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Christian ministry labeled as a hate group suing SPLC to ‘right terrible wrong[W:224] (1 Viewer)

Re: Christian ministry labeled as a hate group is suing SPLC to ‘right a terrible wro

Wrong. You can not through exercises of the mind change, alter your physical phenotype like your blue eyes or wide nose. You can alter your thinking. I stated this already. This is the "get out of jail free card" anti-free will atheists and neuroscientist use when they claim biological determinism does not mean fatalism. Or to put it this way a drug addict, pedophile, and heterosexual man than does not find "fat" women sexually attractive have no choice over the physiological responses over triggers for their drug addiction (drug addict), sexual attraction to prepubescent children (pedophile), or lack of sexual attraction to "fat" women (heterosexual man). No choice. But they have a choice in how they work to resolve the dilemma (alter their thinking), and theoretically it is not impossible for a drug addict to eventually no longer have x thing be a trigger for them, for the pedophile to remain sexually attracted to children, or for the heterosexual man to developed attractions towards "fat" women.

Naturally, when you claim free will does not exist, and all human behaviors and thoughts are caused by the individuals biology/genes the question arises, "Then how can anyone be held accountable before the law for their action?" Ergo, atheist had to come up with a rational explanation to support their Genesis narrative they wrote and passed on as new sacred scripture to everyone. So, they claimed determinism does not equal fatalism and that in fact we may have no choice over what routes are thoughts neurologically traveled down in the brain but that we can overtime alter the routes (the new routes de facto = No Choice) our thoughts take, or that is to say we can close old routes our thoughts took and direct our thoughts down new routes they did not take (the routes are not infinite because the brain is limited in physical size, ergo limited in number of routes, and therefore the anti-free will crowd says, "that proves free will is an illusion because free will requires infinite number of routes in the brain."). So, the man that had no choice his thoughts went to murder his wife, and rape his niece, can be held accountable for his actions because he had the potential to exercise his mind years prior to altering the routes his thoughts traveled down in his brain. The anti-free will crowd would say.

The new paradigm shift of "epi-genetics" ("epi" meaning "above" or "beyond") from genetic determinism of old, further bolsters the argumentation humans have an ability to alter their futures, that once born one's whole destiny is not set in stone. That is to say... epigenetics claims individual humans have the power to literally alter their genetic expression by their behaviors and the environmental inputs they are subject to.

How many people will be successful in actually altering their thinking or sexual attractions or merely developing new sexual attractions or new sexual arousal even if they never rod themselves entirely of the old one? Maybe few people. Kind of like few people make it to the NBA, become rich in the USA, or win the lottery. But a minority making an achievement does not mean something is impossible, it means it is possible albeit statistically unlikely to happen.
Re: Christian ministry labeled as a hate group is suing SPLC to ‘right a terrible wro

Addition to post #451:

Difference Between Fatalism and Determinism | Fatalism vs Determinism

Determinism vs Fatalism

Re: Christian ministry labeled as a hate group is suing SPLC to ‘right a terrible wro

sorry NOTHING i said was factually wrong hence your very long and meaningless post trying to twist things , use failed strawmen and deflect into that fantasy.

You stated:
Your behavior and sexual arousal are not the same as your physical features.

I asked:
are you calming a person has complete control over their sexual orientation and arousal?

its a very simple yes or no question

the correct answer is NO they do not

nothing else you bring to the table matters but feel free to keep trying though. The results will continue to be the same, the answer will remain no and your attempts to deflect from that answer will continue to be inaccurate and ineffective on changing the fact the correct answer is no they do not. :shrug:
Re: Christian ministry labeled as a hate group is suing SPLC to ‘right a terrible wro


Not true. Meaningless is earned by action, or lack of it.

No, my claim is very true, judging by what I have observed of your posting history and claims in the time I have been on the board.
Re: Christian ministry labeled as a hate group is suing SPLC to ‘right a terrible wro

No, my claim is very true, judging by what I have observed of your posting history and claims in the time I have been on the board.

Well then, thank you for your opinion. It ranks as I have indicated. eace
Re: Christian ministry labeled as a hate group is suing SPLC to ‘right a terrible wro

Well then, thank you for your opinion. It ranks as I have indicated. eace

And you've just proved my point for me. Thanks bud.
Re: Christian ministry labeled as a hate group is suing SPLC to ‘right a terrible wro

Well then, thank you for your opinion. It ranks as I have indicated. eace

And you've just proved my point for me. Thanks bud.
Re: Christian ministry labeled as a hate group is suing SPLC to ‘right a terrible wro

And you've just proved my point for me. Thanks bud.

No need to double post. I've filed your opinion in it's proper place. What you claim I've proved to you has no meaning or consequence to me.

Have a nice day. eace
Re: Christian ministry labeled as a hate group is suing SPLC to ‘right a terrible wro

Essentially the social programmes seem to have solidified the recipients' status of second class citizens.

Essential your post is incoherent.
Re: Christian ministry labeled as a hate group is suing SPLC to ‘right a terrible wro

I didn't think so. I admit I don't know a ton about them but I do know them and unless somebody has a bunch of support for the negative claims I'm not buying.

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