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Cat person or dog person ? (1 Viewer)

Cat person or dog person ?

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That is interesting, but I admit I say that while cringing. I am glad people enjoy their pet snakes, and that is a good thing. I'm sorry if I was insensitive in my comment. It was caused by my own personal feelings about slithering things. I have known some guys who had snakes or lizards as pets, and they loved them. And they loved trying to get me to hold them, of course. No thanks. To each their own.

You ought to try scorpions and tarantulas. :)
Snakes are one of the common phobias people have. I know someone who was scared of frogs. Snakes and spiders seem to be the two big instinctive ones

You ought to try scorpions and tarantulas. :)

Yeah, I'm kinda stuck in the middle here. One doesn't have any legs, and the other has way too many. Average it out and we get 4 legs, which works for me. Just like that line from the sheep in Animal Farm, something about 2 legs bad, 4 legs good. I'm that way with my pets, 4 legs good!
Yeah, I'm kinda stuck in the middle here. One doesn't have any legs, and the other has way too many. Average it out and we get 4 legs, which works for me. Just like that line from the sheep in Animal Farm, something about 2 legs bad, 4 legs good. I'm that way with my pets, 4 legs good!

holy wow, mine too...she never stops talking, thinks she's my shadow and comes immediately when called

she also like to throw herself at the wall and bounce off of it with all four paws when chasing her cat dancer or the little red bug...no dog would do that

The wildest thing that my big 12 lb cat does is get in front of me so that I can't walk by him, then he lies down on the floor, and spreads out so that I will give him a tummy rub.

If I try to pick him up he puts 20 claws into my forearm and bites me.

He really wants that tummy rub.
Dogs originally evolved from wolves which someone anciently raised a batch of pups from, and the tamer ones were kept while the vicious ones were released.

Cats have not changed much in their evolution, and any batch of kittens from an Egyptian wildcat will grow up fairly tame if raised by humans.

Since we usually raise dogs and cats from pups and kittens, they view us as being their mother.

They beg us to feed them and they cuddle after being fed and treated well.

They are wonderful companions and very amusing in their own humanlike ways.

To make them happy you need some piece of land where they can roam.

Most cities have leash laws and so a dog requires more attention in the cities.

In the suburbs you can let the dog run in your fenced back yard.

Cats will normally take off but then come back to where you have been feeding them because they remember where the food is.

Dogs get lost easily.

That makes it obvious that cats are smarter.
It's like the Devo song.

When a kitty goes meow, you must pet it.
When a kitty goes meow, you must pet it.
my girlfriend bought a rat named Jimmie for her autistic son....my god, rats should live longer, they loved that rat, he had little hammocks and toys and games...they are so smart

because of her rat I checked them out one day at the pet store...the clerk was super cool and asked if she could let them out of their cage

I was up for it so she opened it...wow, they swarmed me...ran up me and were so excited to be petted and spoken to

I will never look at a rat in the same way again

kudos to you

All mammals are very smart. Even the smaller ones.

I suspect that the larger they get, the smarter they seem, because of their enlarged brains.

My cats all seem very smart and have their own personalities.

Molly is a shy female and avoids all human contact. She enjoys being around her sister Smartie and her nephew Snowball.

Smartie is social and likes to be petted and scratched but not picked up.

Molly and Smartie are ferals whom I have been taming over the past 3 years since they were born.

Snowball is quite friendly and familiar with me but avoids all other people. I have raised him since he was born to Smartie.

Smartie and Molly are both spayed now, but it took 3 years to catch them for it. The city clinic has a program for $25 each where if you bring in a feral they will neuter/spay it and return it to you for re-releasing back into its niche.

Snowball was neutered as a kitten at the vet clinic.

They seem like children with intellects of 5 year old human children.

They get hungry, they get sleepy, and they love to play outside.

Snowball is a great hunter/killer whereas the other two females chase only moths or flies.

Snowball's body count is now up to 12 birds, 10 squirrels, 1 big rat, and 1 field mouse over the 20 months of his lifetime.

He normally eats half of whatever he catches, birds from the bottom end like a hamburger, mammals from the nose like a taco, and then he brings me the other half and lays it down at my feet to share with me. Then if I don't eat it (which I never have) then he plays with it by tossing it up into the air and catching it.

Hunting must be a delight for him, and he remembers the hunt after he has caught and ate half of it. So he then re-enacts the catch in play.
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Dog person, I hate street cats and only tolerate them because of their appetites for rats/mice, but I like house cats.
Dog person, I hate street cats and only tolerate them because of their appetites for rats/mice, but I like house cats.

Cats are actually very beneficial to human society and civilization whereas dogs are simply scavengers.
Bow wow wow yippee yo yippee yay.

Had 2 cats before. Like the holocaust, "Never Again!"

But I voted "cat" because I only want to keep cats as pets. I love playing around with friends' or family members' dogs, but I just don't want to have to deal with all the upkeep - taking it outside every time it needs to use the bathroom, most importantly. Taking it on walks no matter what. Cleaning it. Etc.

Meanwhile my cat cleans herself, follows me around from room to room in the house like a dog, sleeps on the bed, sleeps on my lap, is just as affectionate as a dog, etc. I've only got to feed her and keep her litterbox clean.

I think the main difference is that dogs are more domesticated, to the point where they just automatically start out loving you. With cats, you have to pay your dues. Then, they can be just as loyal/affectionate as any dog. (Also, indoor-only cats tend to end up being more affectionate as well)

But I voted "cat" because I only want to keep cats as pets. I love playing around with friends' or family members' dogs, but I just don't want to have to deal with all the upkeep - taking it outside every time it needs to use the bathroom, most importantly. Taking it on walks no matter what. Cleaning it. Etc.

Meanwhile my cat cleans herself, follows me around from room to room in the house like a dog, sleeps on the bed, sleeps on my lap, is just as affectionate as a dog, etc. I've only got to feed her and keep her litterbox clean.

I think the main difference is that dogs are more domesticated, to the point where they just automatically start out loving you. With cats, you have to pay your dues. Then, they can be just as loyal/affectionate as any dog. (Also, indoor-only cats tend to end up being more affectionate as well)

Good point on cleaning them. My friend had a big dog when we both first moved out after high school. That dog was very nice, but he loved to roll around in nasty stuff and would smell so bad. I always had to help her wash that dog in our bathtub, which made a HUGE mess out of the tub and bathroom. Wet dog really smells bad, too.

My cats have always done a great job of keeping themselves clean. No mess in the tub or bathroom!
I have 2 dogs atm, but I've had and loved cats too. I am now looking forward to the time in my life where I'll be pet free. With the kids grown up and gone I don't want to be tied down as much.
Only way I will own a cat is if it is a mouser and I have a place that needs it. Great for pests. Only thing better is an owl that lives with your land. And the owl is cooler anyway.

Mice tend to stay away based on the smell.

There's something wrong with my cat in that either her jaw muscles aren't strong enough, or she's an idiot, or she's a pacifist. We first got her in an apartment that had a mouse problem. The mice generally stopped showing up once we got her. At the beginning, however, she did catch one. I came back from classes to find her crouched in the bathroom with the mouse in her mouth, head poking out one side, ass out the other. There were mouse turds all over the floor because my cat hadn't so much as injured the thing - not even a bit of blood on its body. It was still alive, terrified. She must've been holding it for hours.

Had to distract her by putting food in her bowl; she immediately dropped the mouse and ran over, I grabbed it with a bag, got a hammer, and bye bye mousey.

My cat is such a wuss.

Anyway, the other mice didn't find out, and they stopped entering the apartment since it stank of cat.
Big house cats, a weird and obscure breed.

View attachment 67192321

Ours aren't that big, but they're big.

That helps confirm it. I've thought mine is part Maine Coon or is a very small one --- has the same black "spikes" of fur at the top of the ears, fur coming out of ears, the long tufts of fur between each "toe" on her pow, the main around the neck, and when she's walking around the super-long fur makes it look kind of like she's wearing shorts, etc. She looks very similar to yours, but smaller.

(A good friend has one that's over 25 lbs, but not at all overweight. Head the size of a grapefruit)
The wildest thing that my big 12 lb cat does is get in front of me so that I can't walk by him, then he lies down on the floor, and spreads out so that I will give him a tummy rub.

If I try to pick him up he puts 20 claws into my forearm and bites me.

He really wants that tummy rub.

aw with the tummy rub

every other cat I've had would rake your arm to the bone with a tummy rub

I never tummy rub

so the little attention whore was charming a neighbour who didn't know any better since they own a dog, and they belly rubbed her

she loved it

I had no idea, in all of the years that I have been owned by cats never has one wanted a belly scratch

even at my age, I'm still learning
All mammals are very smart. Even the smaller ones.

I suspect that the larger they get, the smarter they seem, because of their enlarged brains.

My cats all seem very smart and have their own personalities.

Molly is a shy female and avoids all human contact. She enjoys being around her sister Smartie and her nephew Snowball.

Smartie is social and likes to be petted and scratched but not picked up.

Molly and Smartie are ferals whom I have been taming over the past 3 years since they were born.

Snowball is quite friendly and familiar with me but avoids all other people. I have raised him since he was born to Smartie.

Smartie and Molly are both spayed now, but it took 3 years to catch them for it. The city clinic has a program for $25 each where if you bring in a feral they will neuter/spay it and return it to you for re-releasing back into its niche.

Snowball was neutered as a kitten at the vet clinic.

They seem like children with intellects of 5 year old human children.

They get hungry, they get sleepy, and they love to play outside.

Snowball is a great hunter/killer whereas the other two females chase only moths or flies.

Snowball's body count is now up to 12 birds, 10 squirrels, 1 big rat, and 1 field mouse over the 20 months of his lifetime.

He normally eats half of whatever he catches, birds from the bottom end like a hamburger, mammals from the nose like a taco, and then he brings me the other half and lays it down at my feet to share with me. Then if I don't eat it (which I never have) then he plays with it by tossing it up into the air and catching it.

Hunting must be a delight for him, and he remembers the hunt after he has caught and ate half of it. So he then re-enacts the catch in play.

ongosh, that is so awesome...love it
Cats are actually very beneficial to human society and civilization whereas dogs are simply scavengers.

No, they're also security alarm systems and protectors.
No, they're also security alarm systems and protectors.

This is why I have thought about getting another dog. But, I am such a super light sleeper, and very jumpy at night, I probably don't need a dog to know something is going on. If I get a bigger place, or move back to a smaller town or the country I will get another dog.
I've had too many bad experiences fending off badly "trained" dogs on my daily walk to work across a park to like dogs anymore.

I've become more firmly of the opinion the UK should allow innocent people to carry pepper spray or mace for self protection. Then I wouldn't care what your bull terrier / rottweiler / alsatian / mastiff is doing in a public space/

Cats for the win now.
I've had too many bad experiences fending off badly "trained" dogs on my daily walk to work across a park to like dogs anymore.

I've become more firmly of the opinion the UK should allow innocent people to carry pepper spray or mace for self protection. Then I wouldn't care what your bull terrier / rottweiler / alsatian / mastiff is doing in a public space/

Cats for the win now.

#1) you can't carry pepper spray in the UK
#2) you don't have leash laws in the UK
#3) your problem isn't with dogs, it's with humans
That helps confirm it. I've thought mine is part Maine Coon or is a very small one --- has the same black "spikes" of fur at the top of the ears, fur coming out of ears, the long tufts of fur between each "toe" on her pow, the main around the neck, and when she's walking around the super-long fur makes it look kind of like she's wearing shorts, etc. She looks very similar to yours, but smaller.

(A good friend has one that's over 25 lbs, but not at all overweight. Head the size of a grapefruit)

That's not mine, ours are smaller too.
They have an odd and distinctive shake in their tail.
Something I've never seen in a cat before.

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