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CNN at it again (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 3, 2018
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north carolina
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Very Conservative
CNN leads the charges against Trump for lying by claiming the racist KKK governor of Virginia is republican.

OF COURSE! CNN Mislabels Racist Democrat Governor Northam as a Republican

Too bad the MSM quacks did not find out the truth about their democrat darling before he got himself elected to the racist democrat position he now corruptly holds.

CNN leads the charges against Trump for lying by claiming the racist KKK governor of Virginia is republican.

OF COURSE! CNN Mislabels Racist Democrat Governor Northam as a Republican

Too bad the MSM quacks did not find out the truth about their democrat darling before he got himself elected to the racist democrat position he now corruptly holds.


"briefly mislabled"

"read (R) for Republican for a whole nine seconds"

/end thread
CNN leads the charges against Trump for lying by claiming the racist KKK governor of Virginia is republican.

OF COURSE! CNN Mislabels Racist Democrat Governor Northam as a Republican

Too bad the MSM quacks did not find out the truth about their democrat darling before he got himself elected to the racist democrat position he now corruptly holds.


That's an old Fox News ploy, but I don't see any picture of the supposed 9 second offense in your link. Can you post the pic?
CNN leads the charges against Trump for lying by claiming the racist KKK governor of Virginia is republican.

OF COURSE! CNN Mislabels Racist Democrat Governor Northam as a Republican

Too bad the MSM quacks did not find out the truth about their democrat darling before he got himself elected to the racist democrat position he now corruptly holds.


That's not the first time the media has pulled this one. You will often find in print when it is a derogatory story involving a Democrat they do not include the (D) after his/her name but if it is a Republican that (R) gets mentioned either in the headline or the first sentence in the first paragraph.

But with social media it makes it harder for them to get away with it.

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That's not the first time the media has pulled this one. You will often find in print when it is a derogatory story involving a Democrat they do not include the (D) after his/her name but if it is a Republican that (R) gets mentioned either in the headline or the first sentence in the first paragraph.


Here's a short list of Fox's chyron hackery:

John McCain - Democrat

Joe Lieberman - Democrat

Arlen Spector - Democrat (when he was still a Republican!)

Mark Foley - Democrat

Another reason I avoid TV.
CNN leads the charges against Trump for lying by claiming the racist KKK governor of Virginia is republican.

OF COURSE! CNN Mislabels Racist Democrat Governor Northam as a Republican

Too bad the MSM quacks did not find out the truth about their democrat darling before he got himself elected to the racist democrat position he now corruptly holds.


Everyone knows the guy is a Democrat. Wasted bandwidth starting a thread about an honest mistake from a news agency not known for perfection, as it is.
That's not the first time the media has pulled this one. You will often find in print when it is a derogatory story involving a Democrat they do not include the (D) after his/her name but if it is a Republican that (R) gets mentioned either in the headline or the first sentence in the first paragraph.

Do you have examples?
That's not the first time the media has pulled this one. You will often find in print when it is a derogatory story involving a Democrat they do not include the (D) after his/her name but if it is a Republican that (R) gets mentioned either in the headline or the first sentence in the first paragraph.

But with social media it makes it harder for them to get away with it.


Meh. :shrug:

What do you expect from CNN, and the pro-left political propaganda they are constantly spewing?
CNN leads the charges against Trump for lying by claiming the racist KKK governor of Virginia is republican.

OF COURSE! CNN Mislabels Racist Democrat Governor Northam as a Republican

Too bad the MSM quacks did not find out the truth about their democrat darling before he got himself elected to the racist democrat position he now corruptly holds.


Note CNNs chyron calling Northum a Republican


CNN is killing it
Everyone knows the guy is a Democrat. Wasted bandwidth starting a thread about an honest mistake from a news agency not known for perfection, as it is.

The questions though. Was it an honest mistake? And did the reporter know Northam was a Democrat?

Somebody needs to fact check these articles before posting..
This is the reason I get my daily news from NPR and the BBC.
I don't get John McCain being a Democrat but Lieberman for the overwhelming time in politics he was a Democrat and late switched to an Independent
Arlen Spector was a Democrat switched to the Republican party and then returned to the Democratic party.

I did however check out your link and it is 10 years old. Do you have any more recent examples?

I didn't really look.

I pretty much stopped watching TV news years ago, but I personally saw Fox label David Vitter and Larry Craig (D) back in those days. Doing that stuff seemed to be SOP.
That's not the first time the media has pulled this one. You will often find in print when it is a derogatory story involving a Democrat they do not include the (D) after his/her name but if it is a Republican that (R) gets mentioned either in the headline or the first sentence in the first paragraph.
Do you have examples?

I have been inclined to believe that's a real thing. For example, when I don't see party given and I google for it it seems like I'll usually find out the person was a Democrat.

But that impression could have been affected by my bias since I'm remembering observations made while I was still a Republican. I wonder if Vesper has some stats on hand.
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That's not the first time the media has pulled this one. You will often find in print when it is a derogatory story involving a Democrat they do not include the (D) after his/her name but if it is a Republican that (R) gets mentioned either in the headline or the first sentence in the first paragraph.

But with social media it makes it harder for them to get away with it.


We have to remember that this is the same CNN, (Crap News Network) that labeled George Zimmerman a "white Hispanic".

"briefly mislabled"

"read (R) for Republican for a whole nine seconds"

/end thread

What, because it was for nine seconds it didn't happen. Typical CNN pump out fake news and then correct in small print on the back page.
The questions though. Was it an honest mistake? And did the reporter know Northam was a Democrat?

Somebody needs to fact check these articles before posting..

How can it be an honest mistake when they don't fact check anything?

White Hispanic and Latino Americans

In the United States, a White Hispanic[3] is an American citizen or resident who is racially white and of Hispanic descent.

You never read the article above, did ya? Context, which obviously eludes you, is important as it relates to the premise of the thread; CNN's political agenda and false reporting.

CNN is trying its hand at anthropology.

In a case that highlights continuing confusion over how to define Latino ethnicity, the television news network has set off a controversy over its continued use of the term “white Hispanic” to describe George Zimmerman, the man whose killing of unarmed, black Florida teenager Trayvon Martin set off a national debate about the persistence and nature of racism.

It’s an issue that’s simmered for as long as the Trayvon Martin case has been in the national spotlight. It reemerged on Thursday, when conservative news site Breitbart took CNN to task over its terminology.

By labeling Zimmerman a “white Hispanic,” they serve their obvious political bias, but also they cynically serve their financial interests by keeping the race angle as part of the story’s subtext.

Interestingly, CNN never referred to their former host, Rick Sanchez, as a “white Hispanic.” Wonder why.

The rightwingers at Breitbart aren’t the only ones irritated with the term. Latino Rebels also slammed the label in a series of tweets.

Latino Rebels
it seems now, Zimmerman is "white hispanic" according to CNN. ummm..ok? Desperate For Racial Narrative, CNN Labels Zimmerman 'White Hispanic'
| Breitbart

And CNN columnist Ruben Navarrette also railed against describing Zimmerman as a “white Hispanic” last year, back when more media outlets were still using it.

I don’t like the sound of that. I’ve written about the thorny subjects of race and ethnicity for nearly a quarter century, and I rarely hear this term. We might have been able to see this coming given that there is no Hispanic race and Hispanics come in all colors.

The media didn’t coin the term “white Hispanic.” It’s been around for quite a long time — it just usually isn’t used to describe people like Zimmerman

In the words of Teresa Puente, writing for Chicago Now, “To be blunt, Zimmerman’s skin tone is the same as mine, a medium brown.”
How can it be an honest mistake when they don't fact check anything?

That's my question. I'm tired of the print it today, apologize for it tomorrow, school of journalism.

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