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Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day brings out supporters, protesters [W:529] (1 Viewer)

Wendy's has a fried chicken sandwich that is almost identical without those nasty sour pickles. And their waffle fries have a bitter after taste from the grease they're cooked in.

To each their own. I've tried McDonald's and Wendy's attempts to mimic the Chick-Fil-A Sandwich (I can't stand pickles so never get it on either) and just...no, just no. Didn't hit the spot for me. And I actually find the Waffle Fries to be the only ones in the business I'd put up against good, hot McDonald's fries. Though I miss their old use of Peanut Oil, it gave them a bit better taste.
I don't really give a **** what the Bible says. You're barking up the wrong tree attempting to use the bible to define words to this particular poster. Sorry your bigotted stereotype of a Conservative doesn't work.

I care more about the dictionary when it comes to what words mean. Lacking tolerance for something is intolerance.

The only reason you, or others, seem to have an issue with that is because for whatever reason it appears you automatically apply a negative connotation to the word. Such a connotation is not universally inherent within it. There's nothing wrong inherently with being intolerant to things...it's the reasons why one is intolerant, and what they're intolerant of, that begins to define whether that intolerance is a good or bad thing.

No dictionary in the world says we have to accept evil or a sickness.

And that's what we're talking about, bigotry-- it's the opposite of everything we value. We don't tolerate it.


You can mince and parse words all you want-- but no reasonable person believes that not accepting bigotry is 'intolerance.'

Dictionary, seriously?

The bible is everything in this conversation because that's what the so-called Christian bigots use to justify their intolerance. Same as the 1960's and segregationists.
I've been in and out of the thread for the last few days, and I haven't noticed any anti-gay remarks here. Those who support ChickFilA aren't gay bashers. It's quite the other way round.

You've interviewed everyone who showed up at a Chick-Fil-A yesterday?
You've interviewed everyone who showed up at a Chick-Fil-A yesterday?

Why not just ask me? I went yesterday. I support SSM and don't bash gays :shrug: It's pure ignorance (and probably hatred) to say those who supported Chick Fil A are gay bashers.
Why not just ask me? I went yesterday. I support SSM and don't bash gays :shrug: It's pure ignorance (and probably hatred) to say those who supported Chick Fil A are gay bashers.

No, that gets in the way of their assumptions.
No dictionary in the world says we have to accept evil or a sickness.

Well thank you for your strawman Mr. hazlnut.

What does that have to do with my post what so ever?

Where did I say you have to be tolerant of everything? Actually, pretty sure my posts repeatedly were stating there's GOOD intolerance.

But continue to beat your strawman.

The bible is everything in this conversation because that's what the so-called Christian bigots use to justify their intolerance.

Which matters to me in terms of whether or not intolerance of intolerance is intolerance or not....why?
You've interviewed everyone who showed up at a Chick-Fil-A yesterday?

Let me help you out

I've been in and out of the thread for the last few days, and I haven't noticed any anti-gay remarks here. Those who support ChickFilA aren't gay bashers. It's quite the other way round.

Yes, that CLEARLY means she's speaking of everyone that showed up to a Chick-Fil-A anywhere.

Your arguments thus far would fit right in with the Tin Man and the Cowardly Lion, becuase they're been one giant sized strawman.
have you tried the polynesian sauce?

I remember as a kid I'd ask for "sweet and sour" because you know....as a kid, all soda is coke, and all fast food is McDonalds. Am very glad the employees always knew what sauce I was talking about
I didn't go to Chick-Fil-A yesterday, does that mean I support SSM? No, just means I wasn't aware of the whole thing and I don't know where a nearby outlet is. No fast food is worth the 20+ mile drive to get to it. The nearest small town where I do my grocery shopping does have a Braums, Sonic, Subway and Little Ceasers Pizza. Occasionally I might grab Sonic (as hot as it is, a Rt 44 Slush does sound good) on the way home from shopping, but usually it is Subway, the local little ceasars is pretty bad and they never have what I want "hot and ready" even though they advertise it.
I used to be a heterosexual, now I am retired from the game. Haven't taken up any new games, either.
Old age has retired a lot of me.
I have never feared or despised the gay community in general, but some of them, and some of the "not them", individually, can be jerks. Doesn't matter if someone is gay, conservative, holier than thou, whatever, people don't want any of the "in your face" attitude from anybody, be they gay, straight, or snake handlers from Alabama..
Demand all you want, the louder you demand, the less support you are likely to get.
Conversely, there is always the chance of blowback.
Besides, self righteous, and probably fake, indignation from a few vote seeking politicians isn't going to change the eating habits of Americans much.
The courts will settle it, just like they did for Prop. 8 in California...
Cihik-Fil-A didn't say anything though. This wasn't an official business statement. A dude said it, just a dude. You can claim he hasn't recanted, and that's true, but he wasn't speaking on behalf of the company or for the company or setting company policy. This was his personal opinion.

No, he *was* speaking on behalf of the company. He said the following:
When asked whether his company had an established position against marriage equality, Cathy said, "guilty as charged."

He added, "We are very much supportive of the family — the biblical definition of the family unit. We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives. We give God thanks for that. ... We know that it might not be popular with everyone, but thank the Lord, we live in a country where we can share our values and operate on biblical principles."

Furthermore, his company donates millions to anti-gay organizations. And even if he was speaking on his own and donating money on his own, it would still be a problem. He's the CEO of the company, not some VP of Accounting. He is an ambassador of his brand.
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I've been in and out of the thread for the last few days, and I haven't noticed any anti-gay remarks here. Those who support ChickFilA aren't gay bashers. It's quite the other way round.

Any advocacy of discrimination is an anti-gay remark. Just like if you support Jim Crow Laws but you manage to do it without blurting out the n-word, you're still a racist.
No, he *was* speaking on behalf of the company. He said the following:

Furthermore, his company donates millions to anti-gay organizations. And even if he was speaking on his own and donating money on his own, it would still be a problem. He's the CEO of the company, not some VP of Accounting. He is an ambassador of his brand.

Well, here's your quote:

When asked whether his company had an established position against marriage equality, Cathy said, "guilty as charged."

He added, "We are very much supportive of the family — the biblical definition of the family unit. We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives. We give God thanks for that. ... We know that it might not be popular with everyone, but thank the Lord, we live in a country where we can share our values and operate on biblical principles."

That viscious bastard!! Where is a credible link about all the millions his company has donated to these so-called gay groups?

Any advocacy of discrimination is an anti-gay remark. Just like if you support Jim Crow Laws but you manage to do it without blurting out the n-word, you're still a racist.

I just don't agree with you.
No, he *was* speaking on behalf of the company. He said the following:

Furthermore, his company donates millions to anti-gay organizations. And even if he was speaking on his own and donating money on his own, it would still be a problem. He's the CEO of the company, not some VP of Accounting. He is an ambassador of his brand.
It's funny that he said "first wives." I guess he isn't a fan of people who get second marriages either. It's like he's looking down at almost all of his customers in some way or another.
No, he *was* speaking on behalf of the company. He said the following:

Furthermore, his company donates millions to anti-gay organizations. And even if he was speaking on his own and donating money on his own, it would still be a problem. He's the CEO of the company, not some VP of Accounting. He is an ambassador of his brand.

His money, his company, his choice. He was speaking to The Baptist Press, not his board, not his stock holders. He's just running his mouth. Now if he were actively discriminating against homosexuals, I would say you would have a more valid point. But that isn't the case, yes? And in such case it's just an individual running his mouth about his ideals.
Why not just ask me? I went yesterday. I support SSM and don't bash gays :shrug: It's pure ignorance (and probably hatred) to say those who supported Chick Fil A are gay bashers.
It's not a stretch to say that a lot of those who went out yesterday were doing so specifically to support their anti-SSM stance.
One day, gay people are going to realize that they are their own worst enemy.

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One day, gay people are going to realize that they are their own worst enemy.

Considering this controversy started from a comment by a heterosexual politician, I find this comment quite intriguing.
One day, gay people are going to realize that they are their own worst enemy.

Probably not since the nation is moving closer everyday to full accepting them and their sexuality.
Probably not since the nation is moving closer everyday to full accepting them and their sexuality.

No, CNN is, and they tell you everybody else is, and you believe them.

People by and large don't care what gay people do, but that's not good enough. Gay people need to be on stage in full acknowledgment like divas. They must be in your face with it as much as possible. They want to HEAR you call them married husbands or married wives. "Say it! Say it!"

It's really, really odd. People just roll their eyes and laugh at them.
No, CNN is, and they tell you everybody else is, and you believe them.

People by and large don't care what gay people do, but that's not good enough. Gay people need to be on stage in full acknowledgment like divas. They must be in your face with it as much as possible. They want to HEAR you call them married husbands or married wives. "Say it! Say it!"

It's really, really odd. People just roll their eyes and laugh at them.

If you're married, I hope you don't shove it in people's faces at dinner parties.

"I would like to introduce my wife, "
No, CNN is, and they tell you everybody else is, and you believe them.

People by and large don't care what gay people do, but that's not good enough. Gay people need to be on stage in full acknowledgment like divas. They must be in your face with it as much as possible. They want to HEAR you call them married husbands or married wives. "Say it! Say it!"

It's really, really odd. People just roll their eyes and laugh at them.
Actually, Gallup and Pew in addition to the repeal of DADT, several court decisions, the President's stance on SSM and the Democratic Party's decision to make SSM an official part of their platform tell me that the nation is moving closer to acceptance. I guess you could also add to that the younger generations who are less prejudiced in addition to all the gay/bisexual people who've come out to their families and increased direct knowledge of non-heterosexuality as telling me that too. CNN isn't even in there, particularly since I rarely watch it or other cable news.

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