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Canada tries to undermine US Constitution by chanting "4 more years" to Pres Obama (1 Viewer)


back from Vegas
DP Veteran
Feb 16, 2013
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Slightly Liberal
With chants of 4 more years, the Canadian parliament encourages President Obama to undermine US Constitution. Now some people would just assume its Canada's way of expressing their approval of President Obama but we know better.

"It's not every day that the crowd's reaction to a speech becomes a story — but that's what Canadian politicians might have achieved with their rapturous response to U.S. President Barack Obama.

There were different reactions to the tongue-in-cheek, campaign-style chorus of "Four more years!" repeatedly echoing from Canada's House of Commons after the president's speech to the chamber this week........

Some commentators viewed it as a moment of triumph for a president who's now begun a global farewell tour, with his popularity still high abroad and on the upswing at home to the point that he's been invited to participate in the campaign for a third straight Democratic term."

White House Responds To Canadian MPs Chanting 'Four More Years' For Barack Obama
Re: Canada tries to undermine US Constitution by chanting "4 more years" to Pres Obam


I think it says something about the quality of your current candidates. We also do not have term limits here so to us it makes more sense. It is not undermining your constitution.
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Re: Canada tries to undermine US Constitution by chanting "4 more years" to Pres Obam

With chants of 4 more years, the Canadian parliament encourages President Obama to undermine US Constitution. Now some people would just assume its Canada's way of expressing their approval of President Obama but we know better.

"It's not every day that the crowd's reaction to a speech becomes a story — but that's what Canadian politicians might have achieved with their rapturous response to U.S. President Barack Obama.

There were different reactions to the tongue-in-cheek, campaign-style chorus of "Four more years!" repeatedly echoing from Canada's House of Commons after the president's speech to the chamber this week........

Some commentators viewed it as a moment of triumph for a president who's now begun a global farewell tour, with his popularity still high abroad and on the upswing at home to the point that he's been invited to participate in the campaign for a third straight Democratic term."

White House Responds To Canadian MPs Chanting 'Four More Years' For Barack Obama

Liberals in Canada are pretty much as arrogant and stupid as liberals in the US and neither ever met a law they didn't feel entitled to either ignore or change for their own personal political gratification. It's not surprising they'd be calling for four more years of Obama - Trudeau is in the process of trying to alter Canadian electoral law to ensure he and his party can remain in power indefinitely and he has opined that China's form of government is preferable because it's easier for leaders to get things done.
Re: Canada tries to undermine US Constitution by chanting "4 more years" to Pres Obam

With chants of 4 more years, the Canadian parliament encourages President Obama to undermine US Constitution. Now some people would just assume its Canada's way of expressing their approval of President Obama but we know better.

"It's not every day that the crowd's reaction to a speech becomes a story — but that's what Canadian politicians might have achieved with their rapturous response to U.S. President Barack Obama.

There were different reactions to the tongue-in-cheek, campaign-style chorus of "Four more years!" repeatedly echoing from Canada's House of Commons after the president's speech to the chamber this week........

Some commentators viewed it as a moment of triumph for a president who's now begun a global farewell tour, with his popularity still high abroad and on the upswing at home to the point that he's been invited to participate in the campaign for a third straight Democratic term."

White House Responds To Canadian MPs Chanting 'Four More Years' For Barack Obama

Canada and the US are each other's biggest trading partners. It's a very close relationship- there's probably no other country so affected by American politics as Canada. We look back and forth from Trump to Clinton and say, "Can we have door number 3? Or just more of the same?"
Re: Canada tries to undermine US Constitution by chanting "4 more years" to Pres Obam

Chanting "4 more years" is not trying to undermine the US constitution... And these are members of parliament, not some official law or recommendation to the US that we change our Constitution or put Obama in for a 3rd term.
Re: Canada tries to undermine US Constitution by chanting "4 more years" to Pres Obam

Sometimes when the mockee doesn't realise it and take it seriously it makes it doubly funny. Till they start shooting again.
Re: Canada tries to undermine US Constitution by chanting "4 more years" to Pres Obam

Liberals in Canada are pretty much as arrogant and stupid as liberals in the US and neither ever met a law they didn't feel entitled to either ignore or change for their own personal political gratification. It's not surprising they'd be calling for four more years of Obama - Trudeau is in the process of trying to alter Canadian electoral law to ensure he and his party can remain in power indefinitely and he has opined that China's form of government is preferable because it's easier for leaders to get things done.

You pretty sure no Conservative Party MP's were chanting and applauding? Which American candidate do you suppose the Conservative Party of Canada supports?
Re: Canada tries to undermine US Constitution by chanting "4 more years" to Pres Obam

Are you serious?

They're joking.
Re: Canada tries to undermine US Constitution by chanting "4 more years" to Pres Obam

* faceplam *

No, they weren't trying to undermine anything. Either grow a thicker skin or find something of more substance to complain about.
Re: Canada tries to undermine US Constitution by chanting "4 more years" to Pres Obam

Obama won't get a third term no matter who chants what. it is going to be one of the two lousy candidates that are being forced onto us by our dip**** two party system.
Re: Canada tries to undermine US Constitution by chanting "4 more years" to Pres Obam

You pretty sure no Conservative Party MP's were chanting and applauding? Which American candidate do you suppose the Conservative Party of Canada supports?

I'm pretty sure most if not all of the Conservative MPs applauded President Obama's comments about NATO and Canada's role in the security of the world and the fight against terrorism. I don't believe for a minute that many if any applauded the four more years nonsense the Liberal MPs started.
Re: Canada tries to undermine US Constitution by chanting "4 more years" to Pres Obam

Liberals in Canada are pretty much as arrogant and stupid as liberals in the US and neither ever met a law they didn't feel entitled to either ignore or change for their own personal political gratification. It's not surprising they'd be calling for four more years of Obama - Trudeau is in the process of trying to alter Canadian electoral law to ensure he and his party can remain in power indefinitely and he has opined that China's form of government is preferable because it's easier for leaders to get things done.

Greetings, CJ. :2wave:

The liberals in Canada may have heard Glenda Jackson, an apparently well known, very religious, psychic, who recently predicted that the presidential election will not happen for a number of reasons, among them being certain disasters will take place and other things will be put in place that will be very bad, *her words* and Obama will suspend the 2016 election and will not be removed from office.

Apparently her prior predictions have mostly been accurate, and although I have never heard of the woman until now, this was troubling to me, because our Constitution will have to be ignored for this to occur. As always, time will tell, but this is not good news for anyone from either party if true, since it sounds as if he will become a dictator - no more Mr. Nice Guy! She urges people to pray that it does not happen!

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Re: Canada tries to undermine US Constitution by chanting "4 more years" to Pres Obam

With chants of 4 more years, the Canadian parliament encourages President Obama to undermine US Constitution. Now some people would just assume its Canada's way of expressing their approval of President Obama but we know better.

"It's not every day that the crowd's reaction to a speech becomes a story — but that's what Canadian politicians might have achieved with their rapturous response to U.S. President Barack Obama.

There were different reactions to the tongue-in-cheek, campaign-style chorus of "Four more years!" repeatedly echoing from Canada's House of Commons after the president's speech to the chamber this week........

Some commentators viewed it as a moment of triumph for a president who's now begun a global farewell tour, with his popularity still high abroad and on the upswing at home to the point that he's been invited to participate in the campaign for a third straight Democratic term."

White House Responds To Canadian MPs Chanting 'Four More Years' For Barack Obama

It would have been better if Canada's official correspondence to Obama saluted him with GSTK.
Re: Canada tries to undermine US Constitution by chanting "4 more years" to Pres Obam

Canada tries to undermine US Constitution by chanting "4 more years" to Pres Obama

Undermine? Poor choice of words for a thread title.....regardless of the source.
Re: Canada tries to undermine US Constitution by chanting "4 more years" to Pres Obam

You pretty sure no Conservative Party MP's were chanting and applauding? Which American candidate do you suppose the Conservative Party of Canada supports?
Jason Kenny would have supported Ted Cruz

Ted was born in Calgary and Jason lives their.

Both are social conservatives
Re: Canada tries to undermine US Constitution by chanting "4 more years" to Pres Obam

Greetings, CJ. :2wave:

The liberals in Canada may have heard Glenda Jackson, an apparently well known, very religious, psychic, who recently predicted that the presidential election will not happen for a number of reasons, among them being certain disasters will take place and other things will be put in place that will be very bad, *her words* and Obama will suspend the 2016 election and will not be removed from office.

Apparently her prior predictions have mostly been accurate, and although I have never heard of the woman until now, this was troubling to me, because our Constitution will have to be ignored for this to occur. As always, time will tell, but this is not good news for anyone from either party if true, since it sounds as if he will become a dictator - no more Mr. Nice Guy! She urges people to pray that it does not happen!


Good afternoon Lady P - beautiful day here today - hope your long weekend is equally nice.

As for the prediction, it wouldn't surprise me at all if President Obama issued an executive order extending his term in office - after all, the illegality of such things never bothered him before - and the Supreme Court, as constituted, would refuse to hear any case against it because the four liberals on the court would claim there's a constitutional right that only they can see that would allow the President to do so.
Re: Canada tries to undermine US Constitution by chanting "4 more years" to Pres Obam


Re: Canada tries to undermine US Constitution by chanting "4 more years" to Pres Obam

Good afternoon Lady P - beautiful day here today - hope your long weekend is equally nice.

As for the prediction, it wouldn't surprise me at all if President Obama issued an executive order extending his term in office - after all, the illegality of such things never bothered him before - and the Supreme Court, as constituted, would refuse to hear any case against it because the four liberals on the court would claim there's a constitutional right that only they can see that would allow the President to do so.

"Aargh" is the only word I can think of at the moment to express my thoughts! :shock:

On to more pleasant thoughts . . . it is 70 degrees here, which feels nice after the mid 90s we have had the past week, so I decided that it was time to get the black raspberry jelly made. I had so many raspberries this year that it took three separate "makings" to get them all processed into jelly without having the jelly boil out of the huge kettle and all over the stove and floor! I ended up with 27 jars from the juice alone, half of which will be sent to four different households of kids and grandkids in Houston who are eagerly waiting for same!

I used stevia instead of granulated sugar for sweetening, so they won't need to worry about diabetes or other sugar-related illnesses if they slather too much on their toast! :lamo: Blackberries are next, but I have a little while to wait yet until they're ready to pick, for which I am thankful! The berries themselves will be used as a filling in strudel for Christmas baking, and they're already in the freezer, so I haven't wasted any food, which would make me feel guilty! :sigh:
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Re: Canada tries to undermine US Constitution by chanting "4 more years" to Pres Obam

Greetings, CJ. :2wave:

The liberals in Canada may have heard Glenda Jackson, an apparently well known, very religious, psychic, who recently predicted that the presidential election will not happen for a number of reasons, among them being certain disasters will take place and other things will be put in place that will be very bad, *her words* and Obama will suspend the 2016 election and will not be removed from office.

Apparently her prior predictions have mostly been accurate, and although I have never heard of the woman until now, this was troubling to me, because our Constitution will have to be ignored for this to occur. As always, time will tell, but this is not good news for anyone from either party if true, since it sounds as if he will become a dictator - no more Mr. Nice Guy! She urges people to pray that it does not happen!


Never happen Pol and good evening. But I would prefer 4 more years of Obama to 4 years from Hillary Clinton which looks like what will happen. I may have a whole lot of disagreement with President Obama's policies, but he is fairly honest. He is not corrupt and totally dishonest like Hillary.

Sure he bypasses congress which in my opinion is unconstitutional, but I do not think he has ever tried to use that office to enrich himself at the taxpayers expense. There is no doubt Hillary would reward her political cronies big time. Including those foreign leaders that donated millions to the Clinton Foundation.

Just thought I would stop by and see what is going on. This election sucks for anyone interested in good government. It is a lose, lose situation.
Re: Canada tries to undermine US Constitution by chanting "4 more years" to Pres Obam

Acutally Obama is really a Canadian (that Kenyan stuff was just a red herring) and it is not a plan to ovetunr the US consitiution but to take ove the USA compeltely!
Soon All of America will be eatign Canadian bacon drinking double doubles and finishign off with maple muffins!

The True North strong and free will enslave their southern neighbours and put them to work in the seal paddies harvesting pelts to keep true Canucks warm for all 11 months of winter!
Re: Canada tries to undermine US Constitution by chanting "4 more years" to Pres Obam

Jason Kenny would have supported Ted Cruz

Ted was born in Calgary and Jason lives their.

Both are social conservatives

Oh yeah, there's enough far-right here to muster up some support for Cruz. Enough far-left to make Sanders smile, too. But I doubt the Clinton and Trump supporters combined could cover every position in a CFL game.
Re: Canada tries to undermine US Constitution by chanting "4 more years" to Pres Obam

Acutally Obama is really a Canadian (that Kenyan stuff was just a red herring) and it is not a plan to ovetunr the US consitiution but to take ove the USA compeltely!
Soon All of America will be eatign Canadian bacon drinking double doubles and finishign off with maple muffins!

The True North strong and free will enslave their southern neighbours and put them to work in the seal paddies harvesting pelts to keep true Canucks warm for all 11 months of winter!

(grin! seal paddies!)

Q- What do Newfoundland seal hunters drink?
A- Canadian Club.
Re: Canada tries to undermine US Constitution by chanting "4 more years" to Pres Obam

"Aargh" is the only word I can think of at the moment to express my thoughts! :shock:

On to more pleasant thoughts . . . it is 70 degrees here, which feels nice after the mid 90s we have had the past week, so I decided that it was time to get the black raspberry jelly made. I had so many raspberries this year that it took three separate "makings" to get them all processed into jelly without having the jelly boil out of the huge kettle and all over the stove and floor! I ended up with 27 jars from the juice alone, half of which will be sent to four different households of kids and grandkids in Houston who are eagerly waiting for same!

I used stevia instead of granulated sugar for sweetening, so they won't need to worry about diabetes or other sugar-related illnesses if they slather too much on their toast! :lamo: Blackberries are next, but I have a little while to wait yet until they're ready to pick, for which I am thankful! The berries themselves will be used as a filling in strudel for Christmas baking, and they're already in the freezer, so I haven't wasted any food, which would make me feel guilty! :sigh:

I miss my mom's preserves and jams, so I fully understand the joy you get from the process and the giving and the joy those lucky enough to receive also feel.

Have fun today too.
Re: Canada tries to undermine US Constitution by chanting "4 more years" to Pres Obam

Of course the standing ovation from everybody there is just part of the plot. When you are forced to watch curling just remember I warned you!!!!!

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