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Children: Steal your Parents’ Firearms, Bring Them To School [W:24] (1 Viewer)

(Gun control nut) Director Rejina Sincic has created a disturbing video, advocating that teens commits multiple felonies—several of which could lead to injury or death through negligent discharge of the weapon—because of her own hysterical, irrational fear of firearms.

In the video, a boy steals an unholstered (presumably loaded) firearm from his mother’s room, drops it unsecured into his bookbag, and then carries it to school. After class the boy pulls the pistol out of his bookbag and puts it on his startled teacher’s desk, saying, “Can you take this away? I don’t feel safe with a gun in my house.”

In the real world, such an act would result in the boy facing numerous felony charges (exact charges depend on state laws) possibly including weapons theft, unlawful possession of a weapon by a minor, illegal concealed carry of a weapon, carrying a weapon onto school property, assault, and brandishing.

He would face the possibility of felony criminal record and mandatory expulsion from his school… and this is the kind of behavior that deranged gun control supporter Sincic is hoping that children will emulate.

What is wrong with these people?

CRAZED: Gun Control Cultist Calls For Children To Steal Parents' Firearms, Bring Them To Schools - Bearing Arms

All the more evidence that the gun control debate is a lost effort when dealing with opposition that thinks like this.
Re: Children: Steal your Parents’ Firearms, Bring Them To School

When I saw the thread title in the list I sincerely thought this was another Demanding_Chang thread :lol:

:mrgreen: Speaking of whom. They still haven't said who Chang was why the hell we are demanding him. How am I, to get on board to with demanding some mutt, when I have no idea of who they are. Its like watching the cliffhanger ending of a show and never seeing the resolution. I have a demand myself. Who the hell is Chang???!!!!!!???....................................This thread hijacking is now concluded. We now resume our regularly scheduled programing.................... (there's lots of double and multiple entendre in this post for those of you who care about such.) ;)
Re: Children: Steal your Parents’ Firearms, Bring Them To School

Wow, just wow. No one could possibly be that liberal. And advocating for criminal behavior.

Do not forget: Liberals, and especially gun control supporters, are on the side of criminals. Nothing at all shocking or surprising that they would advocate criminal behavior in the manner under discussion.
Re: Children: Steal your Parents’ Firearms, Bring Them To School

Cowards are the only ones who need are afraid of allowing honest citizens to own and bear guns. It is an admission of their weakness of mind. Paranoid people need treatment, not to deprive their much more intelligent and well-adjusted countrymen of firearms.

Fixed it for you.
Re: Children: Steal your Parents’ Firearms, Bring Them To School

Trying to encourage firearm safety is a way much better use of PSAs than trying to use them to encourage children to steal.
Re: Children: Steal your Parents’ Firearms, Bring Them To School

Cowards are the only ones who need guns. It is an admission of their weakness of mind. Paranoid people need treatment, not firearms.

Gun owners are the cowardly paranoid ones for wanting guns to protect themselves. But yet a school shooting or even a mass shooting which itself is pretty rare happens and you people want to severely restrict or ban guns.It seems to me the cowardly paranoid ones are those calling for severe restrictions and bans on the 2nd amendment.
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Re: Children: Steal your Parents’ Firearms, Bring Them To School

Trying to encourage firearm safety is a way much better use of PSAs than trying to use them to encourage children to steal.

The NRA has offered that for years. Liberal parents heads explode at the mere mention of it.
Re: Children: Steal your Parents’ Firearms, Bring Them To School

The NRA has offered that for years. Liberal parents heads explode at the mere mention of it.
Firearm safety PSAs make sense.We tell kids to not do drugs. To not talk to strangers. To look both ways before crossing the street.To not run with scissors. We have sex ed classes to warn kids of STDs and unwanted pregnancies. I have even seen a PSA warning teens to not send nude pics of themselves to their boyfriend's cellphone. But yet in a country where there are at least 310 million firearms legally owned by civilians the firearm safety PSAs are not common.
Re: Children: Steal your Parents’ Firearms, Bring Them To School

:mrgreen: Speaking of whom. They still haven't said who Chang was why the hell we are demanding him. How am I, to get on board to with demanding some mutt, when I have no idea of who they are. Its like watching the cliffhanger ending of a show and never seeing the resolution. I have a demand myself. Who the hell is Chang???!!!!!!???....................................This thread hijacking is now concluded. We now resume our regularly scheduled programing.................... (there's lots of double and multiple entendre in this post for those of you who care about such.) ;)
My very first post to him was what the name meant, and he said he misspelled his name when creating the account. :doh
Re: Children: Steal your Parents’ Firearms, Bring Them To School

Create a gun depository then so children concerned about their safety can protect themselves from the object of their parents' irrational sexual fetish.

I have a better idea: the anti-gunners should mind their own damned business.
Re: Children: Steal your Parents’ Firearms, Bring Them To School

Cowards are the only ones who need guns. It is an admission of their weakness of mind. Paranoid people need treatment, not firearms.

Do you lock your doors?
Re: Children: Steal your Parents’ Firearms, Bring Them To School

Cowards are the only ones who need guns. It is an admission of their weakness of mind. Paranoid people need treatment, not firearms.

Hmm let me get this right cowards are willing to defend themselves and brave people demand everyone be disarmed.

I can see why gun control advocates are referred to as nuts.
Re: Children: Steal your Parents’ Firearms, Bring Them To School

Why would a child be afraid of a ball gag and assless chaps?
If I found a ball gag and assless chaps in my parents room I would be afraid, very afraid and the nightmares my god the nightmares I would have. I get shivers just thinking about it. Not even sure years of therapy would help.
This is just too disturbing an image.
Re: Children: Steal your Parents’ Firearms, Bring Them To School

Not a solution. The child would still be committing weapons theft, unlawful possession of a weapon by a minor, and illegal concealed carry of a weapon.

What? Another "liberal solution" that wasn't well thought out? I am shocked, SHOCKED I tell ya! :shock:
Re: Children: Steal your Parents’ Firearms, Bring Them To School [W:24]

Kids...steal your parents' firearms and take them to school!

:shock: :doh

Jesus...no wonder the NRA can politically whip these anti-gun morons.
Re: Children: Steal your Parents’ Firearms, Bring Them To School

Cowards are the only ones who need guns. It is an admission of their weakness of mind. Paranoid people need treatment, not firearms.

Using your logic, you are calling our military cowards because they need guns.
Re: Children: Steal your Parents’ Firearms, Bring Them To School

Using your logic, you are calling our military cowards because they need guns.

The operative word is "logic".
(Gun control nut) Director Rejina Sincic has created a disturbing video, advocating that teens commits multiple felonies—several of which could lead to injury or death through negligent discharge of the weapon—because of her own hysterical, irrational fear of firearms.

In the video, a boy steals an unholstered (presumably loaded) firearm from his mother’s room, drops it unsecured into his bookbag, and then carries it to school. After class the boy pulls the pistol out of his bookbag and puts it on his startled teacher’s desk, saying, “Can you take this away? I don’t feel safe with a gun in my house.”

In the real world, such an act would result in the boy facing numerous felony charges (exact charges depend on state laws) possibly including weapons theft, unlawful possession of a weapon by a minor, illegal concealed carry of a weapon, carrying a weapon onto school property, assault, and brandishing.

He would face the possibility of felony criminal record and mandatory expulsion from his school… and this is the kind of behavior that deranged gun control supporter Sincic is hoping that children will emulate.

What is wrong with these people?

CRAZED: Gun Control Cultist Calls For Children To Steal Parents' Firearms, Bring Them To Schools - Bearing Arms

Can she be charged with criminal solicitation?
Re: Children: Steal your Parents’ Firearms, Bring Them To School

Cowards are the only ones who need guns. It is an admission of their weakness of mind. Paranoid people need treatment, not firearms.

Yes, many of your great heroes hide behind the police officers and the guns they detest:

Obama, Bloomberg, De Blasio, Emanuel....

obama secret service agents with guns_thumb[1].jpg
Re: Children: Steal your Parents’ Firearms, Bring Them To School [W:24]

Kids...steal your parents' firearms and take them to school!

:shock: :doh

Jesus...no wonder the NRA can politically whip these anti-gun morons.

Seriously these fruit cakes are saving us and driven by their own moral conscious. Like the suicide squads of Japan they do not stop for any reason.
Re: Children: Steal your Parents’ Firearms, Bring Them To School

Create a gun depository then so children concerned about their safety can protect themselves from the object of their parents' irrational sexual fetish.

Re: Children: Steal your Parents’ Firearms, Bring Them To School [W:24]

Kids...steal your parents' firearms and take them to school!

:shock: :doh

Jesus...no wonder the NRA can politically whip these anti-gun morons.

An NRA gun safety class will cure this. :lol:

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