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Champagne songs! (1 Viewer)

Champagne Charlie - Leon Redbone

Champagne and Wine - Otis Redding

Drinking Champagne - Geroge Strait

San Antonio Champagne - Red Jenkins

If you want to be rewarded for effort, look up "Chris Rock" and "No sex in the champagne room" (possibly called "champagne").

Sorry, I'm lazy
If you want to be rewarded for effort, look up "Chris Rock" and "No sex in the champagne room" (possibly called "champagne").

Sorry, I'm lazy

Here it is (I think)...

Here it is (I think)...

I saw that and someone complained about it being a "remix", if it's the same one. Not that I care. I remember it being funny when I was far younger, and quite stoned to boot.

After that, people should look up David Chappelle's "pee on me" or whatever it's called, making fun of R.Kelly. Has nothing to do with champagne, or maybe it does, but do it anyway.
Does this count? I know it's not spelled the same, but it is pronounced the same, ha!

Five Finger Death Punch - Sham Pain

Greetings, Lutherf. :2wave:

Oh, that was great! Accordion music is happy music, IMO! :applaud


You've got either Polish or German in your blood, don't you?

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