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Clinton loses 30% of votes in California from '08... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 10, 2015
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Southern Oregon
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I'm hoping that enough Sanders supporters will be so pissed at the way the DNC is doing business, they will vote Trump!
I'm hoping that enough Sanders supporters will be so pissed at the way the DNC is doing business, they will vote Trump!

I hope no one is blinded so much by hatred that they'd lose all sense of intelligence and vote for Trump.

Instead, I hope that Sander's supporters vote third party, for a candidate that better represents their political platform. Though some will be stuck in the "defeat the other guy" mentality that will have people voting for Hillary and Trump.
I'm hoping that enough Sanders supporters will be so pissed at the way the DNC is doing business, they will vote Trum

Come back and tell us all about it after Clinton hands Trump his backside in November.

The Republicans could not have asked for a better candidate to run against. But then the Republicans had to shoot themselves in the foot by nominating Trump. It is amazing, really.
The Republicans could not have asked for a better candidate to run against. But then the Republicans had to shoot themselves in the foot by nominating Trump. It is amazing, really.

And then the libertarians chose a candidate who supports restricting the First and Second Amendments, and defends Obamacare.

It's like each party was in some kind of messed up contest to try to nominate the person least capable of explaining or embodying their values.
I'm hoping that enough Sanders supporters will be so pissed at the way the DNC is doing business, they will vote Trump!

You mean once a dupe always a dupe? I guess that a BS voter might switch to Trump. ;)
The Republicans could not have asked for a better candidate to run against. But then the Republicans had to shoot themselves in the foot by nominating Trump. It is amazing, really.

I think it's a two way street on that. The DNC couldn't have asked for a better candidate to run against...but then they put up Hillary.
It will be a close race, for all the wrong reasons!
You mean once a dupe always a dupe? I guess that a BS voter might switch to Trump. ;)

The only duping going on here, is of the Hillary supporters. Biggest duped coalition..... ever! :2razz:

I think it's a two way street on that. The DNC couldn't have asked for a better candidate to run against...but then they put up Hillary.

:lamo Yep...Crooked Hillary!

It will be a close race, for all the wrong reasons!

Yes it will.
The only duping going on here, is of the Hillary supporters. Biggest duped coalition..... ever! :2razz:

Only because the Trump coalition isn't as big. :2razz:
Hillary Clinton’s base of support appears to have hit its high watermark eight years ago.

The election results from the California and New Jersey primaries are just the latest examples of the contraction of enthusiasm her campaign seems to be experiencing.

California contraction: Hillary loses 30% of votes from 2008 - The American MirrorThe American Mirror

Looks like Trump got fewer votes than John McCain and only about 150k more than Romney (who lost).

Oh, and Hillary got about 800k more than Trump. So yea, there's that too.

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