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Clinton lover: Hillary did cocaine... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 10, 2015
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Southern Oregon
Political Leaning
SALLY MILLER: Hillary and her ‘coke habit’

“Hillary hates kids. She was one nasty bitch when she was pregnant. My God, for nine months, she made my life a living hell and blamed me!

“From the beginning, our political advisors warned us that Hillary must take my last name and concentrate on having a child if I was going to have a future in politics. I saw the real Hillary after we got married.

“She’s a damn frigid bitch who prefers women; she won’t even compromise and be bi-sexual. All I hear is how much she despises penises; she thinks they are ****ing ugly, like snakes.”

Page not found - The American MirrorThe American Mirror
Like I always said, Hillary hates men, is a ball buster and will be a total, out of control bitch, if elected to the WH.

Hillary in the WH will be like having Cruella de Vil, running America! She must be stopped!!!!
LOL. You post a blog like it's evidence, that's cute. Do you really think your idol Trump has never done cocaine? George W. Bush cowarded out of Vietnam so he could do more coke, and he's still one of your favorites. Double standard?

I can't stand Hillary and would never vote for her, but this is desperate even for you.
SALLY MILLER: Hillary and her ‘coke habit’

“Hillary hates kids. She was one nasty bitch when she was pregnant. My God, for nine months, she made my life a living hell and blamed me!

“From the beginning, our political advisors warned us that Hillary must take my last name and concentrate on having a child if I was going to have a future in politics. I saw the real Hillary after we got married.

“She’s a damn frigid bitch who prefers women; she won’t even compromise and be bi-sexual. All I hear is how much she despises penises; she thinks they are ****ing ugly, like snakes.”

Page not found - The American MirrorThe American Mirror

Didn't someone claim they had gay sex with Obama and did coke?
LOL. You post a blog like it's evidence, that's cute. Do you really think your idol Trump has never done cocaine? George W. Bush cowarded out of Vietnam so he could do more coke, and he's still one of your favorites. Double standard?

I can't stand Hillary and would never vote for her, but this is desperate even for you.

Old Micky is a piece of work, isn't he.
LOL. You post a blog like it's evidence, that's cute. Do you really think your idol Trump has never done cocaine? George W. Bush cowarded out of Vietnam so he could do more coke, and he's still one of your favorites. Double standard?

I can't stand Hillary and would never vote for her, but this is desperate even for you.

Desperate? To save my country from a shrew? Not really....more like patriotic!
I don't know what Trump has done and neither do you....but here is another in a long line of Bill's bimbos, spilling the beans! :lamo

Both Clintons, should be in prison.

Didn't someone claim they had gay sex with Obama and did coke?

Yes they did, multiple sources back when.....I'd believe that too....so many liberals seem to like doing dope......:(

Old Micky is a piece of work, isn't he.

You don't know the half of it.

I'm not like all the otters.
Desperate? To save my country from a shrew? Not really....more like patriotic!
I don't know what Trump has done and neither do you....but here is another in a long line of Bill's bimbos, spilling the beans! :lamo

Yes tehy did, multiple sources back when.....I'd believe that too....so many liberals seem to like doing dope......:(

You don't know the half of it.

I'm not like all the otters.

I've never thought of you as an otter, a sloth perhaps or maybe a snake, but never a cute otter.
Yes you are.

You haven't even answered that your Bush did coke and you're still pinning it on liberals.

It's perfectly acceptable if a conservative does it. For example, using a blog as evidence or an opinion piece as "breaking news" is fine. Unless you're a liberal.
SALLY MILLER: Hillary and her ‘coke habit’

“Hillary hates kids. She was one nasty bitch when she was pregnant. My God, for nine months, she made my life a living hell and blamed me!

“From the beginning, our political advisors warned us that Hillary must take my last name and concentrate on having a child if I was going to have a future in politics. I saw the real Hillary after we got married.

“She’s a damn frigid bitch who prefers women; she won’t even compromise and be bi-sexual. All I hear is how much she despises penises; she thinks they are ****ing ugly, like snakes.”

Page not found - The American MirrorThe American Mirror

1. Didja happen to see the "page not found" in the link you posted?

2. So I googled it, and "Sally Miller" backed up her claims how? Oh, right...she DIDN'T. The ONLY link she included was one about the pardon's that Bill Clinton made during his presidency...which is something every president does.

In other words, you're so doggone eager to believe anything anyone says about people you don't like, as long as it's juicy and sounds really bad, you eagerly show it to all and sundry as if it's Gospel.

In other words, you love spreading gossip...totally unsubstantiated gossip.
It's perfectly acceptable if a conservative does it. For example, using a blog as evidence or an opinion piece as "breaking news" is fine. Unless you're a liberal.

No, I like the article, he just hasn't told me anything he thinks about Bush doing coke but he's continuing trying to say all liberals are druggies so I can't consider his conclusions outstanding.
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No, I like the article, he just hasn't told me anything he thinks about Bush doing coke but he's continuing trying to say all liberals are druggies so I don't consider his opinion outstanding in the analysis of these matters.

It goes to all levels. Bush doing coke was fine, because he wasn't a liberal.
It goes to all levels. Bush doing coke was fine, because he wasn't a liberal.

And outstanding debater will convert when defeated where as an ordinary one will just regurgitate their bull**** so they can think they've won the debate.
Apparently there's a Drudge top line link to that pathetic story in the OP, so expect to see a few more threads on this and breathless, gullible clapheads trotting this **** out as if it is coming from a reliable sources...

So, pulling out an earlier post of mine on Psycho Sally:

The woman is a crazy whackadoodle. She was never his lover, and there's a reason no legit outlet gave her credence, even though they much wanted to, because, by golly, even low info cons know dirt sells.

2000: "It was much the same with Sally Miller Perdue, a fifty-three-year-old former Miss Arkansas. Regarded as kooky and unreliable by most reporters in her hometown of Pine Bluff, Perdue had once kicked off a quixotic campaign for mayor with a press conference strenuously denying that she was a lesbian-a charge nobody present had ever heard..."

Temps for the vast right-wing conspiracy

Back in 1992 (when the WaPo article below was written) the National Enquirer was willing to pay up to 6 figures for dirt stories on Clinton (why, you may pause to reflect, so many women were willing to say they had an affair with Bill.)

Not to say he wasn't a horndog, but of the long list you see strutted around about Bill's "ladies", a crapload have been thoroughly looked into and dismissed, including by Kenn Starr and prosecutors salivating to find something and tens of millions of taxpayer money at their disposal to do so.

Perdue has not one smidgen of corroboration for her accounts, and Clinton denies even having met her.

"Although Perdue later told her story on the nationally syndicated show hosted by Sally Jesse Raphael, no major news organization has reported the account. After looking into her story, the National Enquirer in its upcoming issue focuses on the role of the New Alliance Party in promoting Perdue. "Weird Cult Out to Destroy Clinton," reads the Enquirer's front-page headline on the matter.

National Enquirer editor Dan Schwartz confirmed the six-figure offers cited by Wright, saying that his newspaper is willing to pay "top dollar" for stories about the private life of Clinton ..." Schwartz said.

But he stressed that the stories must be "documented." In the case of Perdue, after negotiating to buy the rights to her story, Schwartz said, the newspaper concluded "that story is largely unprovable."


lol Not good enough for the freakin' National Enquirer.
The epic fear mongering this 2016 election cycle will set new levels of bat **** crazy, just you wait until post the conventions.
SALLY MILLER: Hillary and her ‘coke habit’

“Hillary hates kids. She was one nasty bitch when she was pregnant. My God, for nine months, she made my life a living hell and blamed me!

“From the beginning, our political advisors warned us that Hillary must take my last name and concentrate on having a child if I was going to have a future in politics. I saw the real Hillary after we got married.

“She’s a damn frigid bitch who prefers women; she won’t even compromise and be bi-sexual. All I hear is how much she despises penises; she thinks they are ****ing ugly, like snakes.”

Page not found - The American MirrorThe American Mirror

Well I never knew if she was a bitch's woman.

I don't care so much if it's true.

Less I have to think of some penis going in that thing.

I wonder if she will seduce any world leaders.

That'd be hot hey?

Or do you think Trump and his model ladies to be more hot?
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Well I never knew if she was a bitch's woman.

I don't care so much if it's true.

Less I have to think of some penis going in that thing.

I wonder if she will seduce any world leaders.

That'd be hot hey?

Or do you think Trump and his model ladies to be more hot?

There is nothing hot, or credible, about Hillary. She is Pure Evil!
I've never thought of you as an otter, a sloth perhaps or maybe a snake, but never a cute otter.

See....you really don't have a clue!

Yes you are.

You haven't even answered that your Bush did coke and you're still pinning it on liberals.

Bush is soooo yesterday mon...try and keep up!

It's perfectly acceptable if a conservative does it. For example, using a blog as evidence or an opinion piece as "breaking news" is fine. Unless you're a liberal.

No it is not! I abhor illegal drug use and have arrested hundreds of people for it! And I didn't post this in "breaking news"

1. Didja happen to see the "page not found" in the link you posted?

2. So I googled it, and "Sally Miller" backed up her claims how? Oh, right...she DIDN'T. The ONLY link she included was one about the pardon's that Bill Clinton made during his presidency...which is something every president does.

In other words, you're so doggone eager to believe anything anyone says about people you don't like, as long as it's juicy and sounds really bad, you eagerly show it to all and sundry as if it's Gospel.

In other words, you love spreading gossip...totally unsubstantiated gossip.

But we all know that Hillary is a total Fraud....so many other sources out there to back this up....and don't pretend you have never seen any of them over the last 30 years!

At first...John Edwards was nothing but gossip....until it was found to be true. ;)

O Ye the Great Denier of the obvious!
Mickey will believe and post anything bad about Hillary, regardless of its legitimacy.
But we all know that Hillary is a total Fraud....so many other sources out there to back this up....and don't pretend you have never seen any of them over the last 30 years!

At first...John Edwards was nothing but gossip....until it was found to be true. ;)

O Ye the Great Denier of the obvious!

And your proof of what "Sally Miller" claims is...what? Nada. But because you've long since made up your mind about Hillary, if somebody makes an allegation against her, in your eyes she MUST be guilty - no need for silly little things like "proof" or "evidence".

And that sad thing is, you really don't see what's wrong with that.
Apparently there's a Drudge top line link to that pathetic story in the OP, so expect to see a few more threads on this and breathless, gullible clapheads trotting this **** out as if it is coming from a reliable sources...

So, pulling out an earlier post of mine on Psycho Sally:

The woman is a crazy whackadoodle. She was never his lover, and there's a reason no legit outlet gave her credence, even though they much wanted to, because, by golly, even low info cons know dirt sells.

2000: "It was much the same with Sally Miller Perdue, a fifty-three-year-old former Miss Arkansas. Regarded as kooky and unreliable by most reporters in her hometown of Pine Bluff, Perdue had once kicked off a quixotic campaign for mayor with a press conference strenuously denying that she was a lesbian-a charge nobody present had ever heard..."

Temps for the vast right-wing conspiracy

Back in 1992 (when the WaPo article below was written) the National Enquirer was willing to pay up to 6 figures for dirt stories on Clinton (why, you may pause to reflect, so many women were willing to say they had an affair with Bill.)

Not to say he wasn't a horndog, but of the long list you see strutted around about Bill's "ladies", a crapload have been thoroughly looked into and dismissed, including by Kenn Starr and prosecutors salivating to find something and tens of millions of taxpayer money at their disposal to do so.

Perdue has not one smidgen of corroboration for her accounts, and Clinton denies even having met her.

"Although Perdue later told her story on the nationally syndicated show hosted by Sally Jesse Raphael, no major news organization has reported the account. After looking into her story, the National Enquirer in its upcoming issue focuses on the role of the New Alliance Party in promoting Perdue. "Weird Cult Out to Destroy Clinton," reads the Enquirer's front-page headline on the matter.

National Enquirer editor Dan Schwartz confirmed the six-figure offers cited by Wright, saying that his newspaper is willing to pay "top dollar" for stories about the private life of Clinton ..." Schwartz said.

But he stressed that the stories must be "documented." In the case of Perdue, after negotiating to buy the rights to her story, Schwartz said, the newspaper concluded "that story is largely unprovable."


lol Not good enough for the freakin' National Enquirer.

Yet, everyone knws who Hillary is....and denies it! Too funny.

I know a bigot when I see one.

And I know a liberal socialist when I see one.

Mickey will believe and post anything bad about Hillary, regardless of its legitimacy.

It's just another view in a looooong line of Hillary history. Years ago, my SS friends clued me into her predilections....everything I find on her now, is just a pike on.

Bottom line..................there is absolutely nothing good in Hillary Clinton and those who can't or won't accept that, are the only fools!
Did I mention that Hillary is a known Liar .....and Crook?

What just happened in NV, is an indication, that many Demos are fed up with her!

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