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Cat person or dog person ? (1 Viewer)

Cat person or dog person ?

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The best dogs ever!
That breed has a bad habit of picking one person in the house to become territorial over, and hating everyone else as competition.

That's not my experience. That being said, they are for sure very nervous and wary of strangers. More so than many other dogs.

That is so funny, and true. My boy cat is such a hunter. He also terrorizes my girl cat if he can't go outside and terrorize the neighborhood. I can't feed the birds outside my window anymore, because he has killed a few of them and I feel bad for luring them. But, he is also so much more affectionate than the girl cat. She is very standoffish, not even sure if that is a real word. She only snuggles when it is a certain time at night, and I have to be in a certain position with a certain blanket covering my lap. If not, she complains and complains, and will even turn lights off and on, until I get with the program.

Crazy little critters, but I love them.
Dogs. Period. They are far FAR better than cats. Dogs are emotionally invested in their family. Their pack. They care.

My dogs go absolutely bonkers with joy when we come home. Every single day. Every single time. They literally vibrate with happiness and must be scooped up and loved on until they settle down a bit. They get upset when we leave. They absolutely want to be a part of our family. They understand that we love them, and they return it 10,000 times over. Best pets ever.

Dogs. There's no contest.
Generally a dog person, but I've had cats before that would lay on my lap while I was watching TV. This is a favorite of mine as well.
Just too bad that not all cats will do that.

That study has been taken completely out of context. Dogs, especially in pack, have just as much genetic disposition to violence from a link to their more wild cousins as cats do.

The whole study by the University of Edinburgh is about the idea of captive environments for animals with a natural, be it evolutionary, tendency to hunt. So it boils down to natural behaviors over a very long time of development somewhat derailed by domestication, well not all of those natural behaviors diminish at the same rate. Consequently the smaller the space for an animal with a disposition to carnivorous hunting means pressure on those natural behaviors. So for domesticated cats the sensitivity to bring out that neurotic behavior has been looked at in accordance with observances of much larger non-domesticated cats that are in some level of their own captive environment.

The problem with the study is while it makes perfect sense, there is no real "discovery" of the exact condition and reasons that a domesticated cat would try to kill their owners. Which is why every story on the study has in the title "your cat *may* want to kill you." Because observance of behavior suggests it.
Dogs. Period. They are far FAR better than cats. Dogs are emotionally invested in their family. Their pack. They care.

My dogs go absolutely bonkers with joy when we come home. Every single day. Every single time. They literally vibrate with happiness and must be scooped up and loved on until they settle down a bit. They get upset when we leave. They absolutely want to be a part of our family. They understand that we love them, and they return it 10,000 times over. Best pets ever.

Dogs. There's no contest.

That is so nice. I had a cat, my best friend ever, who was like that, too. His name, well the one name of thousands I had for him, was wee bits. Bits would always meet me at the door and meow continuously until I set things down and picked him up. Then he would purr loudly, and follow me all around if I set him down again. Such a great little friend. He also made typing my papers and doing homework on the laptop so hard, because he would lie down across my left hand and wrist, and make all kinds of extra letters appear in my work.

I miss that little friend.
Dogs. Period. They are far FAR better than cats. Dogs are emotionally invested in their family. Their pack. They care.

My dogs go absolutely bonkers with joy when we come home. Every single day. Every single time. They literally vibrate with happiness and must be scooped up and loved on until they settle down a bit. They get upset when we leave. They absolutely want to be a part of our family. They understand that we love them, and they return it 10,000 times over. Best pets ever.

Dogs. There's no contest.

So do cats.

My elder kitty, when she was younger, tried to protect me from a human once. And an angry cat is so scary that she actually succeeded.

Every cat I've had meets me at the door. Follows me around the apartment. Is there in a flash when my lap is available.

If a cat doesn't seem to care about you, it's probably that they just don't fully trust you because you haven't made an effort in a way that they understand.
So do cats.

My elder kitty, when she was younger, tried to protect me from a human once. And an angry cat is so scary that she actually succeeded.

Every cat I've had meets me at the door. Follows me around the apartment. Is there in a flash when my lap is available.

If a cat doesn't seem to care about you, it's probably that they just don't fully trust you because you haven't made an effort in a way that they understand.

The boy cat I have now is so nice and sociable that when this guy was here hooking up my internet, my cat came in the room and started poking his nose around in the guy's toolbelt. There was some plastic bag in there, and it made a noise (the guy wasn't paying attention because he was busy doing something). I was getting nervous that the guy would think that I was digging around in his belt, so I started talking about my cat. He didn't care, because he said he has a couple at his house, and my boy cat walked up and started rubbing against this guy's face while he was on the floor working. Such a little lover!
Both, depends on the animal though really.
We have 2 Maine Coons, a Manx, a Chihuahua/Jack Russel mix and a blind Pomeranian.

Love them all.

What are Maine Coons? Are they raccoons? I was wondering what raccoons were like as pets. They seem so pesty and troubly, but that can be fun, too, for a while.
go cat go. Cats rule, dogs drool

I know which movie you saw. :lamo By the way the way, the dogs win, evils cats lose.:lamo
Dogs. Cats are sociopathic
They are great pets, very attention needy and they do this odd tail shake.
Kind of like a rattle snake.

That is so neat. I never heard of that breed before, but I never pay much attention to cat breeds. I just love cats. My boy cat was labeled as a Norwegian Forest Cat, and he is big, but very muscular. He has a real tight body, and the vet always says he has good muscles when she checks him out. I can't imagine having a bigger cat like those. Must be nice!

By the way, I don't want to get into trouble for talking about you, but I just wanted to say that I think you have a very creative and unique username. I like it.
I like both cats and dogs. I am currently petless, after the last two passed away just recently, and I just don't have the heart to replace them at the moment. Cat was 18 when he passed.

All my last bunch of animals were unexpected rescue animals. One had been a stray for 3 years when it had gotten tossed out of the house by the heirs of a woman who died. The others were because of people I know that became homeless and couldn't keep their pets.
That is so neat. I never heard of that breed before, but I never pay much attention to cat breeds. I just love cats. My boy cat was labeled as a Norwegian Forest Cat, and he is big, but very muscular. He has a real tight body, and the vet always says he has good muscles when she checks him out. I can't imagine having a bigger cat like those. Must be nice!

From what I've been told they're a pricey pure breed.
We got ours for free, don't remember how though.

From the same litter, the girl is a tortuous shell color and the boy is a cream color.

By the way, I don't want to get into trouble for talking about you, but I just wanted to say that I think you have a very creative and unique username. I like it.

No problem at all. Thanks. :2wave:
Cats can eat **** and die. :2razz:
i have been both at different times in my life. i love them equally.

i currently have a cat named hughey and a dog named bonnie.

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