Reality Test: A quiz for contemplating war with Iraq
How many answers would you have got right?
1. Q What percentage of the world's population does the U.S.
A 6%
2. Q What percentage of the world's wealth does the U.S. have?
A 50%
3. Q Which country has the largest oil reserves?
A Saudi Arabia
4. Q Which country has the second largest oil reserves?
A Iraq
5. Q How much is spent on military budgets a year worldwide?
A $900+ billion
6. Q How much of this is spent by the U.S.?
A 50%
7. Q What percent of US military spending would ensure the
essentials of life to everyone in the world, according to the UN?
A 10% (that's about $40 billion, the amount of funding initially
requested to fund our retaliatory attack on Afghanistan).
8. Q How many people have died in wars since World War II?
A 86 million.
9. Q How long has Iraq had chemical and biological weapons?
A Since the early 1980's.
10. Q Did Iraq develop these chemical & biological weapons on
their own?
A No, materials and technology were supplied by the US
government, Britain, and private corporations.
11. Q Did the US government condemn the Iraqi use of gas
warfare against
A No
12. Q How many people did Saddam Hussein kill using gas in
the Kurdish town of Halabja in 1988?
A 5,000
13. Q How many western countries condemned this action at the
A 0
14. Q How many gallons of agent Orange did America use in
A 17 million.
15. Q Are there any proven links between Iraq and September
11th terrorist attack?
A No
16. Q What is the estimated number of civilian casualties in the
Gulf War?
A 35,000
17. Q How many casualties did the Iraqi military inflict on the
western forces during the Gulf War ?
A 0
18. Q How many retreating Iraqi soldiers were buried alive by
U.S. tanks with ploughs mounted on the front?
A 6,000
19. Q How many tons of depleted uranium were left in Iraq and
Kuwait after the Gulf War?
A 40 tons
20. Q What according to the UN was the increase in cancer rates
in Iraq between 1991 and 1994?
A 700%
21. Q How much of Iraq's military capacity did America claim it
had destroyed in 1991?
A 80%
22. Q Is there any proof that Iraq plans to use its weapons for
anything other than deterrence and self defense?
A No
23. Q Does Iraq present more of a threat to world peace now
than 10 years ago?
A No
24. Q How many civilian deaths are predicted by the Pentagon in
the event of an attack on Iraq in 2003?
A 10,000
25. Q What percentage of these would be children?
A 50%
26. Q How many years has the U.S. engaged in air strikes on
A 11 years
27. Q Were the US and UK "at war" with Iraq between Dec. 1998
and Sept. 1999?
A No
28. Q How many pounds of explosives were dropped on Iraq
between Dec. 1998 and Sept. 1999?
A 20 million
29. Q When was UN Resolution 661 introduced, imposing strict
sanctions on Iraq's imports and exports?
A 1989
30. Q What was the child death rate in Iraq in 1989 (per 1,000
A 38
31. Q What was the estimated child death rate in Iraq in 1999
(per 1,000 births)?
A 131 (an increase of 345%)
32. Q How many Iraqis are estimated to have died by October
1999 as a result of UN sanctions?
A 1.5 million
33. Q How many Iraqi children are estimated to have died due to
sanctions since 1997?
A 750,000
34. Q Did Saddam Hussein order the inspectors out of Iraq?
A No
35. Q How many inspections were there in November and
December 1998?
A 300
36. Q How many of these inspections had problems?
A 5
37. Q Were the weapons inspectors allowed entry to the Ba'ath
Party HQ?
A Yes
38. Q Who said n Dec 1998, "Iraq has been disarmed to a level unprecedented in modern history." ?
A Scott Ritter, UNSCOM chief.
39. Q In 1998 how much of Iraq's post 1991 capacity to develop
weapons of mass destruction did the UN weapons inspectors claim to have
discovered and dismantled?
A 90%
40. Q Is Iraq willing to allow the weapons inspectors back in?
A Yes
41. Q How many UN resolutions did Israel violate by 1992?
A Over 65
42. Q How many UN resolutions on Israel did America veto
between 1972 and 1990?
A 30+
44. Q How many countries are known to have nuclear weapons?
A 8
45. Q How many nuclear warheads has Iraq got?
A 0
46. Q How many nuclear warheads has US got?
A Over 10,000
47. Q Which is the only country to use nuclear weapons?
A The US
48. Q How many nuclear warheads does Israel have?
A Over 400
50. Q Who said, "Our lives begin to end the day we become
silent about things that matter"?
A Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr