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Clinton's "First Major Betrayal"? DNC Surrogates Defeat Anti-TPP Measure (1 Viewer)

Risky Thicket

Sewer Rat
DP Veteran
Apr 28, 2011
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With Yo Mama
Political Leaning
BOHICA! If Hillary becomes president, get used to it.

Well, that didn't take long.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, through her surrogates on the Democratic National Committee's platform drafting panel, appears to already be hedging on her most recent stance on the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP).

Clinton flipped her position on the corporate-friendly TPP last October, saying she opposed it after having backed it as secretary of state. At the time, Slate ran a piece with the headline, "Hillary Clinton Comes Out Against TPP, at Least Until the Democratic Convention.

But in St. Louis on Friday night, the Clinton-allied majority on the committee outvoted the Sanders delegates 10-5 to defeat that proposal, citing President Barack Obama's support for the deal.

Clinton's delegates voting not to support Hillary? I feckin doubt it. It would not be surprising to find that all Hillary's delegates somehow came together and voted not to rule out the TPP in the party platform. Why, because Hillary is Wall Street. Wall Street wants the TPP and by God they paid Hillary enough money to have the TPP. And when Hillary becomes president so they will.

Somehow this double dealing dumbassery is supposed to bring unity to the Democratic Party? :lamo Just as it is with the GOP, the Democratic Party is so mired in establishment status quo they suffer from terminal myopia.

The Democratic Party is rightfully concerned about Trump. The Democratic Party struggled hard against Sanders. Wait, wait. "Is there a connection, Risky", you ask. Oh hail yes! It's just that neither party, to their own detriment, is able to see it. That's pretty amazing, but it is fact.

People in the US are way passed sick of Washington and the elected officials of both corporate financed parties. Americans are tired of being shucked and jived and continually being handed the ****ty end of the stick. Combine the numbers of supporters for Trump and Sanders and you've got a political tsunami of pissed off Americans.

Hillary seems to believe that getting Warren to sell out to the Democratic establishment will make everything better. I'm betting Hillary stepped on her own dick. Those of us who have long found her untrustworthy have no reason to change our minds. The TTP platform vote by Hillary's people comes as no surprise. Warren doesn't make it better.

BOHICA! If Hillary becomes president, get used to it.

Clinton's delegates voting not to support Hillary? I feckin doubt it. It would not be surprising to find that all Hillary's delegates somehow came together and voted not to rule out the TPP in the party platform. Why, because Hillary is Wall Street. Wall Street wants the TPP and by God they paid Hillary enough money to have the TPP. And when Hillary becomes president so they will.

Somehow this double dealing dumbassery is supposed to bring unity to the Democratic Party? :lamo Just as it is with the GOP, the Democratic Party is so mired in establishment status quo they suffer from terminal myopia.

The Democratic Party is rightfully concerned about Trump. The Democratic Party struggled hard against Sanders. Wait, wait. "Is there a connection, Risky", you ask. Oh hail yes! It's just that neither party, to their own detriment, is able to see it. That's pretty amazing, but it is fact.

People in the US are way passed sick of Washington and the elected officials of both corporate financed parties. Americans are tired of being shucked and jived and continually being handed the ****ty end of the stick. Combine the numbers of supporters for Trump and Sanders and you've got a political tsunami of pissed off Americans.

Hillary seems to believe that getting Warren to sell out to the Democratic establishment will make everything better. I'm betting Hillary stepped on her own dick. Those of us who have long found her untrustworthy have no reason to change our minds. The TTP platform vote by Hillary's people comes as no surprise. Warren doesn't make it better.


Raise your hand if you are surprised!
Raise your hand if you are surprised!

That is how you are represented.
Why are you surprised?
Last edited:
BOHICA! If Hillary becomes president, get used to it.

Clinton's delegates voting not to support Hillary? I feckin doubt it. It would not be surprising to find that all Hillary's delegates somehow came together and voted not to rule out the TPP in the party platform. Why, because Hillary is Wall Street. Wall Street wants the TPP and by God they paid Hillary enough money to have the TPP. And when Hillary becomes president so they will.

Somehow this double dealing dumbassery is supposed to bring unity to the Democratic Party? :lamo Just as it is with the GOP, the Democratic Party is so mired in establishment status quo they suffer from terminal myopia.

The Democratic Party is rightfully concerned about Trump. The Democratic Party struggled hard against Sanders. Wait, wait. "Is there a connection, Risky", you ask. Oh hail yes! It's just that neither party, to their own detriment, is able to see it. That's pretty amazing, but it is fact.

People in the US are way passed sick of Washington and the elected officials of both corporate financed parties. Americans are tired of being shucked and jived and continually being handed the ****ty end of the stick. Combine the numbers of supporters for Trump and Sanders and you've got a political tsunami of pissed off Americans.

Hillary seems to believe that getting Warren to sell out to the Democratic establishment will make everything better. I'm betting Hillary stepped on her own dick. Those of us who have long found her untrustworthy have no reason to change our minds. The TTP platform vote by Hillary's people comes as no surprise. Warren doesn't make it better.


Agree, Risky...

We're stuck with choices between an all-out-radical-wacknut and a corporate owned potential president, who is a war hawk, despite her denials, a surreptitious operator who will be worse than Obama at lacking transparency, more than likely a violator of several Federal statutes related to top secret information...yadda, yadda, yadda, and that's just for starters.

We have been duped with the same old narratives by presidential candidates since...I'm assuming the first presidential election between two or more candidates. It gets exponentially worse. Why? As the old saying goes, "If there's no consequence for inappropriate behaviors and unaccountability, then why stop?" We can't expect any solutions to problems when there's no accountability. The BS that rolls off of their lips should be gagging every American in the country. And regardless of their political affiliations.

I don't know how it's possible to get use to this. We simply tolerate the mess because maybe we can't really stop it.
After 8 years of having a serial lying Democrat in the white house, nobody should complain if we elect another one.
Hillary's duplicity is already legendary. This is little more than her being consistent with her lying past, so no, not a single person should be surprised in the least.

Should she be elected to office, I'd only expect this to continue, especially so when all those foreign nation's leaders and business leaders come to collect their favors from their 'contributions' to her when she's in office, being that pay for play is also a long standing practice of the Clinton's.

Yup. Corrupt to the core, them two.

You may complain about Obama's lies while in office, but he's just a beginner and amateur when compared to the Clintons.
BOHICA! If Hillary becomes president, get used to it.

Clinton's delegates voting not to support Hillary? I feckin doubt it. It would not be surprising to find that all Hillary's delegates somehow came together and voted not to rule out the TPP in the party platform. Why, because Hillary is Wall Street. Wall Street wants the TPP and by God they paid Hillary enough money to have the TPP. And when Hillary becomes president so they will.

Somehow this double dealing dumbassery is supposed to bring unity to the Democratic Party? :lamo Just as it is with the GOP, the Democratic Party is so mired in establishment status quo they suffer from terminal myopia.

The Democratic Party is rightfully concerned about Trump. The Democratic Party struggled hard against Sanders. Wait, wait. "Is there a connection, Risky", you ask. Oh hail yes! It's just that neither party, to their own detriment, is able to see it. That's pretty amazing, but it is fact.

People in the US are way passed sick of Washington and the elected officials of both corporate financed parties. Americans are tired of being shucked and jived and continually being handed the ****ty end of the stick. Combine the numbers of supporters for Trump and Sanders and you've got a political tsunami of pissed off Americans.

Hillary seems to believe that getting Warren to sell out to the Democratic establishment will make everything better. I'm betting Hillary stepped on her own dick. Those of us who have long found her untrustworthy have no reason to change our minds. The TTP platform vote by Hillary's people comes as no surprise. Warren doesn't make it better.


What's awesome is Bernie is the ultimate Anti-Hillary bulwark. I called this from the moment the first results from the NY Primary came out: that Hillary was going to rig the election out the ass and then proceed to subsequently give Bernie and his supporters the ultimate middle-finger.

But the more she pisses them off, the more powerful the Revolution becomes.

Feel the Bern!
I'm not seeing the big deal here. Party platforms are frequently filled with policy positions not supported by the nominee. After all, didn't the Democrat Party platform contain support for gay marriage when Barack Obama was nominated and avowed that he supported marriage as between a man and a woman?

And don't forget, the TTP was negotiated and supported by the Democrat President currently in the White House - not surprising that the Democrat platform would reflect that position.
Agree, Risky...

We're stuck with choices between an all-out-radical-wacknut and a corporate owned potential president, who is a war hawk, despite her denials, a surreptitious operator who will be worse than Obama at lacking transparency, more than likely a violator of several Federal statutes related to top secret information...yadda, yadda, yadda, and that's just for starters.

We have been duped with the same old narratives by presidential candidates since...I'm assuming the first presidential election between two or more candidates. It gets exponentially worse. Why? As the old saying goes, "If there's no consequence for inappropriate behaviors and unaccountability, then why stop?" We can't expect any solutions to problems when there's no accountability. The BS that rolls off of their lips should be gagging every American in the country. And regardless of their political affiliations.

I don't know how it's possible to get use to this. We simply tolerate the mess because maybe we can't really stop it.

Tell it, brother RM, tell it!

You'll find some sort of argument soon enough.
I don't need an argument.
I asked a rhetorical question which completely highlighted the stupidity of your post.

Your hand is raised indicating that you are surprised.

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