is the very fact they have failed to comprehend that a large portion of voters have simply had enough of the status quo, and Trump is anything but.

All the media did earlier on with Trump, in their zeal to control this election was reversed in their face by those who saw exactly what they were doing. They know the media, the Clinton Campaign, and all the other liberal/socialist progressives forces are one and the same - totally interconnected.

And that is the status quo so many voters are rightfully disgusted with.
Please do that. The post in which you objected to what I wrote was dishonest and stupid. I'd rather not have you responding to my posts if you can help it.
It was neither. Sorry if you can't handle any disagreement to your posts.
I'm still waiting for American conservatives to take responsibility for their own actions in meaningful numbers. Trump is the right's candidate. He couldn't have become the right's candidate unless a whole bunch of people on the right - conservatives - voted for him in the primaries. Nothing the media did or said forced Trump to embrace a persona that conservatives liked.

Even if they were giving Trump more air time in the hope that the right would rally behind a disgusting ***hole, the right still rallied behind the disgusting ***hole. "The media" wasn't in the RNC back rooms stuffing ballots.

They're supposed to be big on personal responsibility, but somehow, everything they do wrong is someone else's fault.

If you don't understand or appreciate the cult of personality that pervades American media, advertising, etc., then you're not paying attention. Of course the media drove the Trump phenomenon. You'd have to be brain dead not to appreciate that fact.
The MSM was never for Trump, they have been trying to bury him since the beginning.

How the media superficially behave and what they actually intend may be different things.

I happen to believe that there is a partisan bias in the media - not just since these elections started, but on their coverage in general.
I'm still waiting for American conservatives to take responsibility for their own actions in meaningful numbers. Trump is the right's candidate. He couldn't have become the right's candidate unless a whole bunch of people on the right - conservatives - voted for him in the primaries. Nothing the media did or said forced Trump to embrace a persona that conservatives liked.

Even if they were giving Trump more air time in the hope that the right would rally behind a disgusting ***hole, the right still rallied behind the disgusting ***hole. "The media" wasn't in the RNC back rooms stuffing ballots.

They're supposed to be big on personal responsibility, but somehow, everything they do wrong is someone else's fault.

If you don't understand or appreciate the cult of personality that pervades American media, advertising, etc., then you're not paying attention. Of course the media drove the Trump phenomenon. You'd have to be brain dead not to appreciate that fact.

How about actually responding what I said?

The media didn't force anyone to vote for Trump, so even if they were all conspiring to give him coverage in the hope that he would be the GOP nominee, it's still ultimately GOP primary voters' responsibility!

How can anyone disagree with that? Is the argument that conservatives cannot think for themselves, so if "liberal media" gives a Republican a lot of coverage, conservatives will mindlessly vote for that Republican; and therefore, the argument runs, it makes sense to blame the media and not the people who actually voted for Trump in the primaries?

Seriously...how can the party that claims to represent individual thinking and responsibility always do the exact thing you are doing? The GOP - conservatives - ****ed up in a huge way this election. It's their fault and nobody else's. Stop making excuses.
How about actually responding what I said?

The media didn't force anyone to vote for Trump, so even if they were all conspiring to give him coverage in the hope that he would be the GOP nominee, it's still ultimately GOP primary voters' responsibility!

How can anyone disagree with that? Is the argument that conservatives cannot think for themselves, so if "liberal media" gives a Republican a lot of coverage, conservatives will mindlessly vote for that Republican; and therefore, the argument runs, it makes sense to blame the media and not the people who actually voted for Trump in the primaries?

Seriously...how can the party that claims to represent individual thinking and responsibility always do the exact thing you are doing? The GOP - conservatives - ****ed up in a huge way this election. It's their fault and nobody else's. Stop making excuses.

Funny - you bitch to me about not responding to what you said when I didn't initiate contact with you at all and simply responded to a post you sent in response to my post. Since you didn't directly respond to the contents of my post and simply posted up your pet talking points, it's pretty rich that you now are demanding I respond on your terms. Not much doubt you're a liberal.

Had you actually read my original post, you'd note that I was responding to and criticizing a conservative supporter of Trump who has his panties in a twist because CNN is no longer fawning all over Trump like they were the first 10 months of this past year. In case you don't get it, I was telling that conservative to take responsibility for being duped by the media. He's not alone - as the whining here on DP would indicate. But there are just as many conservatives, such as myself, who have been saying since day one, way back last summer, that the Republican Party was being played for fools by Trump and the media - and that's exactly what has happened.

So, again, since you didn't get it the first time, I'll repeat it another time. Conservatives and those who voted in the Republican primaries (not all were conservatives or Republicans) were played by the media that wanted Donald Trump to be the Republican nominee because he was, and is, a guarantee that Hillary Clinton will be the next President of the United States. Conservatives and those who voted in the Republican primaries own the result, and as I said, they are responsible for being played for fools and it's a little too late to start lamenting media manipulation of the election now when they've been doing it all the time.

Got it??
Funny - you bitch to me about not responding to what you said when I didn't initiate contact with you at all and simply responded to a post you sent in response to my post.

What the hell does it matter who initiated contact with whom?

You initiated contact with the entire thread when you posted this without replying to anyone:

If it wasn't so tragic, I'd have to laugh uproariously at threads like this and the previous one that bitched about the mean old media not being nice to sweet whittle Donnie.

How stupid do you have to be to not have recognized that the media, CNN at the forefront, pimped Trump for 10 months to get idiots in the Republican primaries to make him the nominee and now they are likewise pimping for Clinton, because that's who they've wanted to be President all along. The best way to ensure Clinton gets elected is to have the worst possible opponent nominated by the other side. Voila, here's Donnie!!

Pretty rich to be a Trump supporter and not raise a peep about the tens of $millions in free media the Donald got for the better part of a year and now complain because they've turned on him. You get the media you deserve, and right now you deserve crappy media because you're too stupid not to be manipulated by it.

Now you're going to complain that I responded to your invitation to the thread? Christ.

Anyway, I responded to the part in red by pointing out the absurdity of trying to blame the media for Trump becoming the nominee:

I'm still waiting for American conservatives to take responsibility for their own actions in meaningful numbers. Trump is the right's candidate. He couldn't have become the right's candidate unless a whole bunch of people on the right - conservatives - voted for him in the primaries. Nothing the media did or said forced Trump to embrace a persona that conservatives liked.

Even if they were giving Trump more air time in the hope that the right would rally behind a disgusting ***hole, the right still rallied behind the disgusting ***hole. "The media" wasn't in the RNC back rooms stuffing ballots.

They're supposed to be big on personal responsibility, but somehow, everything they do wrong is someone else's fault.

And then you just repeated your whine about the liberal media. You didn't actually address the central point of its irrelevance to GOP primary voters (conservatives) choosing trump:

If you don't understand or appreciate the cult of personality that pervades American media, advertising, etc., then you're not paying attention. Of course the media drove the Trump phenomenon. You'd have to be brain dead not to appreciate that fact.

Now you're going to get your knickers in a twist about me challenging you to actually address my point? You're going to blindly repeat your talking points while doing exactly that yourself?

Not much doubt you're a liberal.

Ah, the inevitable personal attack.

So, again, since you didn't get it the first time, I'll repeat it another time. Conservatives and those who voted in the Republican primaries (not all were conservatives or Republicans) were played by the media that wanted Donald Trump to be the Republican nominee because he was, and is, a guarantee that Hillary Clinton will be the next President of the United States. Conservatives and those who voted in the Republican primaries own the result, and as I said, they are responsible for being played for fools and it's a little too late to start lamenting media manipulation of the election now when they've been doing it all the time.

Got it??

Good god, "man", do I have to repeat it a third time? I can't believe I'm about to respond given all the intellectually dishonest trolling, but here goes again:

Your conservative talking points about the liberal media don't matter. Even if they did conspire to give Trump more air time, it is the fault of those conservative Republicans who voted for Trump in the primaries, and of the GOP as a whole to not snatch the nomination from him, that he is the nominee. You are wrong to talk about them being "played by the media." They weren't played. They chose Donald because they wanted their candidate to be an angry scumbag.

Got it??
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And PS: If "the liberal media" can trick conservatives into voting for someone they don't want to vote for, in their own ****ing primary, then they don't actually deserve to have the candidate they what.

I mean really...imagine a liberal complaining that Fox News forced them to vote Sanders. That person should probably ask someone to tie themselves to a chair next primary season because they certainly shouldn't be voting if their will is that weak.


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