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Can you see the difference? (1 Viewer)


Gadfly Extraordinaire
DP Veteran
Mar 3, 2018
Reaction score
San Diego
Political Leaning
Top are Democrats
Bottom are Republicans


I think it's fairly obvious which party better represents the electorate and is therefore the way cooler party
Top are Democrats
Bottom are Republicans

View attachment 67244292

I think it's fairly obvious which party better represents the electorate and is therefore the way cooler party

I don't know... The democrats didn't elect anybody with an awesome eye patch.
Well, I would say since they were all elected, they all represent the electorate.
I don't know... The democrats didn't elect anybody with an awesome eye patch.

Well, yes, it does seem Republicans do have political myopia
I understand the thread but really...should anybody be surprised ?

Maybe when the repubs say they are constitutional originalists, they are referring to 'We the People.'

You see blogroids, if that same constitution was written day, 'we the people' did not mean you.

.....unless of course, you are an adult white male and land owner. That is the only people our great const....was referring to.

Women didn't exist legally...

Blacks were not people and

Indians were not people.

Those two were heathens and property.

Seems the repubs are the true originalists.
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The Democrats represent the government, not the people.

They represent what happens when 40 double lobotomies are performed badly.
They represent what happens when 40 double lobotomies are performed badly.

So said the person who had difficulty distinguishing between prefrontal lobotomy and the bottle in front of me
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The Democrats represent the government, not the people.

If they were elected, then they represent the people.

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