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Chinese migrants are fastest growing group crossing into U.S. from Mexico (1 Viewer)

The Chinese people crossing our southern border are far more likely to qualify for asylum than anyone from central America.

It is very easy to get Asylum if you are from China.
Did you get those from FoxNews/Pravda? It's the only way Trumpettes will see them.
Source is listed at the column's bottom. For future reference, know I'll not trade baby insults with you.

Mediabias rates USAFacts credibility thus:
Factual Reporting: VERY-HIGH
Country: USA
Press Freedom Rank: MOSTLY FREE
Media Type: Website
Traffic/Popularity: Medium Traffic
The real story would first begin by telling us why the numbers increased so much, and the tell us in detail how the numbers were handled.
I provided the numbers and asked the question, "If numbers can tell a story, what story do these numbers tell?" The numbers were extracted from CBP reports. The "why the numbers increased" is the story I'm interested in learning by reading comments from others such as yourself. I intentionally left my thumb off the scale.
If you don't believe the numbers then why do we need so much funding and support to handle the 'problem' which apparently doesn't exist in some people's eyes.
If numbers can tell a story, what story do these numbers tell?

Border Apprehensions
Barack Obama

2010: 463,382
2011: 340,252
2012: 364,768
2013: 420,789
2014: 486,651
2015: 337,117
2016: 415,816

Donald Trump
2017: 310,531
2018: 404,142
2019: 859,501
2020: 405,036

Joe Biden
2021: 1,662,167
2022: 2,214,652
2023: 2,063,692
USAFACTS from Customs and Border Protection

Tells me that Biden is apprehending far, far more immigrants than either Trump or Obama.
Tells me that Biden is apprehending far, far more immigrants than either Trump or Obama.

yes, because many more are coming. It is the same reason that in 2019 Trump apprehended so many more than Obama ever did.

I don't blame Biden for the immigration problem, it is something only Congress can do something about.

That doesn't mean we should lie about what is going on to try and defend Biden.

Did you have anything you wanted to discuss on this discussion forum, or will we be seeing links to videos on golf swings and crockpot recipes next?
We did it to the Japanese. Why not the Chinese? We have a history of ****ing them over, anyway. 😢
As you may know i'm a child of immigrants.

The United States actually had open borders for the first hundred years after the founding. The very first immigration restrictions came with the Chinese Exclusion Act. So yeah, the history of the immigration regime in this country is a history of blatant racism, both explicitly and implicitly, as we are witnessing now.

This is why I've claimed for the longest time that American nationalism is synonymous with white nationalism, because it certainly isn't in any anti-racist, minority, or pro immigrant institutions that these nationalists take pride in.
As you may know i'm a child of immigrants.

The United States actually had open borders for the first hundred years after the founding. The very first immigration restrictions came with the Chinese Exclusion Act. So yeah, the history of the immigration regime in this country is a history of blatant racism, both explicitly and implicitly, as we are witnessing now.

This is why I've claimed for the longest time that American nationalism is synonymous with white nationalism, because it certainly isn't in any anti-racist, minority, or pro immigrant institutions that these nationalists take pride in.

Didn’t know you were the child of immigrants. (hug)

Yes we have a horrible history of using slave labor, and then tossing them by the wayside when we are finished with them.

I’ve said this before, but this country kind of sucks. We built America on stolen land, using stolen labor, and we still treat anyone non-white like shit.
Didn’t know you were the child of immigrants. (hug)
Yep, hell of a thing to wear a uniform beside a whole bunch of other men who believe the opposite of the things and values I believe in.
Yes we have a horrible history of using slave labor, and then tossing them by the wayside when we are finished with them.

I’ve said this before, but this country kind of sucks. We built America on stolen land, using stolen labor, and we still treat anyone non-white like shit.
Exactly what I've been preaching for ages. It's a hell of a thing for descendants of colonizers and people who never had to take a citizenship test, much less be able to pass one, dictate to someone else how they should or shouldn't cross an imaginary line in the sand. It's the most Karen shit imaginable.

Europe isn't much better, considering how they've treated migrants and minorities many of whom are moving to the west due to Western colonialist powers having ****ed up their countries for ages. We're like them in that sense.
I provided the numbers and asked the question, "If numbers can tell a story, what story do these numbers tell?" The numbers were extracted from CBP reports. The "why the numbers increased" is the story I'm interested in learning by reading comments from others such as yourself. I intentionally left my thumb off the scale.
All I could say is the numbers show that apprehensions vary year to year.
Yep, hell of a thing to wear a uniform beside a whole bunch of other men who believe the opposite of the things and values I believe in.

Exactly what I've been preaching for ages. It's a hell of a thing for descendants of colonizers and people who never had to take a citizenship test, much less be able to pass one, dictate to someone else how they should or shouldn't cross an imaginary line in the sand. It's the most Karen shit imaginable.

Europe isn't much better, considering how they've treated migrants and minorities many of whom are moving to the west due to Western colonialist powers having ****ed up their countries for ages. We're like them in that sense.

I’ve seen so many people who live in England complain about how they are being taken over by Muslims.

Not speaking for England, but America is a nation of immigrants. All these people are like, “my grandparents immigrated the right way!!” when they got over here, stepped off a boat, spelled their name wrong, and walked off into the vast wilderness of what is now … Ohio or some shit.

People suck, by definition. Who knows who we could be turning away? German and Polish citizens requesting citizenship tripled during WW2, yet red tape kept them out. How many Jews might have escaped death at the hands of Nazis, if not for all that red tape? I read that Anne Frank’s family had requested citizenship twice, and both times were held up by bureaucracy. 🤬
I’ve seen so many people who live in England complain about how they are being taken over by Muslims.

Not speaking for England, but America is a nation of immigrants. All these people are like, “my grandparents immigrated the right way!!” when they got over here, stepped off a boat, spelled their name wrong, and walked off into the vast wilderness of what is now … Ohio or some shit.

People suck, by definition. Who knows who we could be turning away? German and Polish citizens requesting citizenship tripled during WW2, yet red tape kept them out. How many Jews might have escaped death at the hands of Nazis, if not for all that red tape? I read that Anne Frank’s family had requested citizenship twice, and both times were held up by bureaucracy. 🤬
There are Palestinians who have been denied asylum here who returned to die in Gaza at the hands of the IOF.

All immigration restrictions are evil. I only hope one day the world becomes "woke" enough to have open borders and to realize that limiting people's freedom of movement at the national and international level is about as dumb as limiting the same at an intra national or interstate level.
There are Palestinians who have been denied asylum here who returned to die in Gaza at the hands of the IOF.

All immigration restrictions are evil. I only hope one day the world becomes "woke" enough to have open borders and to realize that limiting people's freedom of movement at the national and international level is about as dumb as limiting the same at an intra national or interstate level.

I could not agree more. As you said, it’s an imaginary line and nothing more.

Open all borders across the world and let people come and go as they please.
citizens of China need special permission from the government authorities to travel abroad.
In 2022 31,000 people emigrated from China to Canada. There's 1.8 million Chinese immigrants in Canada.
IOWs these are likely plants of the CCP
Did they gain entry to Mexico legally?
Apparently so. The middle class migrants flew into Mexico, then paid to be driven up to the parts of the wall where they could get through. Others flew into Ecuador because they don't require a visa, then they made their way up from Ecuador to Mexico.
The real story would first begin by telling us why the numbers increased so much, and the tell us in detail how the numbers were handled.
Economic and political instability in many developing nations is what's done the trick. South American countries are struggling post pandemic, and we're seeing many more coming from there as a result. China's economy is slowing down, which is also leading to more people leaving and finding better opportunities elsewhere.
For anyone interested below is a link to the Transcript of the 60 Minutes segment from the OP.

The primary issue, as I see it, first and foremost needing to be solved is illegal entry into the U.S.
The solution, IMO, is quite simple. Federal law should, with no exceptions, clearly and concisely state that entry from any point other than a legal check point is a Federal crime which will result in immediate return to where entry was made from, Mexico in the Southern border case.
Checkpoint entry would prioritize those seeking asylum, though they would be given a lengthy wait to seek re-entry if they failed to prove their case for asylum and as a result be deported.
LPR would only be gained by those who enter legally. The number of migrants seeking LPR daily should not exceed what our government has the ability to process quickly without increasing the burden on taxpayers to grow that number.
Perhaps the punishment for illegal entry could be made a stiff fine and/or deportation, where those who pay the fine would be given a shorter wait period than those who do not.

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