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Chomsky on the war (1 Viewer)

So, hahaha, leader of the far left, Noam Chomsky, has a good word to say about a leader of the anti-left, Donald Trump. Who woulda predicted this?
He's 93, he literally lived through WWII and the entire cold war.

That kind of shit has to shape a person's world view, no way around it.

For him, WWIII is far more real a concept to consider that most of us can imagine.

So, hahaha, leader of the far left, Noam Chomsky, has a good word to say about a leader of the anti-left, Donald Trump. Who woulda predicted this?

Chomsky isn't the leader of the left. He's never led anything in his life except maybe the linguistics department of MIT and I'm not sure he ever actually led that department.
Chomsky has been disgusted by the psychotic push for war led by the fake news media, deep state spooks, and the majority of leaders in both major U.S. political parties.
He's 93, he literally lived through WWII and the entire cold war.

That kind of shit has to shape a person's world view, no way around it.

For him, WWIII is far more real a concept to consider that most of us can imagine.

Yeah, a lot of people lived through WWII and the entire cold war. So effing what?

I was alive during the last decade and a half of the Cold War. I remember fallout shelter signs and basements, and I remember the occasional saber rattling. B-52s flew overhead every night on perpetual patrol.

It's never not been real.
Yeah, a lot of people lived through WWII and the entire cold war. So effing what?

I was alive during the last decade and a half of the Cold War. I remember fallout shelter signs and basements, and I remember the occasional saber rattling. B-52s flew overhead every night on perpetual patrol.

It's never not been real.
I was born in 1984. For me it's mostly memory from when I was a kid, and vague at that. Most of it I learned in history books.

I'm not saying he's right, only that I probably can't see things from his perspective.
Chomsky that is.
Chomsky isn't the leader of the left. He's never led anything in his life except maybe the linguistics department of MIT and I'm not sure he ever actually led that department.

He has been the intellectual leader of the far left for decades. Fact.
I was born in 1984. For me it's mostly memory from when I was a kid, and vague at that. Most of it I learned in history books.

I'm not saying he's right, only that I probably can't see things from his perspective.
Chomsky that is.

WW3 with nuclear weapons would not be a sporting event.
He has been the intellectual leader of the far left for decades. Fact.
One of. People follow what he says and like listening to him talk, but by no means is he the only intellectual leader on the left.
One of. People follow what he says and like listening to him talk, but by no means is he the only intellectual leader on the left.
True, but c'mon - AOC's a few rungs down the ladder yet, right?

True, but c'mon - AOC's a few rungs down the ladder yet, right?

Ehhhh...she's more of a social media figure than an intellectual of the left.

Sure, she has some decent staff and has learned the ropes somewhat, but I wouldn't put her on the same stage as Chomsky in terms of training and experience
I would put Richard Rorty and John Dewey ahead of Chomsky on the leftist intellectual leadership totem pole.

He has been the intellectual leader of the far left for decades. Fact.
He's been an intellectual figure on the left for decades. Show me a candidate he supported who won an election. Show me a specific policy he had any appreciable influence on.

Don't get me wrong: I find Chomsky to be a very educated, intellectual man. But even ivory tower intellects have their limitations. Chomsky talks about freedom, justice, and all that.

There's a leader in Ukraine - a real leader - who literally wakes up every day knowing it might be his last day on the planet, who's doing the real defense of liberty. If Putin's regime collapses, it won't be because of people like Noam Chomsky; it'll be because of the real freedom and justice fighters in Ukraine.
Ehhhh...she's more of a social media figure than an intellectual of the left.

Sure, she has some decent staff and has learned the ropes somewhat, but I wouldn't put her on the same stage as Chomsky in terms of training and experience
...agreed. Hence the /snark :)
One of. People follow what he says and like listening to him talk, but by no means is he the only intellectual leader on the left.

Let us quibble.
He's been an intellectual figure on the left for decades. Show me a candidate he supported who won an election. Show me a specific policy he had any appreciable influence on.

Don't get me wrong: I find Chomsky to be a very educated, intellectual man. But even ivory tower intellects have their limitations. Chomsky talks about freedom, justice, and all that.

There's a leader in Ukraine - a real leader - who literally wakes up every day knowing it might be his last day on the planet, who's doing the real defense of liberty. If Putin's regime collapses, it won't be because of people like Noam Chomsky; it'll be because of the real freedom and justice fighters in Ukraine.

If Chomsky is correct, your wonderful leader of Ukraine did not have to be put in this horrible situation in the first place. Encroaching NATO, lack of communication between the US and Russia. Not to mention the US running biodefense labs in Ukraine (yes, it is a fact).
Let us quibble.
Hardly a quibble, that's a serious difference - it'd be wildly inaccurate to say that Chomsky was THE leader of the left intellectually.
Chomsky has done a whole lot of careful research and has written mountains on politics. I often disagree with him, because he has tended to side with the Dumbocrats, and to despise the Republicans, like a good partisan sheep. However, this statement shows he is able to think outside of partisan boxes.
Hardly a quibble, that's a serious difference - it'd be wildly inaccurate to say that Chomsky was THE leader of the left intellectually.

And has nothing to do with the point of this post. So blah.

So, hahaha, leader of the far left, Noam Chomsky, has a good word to say about a leader of the anti-left, Donald Trump. Who woulda predicted this?
Icon maybe. Noam Chomsky is the sort of leftist thinker that is sorely missing now.(y) Instead, we have the likes of Robert Reich. (n)

He's 93, he literally lived through WWII and the entire cold war.

That kind of shit has to shape a person's world view, no way around it.

For him, WWIII is far more real a concept to consider that most of us can imagine.
He's not wrong about praising Trump. No one in the White House has been more antiwar than DJT.
Icon maybe. Noam Chomsky is the sort of leftist thinker that is sorely missing now.(y) Instead, we have the likes of Robert Reich. (n)

He's not wrong about praising Trump. No one in the White House has been more antiwar than DJT.

Doesn't it seem ironic? Democrats were terrified that Trump would start a nuclear war.
Chomsky isn't the leader of the left. He's never led anything in his life except maybe the linguistics department of MIT and I'm not sure he ever actually led that department.
Chomsky is one of the most prominent leftists in the US.
Chomsky is one of the most prominent leftists in the US.

As I said, show me the candidates he endorses and has campaigned for. Show me specific legislation he's advocated that's actually passed. If you're a leader, you're presumably aligned with the more prominent members of the party.
As I said, show me the candidates he endorses and has campaigned for. Show me specific legislation he's advocated that's actually passed. If you're a leader, you're presumably aligned with the more prominent members of the party.

The claim is he is a leader of the left, not a leader of the Democratic party.
As I said, show me the candidates he endorses and has campaigned for. Show me specific legislation he's advocated that's actually passed. If you're a leader, you're presumably aligned with the more prominent members of the party.

No, of course not. A person can be a leading intellectual, a promoter of ideas, without being involved in partisan politics.

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