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Child poverty rose by 3.7 million after expanded child tax credit expired: study (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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Almost 4 million American children fell into poverty last month after the expanded child tax credit (CTC) expired, according to a study released Thursday by the Center on Poverty and Social Policy at Columbia University. The lapse of monthly CTC payments in January pushed 3.7 million children below the poverty line, according to federal data analyzed by the Columbia researchers. The child poverty rate rose from 12.1 percent in December to 17 percent in January — an increase of 41 percent. "While in place, the monthly child tax credit payments buffered family finances amidst the continuing pandemic, increased families’ abilities to meet their basic needs, reduced child poverty and food insufficiency, and had no discernable negative effects on parental employment," the authors of the study wrote. The $1.9 trillion stimulus bill signed by President Biden in March 2021 increased the amount of money parents receive through the CTC to $250 per child between ages 6 and 17 and $300 for each child younger than 6. More than 36 million households covering 61 million children received expanded CTC payments from July through December last year.

For pushing 3.7 million American children back under the poverty line, we can thank Senator Joe Manchin (D/WV).

As the Senator of one of the poorest states in the union, Manchin obviously doesn't care about his state's hungry children.

And you can bet that if this was a program that gave tax breaks to coal companies, Manchin would have moved heaven and hell to prevent its expiration.
Is there anyone willing to add a conservative spin to this?

Manchin's rationale for tanking the credit was that sending families money encourages their parents to not work. Employment rose and child poverty rose as well.

It seems that Manchin didn't know what he was talking about.
Yep, but it does not take passing a $1.85T BBB package bill to get $130B added to the federal “budget” to fund one more year of the enhanced refundable CTC.
Yep, but it does not take passing a $1.85T BBB package bill to get $130B added to the federal “budget” to fund one more year of the enhanced refundable CTC.
Do you really think Dems can get a CTC passed through Manchin and Sinema ? Manchin already gave his reasons against it.
It didn't rise it just went back to where it was 6 months ago.
This is going to hurt the Democrat party's build the base strategy. When people see child poverty rates rising under a Democrat Congress and Presidency they may decide to vote the other way.
This is going to hurt the Democrat party's build the base strategy. When people see child poverty rates rising under a Democrat Congress and Presidency they may decide to vote the other way.
People who want to fix child poverty are going to vote for the candidates that rejected the fixes. That makes perfect sense. /s

For pushing 3.7 million American children back under the poverty line, we can thank Senator Joe Manchin (D/WV).

As the Senator of one of the poorest states in the union, Manchin obviously doesn't care about his state's hungry children.

And you can bet that if this was a program that gave tax breaks to coal companies, Manchin would have moved heaven and hell to prevent its expiration.
Well when the government props up a program with trillions of dollars on a short term fix, this is going to happen. The overall wellfare of the nation has to be considered and paying for these programs has to be considered as well as how this massive spending plays out in the long term.
If the government would give me 10 million dollars I'd be a millionaire, until I spent it all.

For pushing 3.7 million American children back under the poverty line, we can thank Senator Joe Manchin (D/WV).

As the Senator of one of the poorest states in the union, Manchin obviously doesn't care about his state's hungry children.

And you can bet that if this was a program that gave tax breaks to coal companies, Manchin would have moved heaven and hell to prevent its expiration.

Too true, but it isn't as though Joe Biden has been strongly stumping for it or using the bully pulpit to shame Manchin and Sinema into extending it.
People who want to fix child poverty are going to vote for the candidates that rejected the fixes. That makes perfect sense. /s

Democrats haven't fixed minority poverty since the 1960s when LBJ promised them. Why would anyone expect them to deliver on it before the 24th century?
Do you really think Dems can get a CTC passed through Manchin and Sinema ? Manchin already gave his reasons against it.

Yes, by simply including it in the normal appropriations bill.

BTW, Manchin had voted for a bill containing the enhanced refundable CTC in the past.

This bill allows parents to receive a tax credit of up to $3,600 per child under age 6 and $3,000 for children 17 and under

Democrats haven't fixed minority poverty since the 1960s when LBJ promised them. Why would anyone expect them to deliver on it before the 24th century?
So, per your comment, how will this one issue turn the tide against dems?

This is going to hurt the Democrat party's build the base strategy. When people see child poverty rates rising under a Democrat Congress and Presidency they may decide to vote the other way.
So, per your comment, how will this one issue turn the tide against dems?

This is going to hurt the Democrat party's build the base strategy. When people see child poverty rates rising under a Democrat Congress and Presidency they may decide to vote the other way.

It's not one issue it's the general malaise. Jimmy Carter era inflation I mean.
Yep, but it does not take passing a $1.85T BBB package bill to get $130B added to the federal “budget” to fund one more year of the enhanced refundable CTC.
It literally does take that because that's how our Senate works these days. You gotta bribe all these right wingers with the special tax breaks and pork they want.
And this is why we have an electoral college. Dangling crumbs in the face of the indigent to buy their vote, the promises of freebies.

I guess this explains the dimocrats policies at the southern border
It's not one issue it's the general malaise. Jimmy Carter era inflation I mean.
Yes, but you said, "this", referring to the topic of the thread, one issue, the rise in child poverty.

If you want to try to deflect to Carter and Johnson and whoever that's fine but don't pretend you didn't jump into this thread spouting something totally different.
For pushing 3.7 million American children back under the poverty line, we can thank Senator Joe Manchin (D/WV).
As the Senator of one of the poorest states in the union, Manchin obviously doesn't care about his state's hungry children.
And you can bet that if this was a program that gave tax breaks to coal companies,
Manchin would have moved heaven and hell to prevent its expiration.

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