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CBS News producer shows how easy it is to buy an assault rifle (2 Viewers)

Why in the **** should anyone be barred from buying a gun in the first ****ing place? If you don't trust them then frankly who gives a ****? Why is your ability to trust someone more important than their rights?
"Well regulated" mentioned in the first words in the declaratory statement in the first clause in the one and only sentence...suggests the second amendment does discuss regulating firearms. That seems to be an inconvenient truth for you. Besides, the SC ruled in Heller that regulating firearms was not unconstitutional as per the second amendment.

You mean keeping the militia regular? I wonder if you realize that the militia is not the arms themselves. Furthermore, how is banning guns or stopping the militia from being effective keeping it regular?
Why in the **** should anyone be barred from buying a gun in the first ****ing place? If you don't trust them then frankly who gives a ****? Why is your ability to trust someone more important than their rights?

If somebody has pledged to join ISIS or supports them that's probably not somebody you want to have a firearm.

Similarly, somebody who is mentally ill and thinks the toaster is spying on them for the CIA isn't going to be a responsible gun owner.
If somebody has pledged to join ISIS or supports them that's probably not somebody you want to have a firearm.

Have they done anything yet?

Similarly, somebody who is mentally ill and thinks the toaster is spying on them for the CIA isn't going to be a responsible gun owner.

So having a mental condition that you have no control of whatsoever should lead to you having less rights. Yeah, I think that position is ****.
Sure, as well as psychological tests for whomever is purchasing the gun? It should come out of the gun owner's pocket. Gun salesmen (1st hand and 2nd hand) should have to pay a minimum of $150USD per person they want to sell a gun to. If they want to sell their gun at a loss later, that's their problem.

You keep saying 'psychological tests'. Which psychological test would you like to administer?

And the fact that you are creating a financial burden kinda makes your motivation rather suspect. It also would never pass constitutional muster (you know that) and would be discriminatory to low income individuals. And what IS your motivation? Safety?
You keep saying 'psychological tests'. Which psychological test would you like to administer?

The same ones which would go on the average WH security detail employee.

And the fact that you are creating a financial burden kinda makes your motivation rather suspect. It also would never pass constitutional muster (you know that) and would be discriminatory to low income individuals. And what IS your motivation? Safety?

Guns aren't cheap. There is no financial burden anymore than there is to actually purchasing a gun. Again, these hurdles aren't anymore imposing than the ones which would accompany voting or getting an abortion in the average state.

Sent from a flower watered by the tears of Trump supporters and crazy newb liberals.
The same ones which would go on the average WH security detail employee.

Guns aren't cheap. There is no financial burden anymore than there is to actually purchasing a gun. Again, these hurdles aren't anymore imposing than the ones which would accompany voting or getting an abortion in the average state.

Sent from a flower watered by the tears of Trump supporters and crazy newb liberals.
And which tests are they?
What's the FFL stuff have to do with me getting one?

Because there are a lot of manufacturers out there a lot of people like to build their own using one part from company A and another from company B.
And which tests are they?

I don't know exactly, but I doubt they don't exist. Do you?

Sent from a flower watered by the tears of Trump supporters and crazy newb liberals.
Have they done anything yet?

So having a mental condition that you have no control of whatsoever should lead to you having less rights. Yeah, I think that position is ****.

It doesn't matter if you have control over it. Somebody who undoubtedly is going to snap at some point should not be allowed to easily acquire the means to kill as many people as they can.

And ISIS supporters are all primed time bombs just ticking away. They will do something--- the question is when.
I don't know exactly, but I doubt they don't exist. Do you?

Sent from a flower watered by the tears of Trump supporters and crazy newb liberals.

I know that federal domestic violence victim advocates, sexual assault victim advocates, child care workers, social workers, etc are required to undergo a mental health screening in addition to their background checks and I know that involves a short meeting with a federal employee community health nurse. Beyond that I'm not sure what tests they are that you believe exist.

Tell you what....we won't agree so feel free to advocate for some sort of mental health tests.
It doesn't matter if you have control over it. Somebody who undoubtedly is going to snap at some point should not be allowed to easily acquire the means to kill as many people as they can.

Cool. So if I suspect I have some kind of mental condition I will be sure to not get help for it. Thanks for the heads up.

And ISIS supporters are all primed time bombs just ticking away. They will do something--- the question is when.

I would love to see evidence of this 100% turn to violence rate.
Cool. So if I suspect I have some kind of mental condition I will be sure to not get help for it. Thanks for the heads up.

I would love to see evidence of this 100% turn to violence rate.

There's no way to force adults to get treated anyway. Or take their meds. Which has lead to Tracy more then once, both for themselves and others.

Somebody cheering on a group chopping people's heads off is hardly likely to be sitting around a campfire singing Kumbaya, are they?
I don't know exactly, but I doubt they don't exist. Do you?

Sent from a flower watered by the tears of Trump supporters and crazy newb liberals.

WTF? So you don't know the tests you want administered, but you want them administered anyway? Maybe you should think through a position before supporting it.
Cool. So if I suspect I have some kind of mental condition I will be sure to not get help for it. Thanks for the heads up.

I would love to see evidence of this 100% turn to violence rate.

There's no way to make an adult take their meds or get treated, which has lead to tragedy repeatedly.
There's no way to force adults to get treated anyway. Or take their meds. Which has lead to Tracy more then once, both for themselves and others.

The point is simply that if people with mental illnesses are barred from having a gun then less people will go to get help for their mental issues.

Somebody cheering on a group chopping people's heads off is hardly likely to be sitting around a campfire singing Kumbaya, are they?

You mean like people that support the death penalty? Plenty of people support people being killed without wanting to do it themselves. They're usually called cowards and assholes.
Because there are a lot of manufacturers out there a lot of people like to build their own using one part from company A and another from company B.

Again that has no relevance to the discussion I was having and I only buy from a licensed dealer.
WTF? So you don't know the tests you want administered, but you want them administered anyway? Maybe you should think through a position before supporting it.

Henrin, my position is that people in the secret service don't seem to go on rampages. People with mental illnesses do. The former should be used for gun ownership. The latter simply doesn't work.

Sent from a flower watered by the tears of Trump supporters and crazy newb liberals.
The point is simply that if people with mental illnesses are barred from having a gun then less people will go to get help for their mental issues.

You mean like people that support the death penalty? Plenty of people support people being killed without wanting to do it themselves. They're usually called cowards and assholes.

It's one thing to support the death penalty; it's another to cheer on a terrorist group which routinely slaughters innocent civillians.

People who already refuse to get help for their mental illness are hardly likely to change their minds based on gun ownership. And then one fine day they snap and start shooting everybody in sight.
The point is simply that if people with mental illnesses are barred from having a gun then less people will go to get help for their mental issues.

Do I really have to tell you that one thing has nothing to do with another?

Sent from a flower watered by the tears of Trump supporters and crazy newb liberals.
It's one thing to support the death penalty; it's another to cheer on a terrorist group which routinely slaughters innocent civillians.

Both positions support people dying for doing something that violates the persons beliefs.

People who already refuse to get help for their mental illness are hardly likely to change their minds based on gun ownership. And then one fine day they snap and start shooting everybody in sight.

So you don't think people would consider their gun rights more important to them then getting help for their mental problem?
You mean keeping the militia regular? I wonder if you realize that the militia is not the arms themselves. Furthermore, how is banning guns or stopping the militia from being effective keeping it regular?

I agree...guns don't have rights. So there's no reason they can't be well regulated. They're not banning guns for home and self defense or hunting, Vance. But they are and can regulate firearms to protect the public safety and for defense of the free State....which is a constitutional power granted to the government by the people when they formed a more perfect union.
Do I really have to tell you that one thing has nothing to do with another?

Sent from a flower watered by the tears of Trump supporters and crazy newb liberals.

Sure, go ahead. If a diagnose causes you to lose your gun rights, would you go to get that diagnose?
Sure, go ahead. If a diagnose causes you to lose your gun rights, would you go to get that diagnose?

The diagnose wouldn't cause you to lose your gun rights. It should encourage you to seek help so that you can be considered healthy enough to own a gun. Again, which part do you have a problem with. Mentally ill people not being allowed to own a gun until they are healthy?
I agree...guns don't have rights. So there's no reason they can't be well regulated. They're not banning guns for home and self defense or hunting, Vance. But they are and can regulate firearms to protect the public safety and for defense of the free State....which is a constitutional power granted to the government by the people when they formed a more perfect union.

Again, how do you keep the militia in working order when you do things like ban certain people from having guns and ban everyone in the militia from having certain firearms? Do you think a good part of the militia not being armed or being armed with really crappy guns is a good way to maintain an effective militia?

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