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Can the radical left end the 2nd amendment with 1 more radical leftist SC justice? (1 Viewer)


I identify as "non-Bidenary".
DP Veteran
Jul 22, 2013
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Most of us realize that the left wing movement seeks to eventually remove guns from private citizens. We know this to be true, despite their claims to the contrary, because they have tried every legitimate and illegitimate method of weakening and ending gun rights. They literally already have supreme court justices who have tried to claim that the 2nd amendment DOESNT guarantee ANY right for private citizens to own firearms! That just happened a few years ago when the Chicago handgun case came up, when Sotomayor contradicted her previous promise that she did support the 2nd amenment, by voting and verbally announcing that she believes the 2nd amendment guarantees no such rights of firearms ownership.

That's not even to mention the fact that most of the progressive base have already been "mentally propagandized" to fully and quickly accept a repeal of the 2nd amendment, and a forced removal of firearms from private citizens.

So that obviously begs the question, from an accurate legal perspective, can a group of radical justices put an end to a constitutionally guaranteed right like the 2nd amendment?

Possibly a bigger issue, is the fact that if they do manage to weaken or repeal 1 right, they will most certainly use that newly set precedent to carve out other constitutional rights, such as equal protection(affirmative action) and they will continue to work to work against free speech.

These are all hallmarks of every radical left wing movement that has ever taken power anywhere. Be careful what you wish for, you may get it! Learn to think for yourself, because your bad choices affect more people than just yourself......
Re: Can the radical left end the 2nd amendment with 1 more radical leftist SC justice

We don't have ANY "radical leftist" SCOTUS justices. The definition of that term has been so perverted by RWNJs that it has ceased to hold meaning.
Re: Can the radical left end the 2nd amendment with 1 more radical leftist SC justice

I'm a radical leftist and I dont think the state should ban any weapons, that includes nuclear weapons for felons and the mentally ill
Re: Can the radical left end the 2nd amendment with 1 more radical leftist SC justice

I'm a radical leftist and I dont think the state should ban any weapons, that includes nuclear weapons for felons and the mentally ill

Well you are certainly not the norm..
Re: Can the radical left end the 2nd amendment with 1 more radical leftist SC justice

Well you are certainly not the norm..
I should be though right? :lol:
Re: Can the radical left end the 2nd amendment with 1 more radical leftist SC justice

Most of us realize that the left wing movement seeks to eventually remove guns from private citizens. We know this to be true, despite their claims to the contrary, because they have tried every legitimate and illegitimate method of weakening and ending gun rights. They literally already have supreme court justices who have tried to claim that the 2nd amendment DOESNT guarantee ANY right for private citizens to own firearms! That just happened a few years ago when the Chicago handgun case came up, when Sotomayor contradicted her previous promise that she did support the 2nd amenment, by voting and verbally announcing that she believes the 2nd amendment guarantees no such rights of firearms ownership.

That's not even to mention the fact that most of the progressive base have already been "mentally propagandized" to fully and quickly accept a repeal of the 2nd amendment, and a forced removal of firearms from private citizens.

So that obviously begs the question, from an accurate legal perspective, can a group of radical justices put an end to a constitutionally guaranteed right like the 2nd amendment?

Possibly a bigger issue, is the fact that if they do manage to weaken or repeal 1 right, they will most certainly use that newly set precedent to carve out other constitutional rights, such as equal protection(affirmative action) and they will continue to work to work against free speech.

These are all hallmarks of every radical left wing movement that has ever taken power anywhere. Be careful what you wish for, you may get it! Learn to think for yourself, because your bad choices affect more people than just yourself......

That is the problem with a candidate that cannot win. If the other guys get the White House, they name the Justice.
Re: Can the radical left end the 2nd amendment with 1 more radical leftist SC justice

I should be though right? :lol:

Your 2A views should be I'l give ya that ;)
Re: Can the radical left end the 2nd amendment with 1 more radical leftist SC justice

Most of us realize that the left wing movement seeks to eventually remove guns from private citizens. We know this to be true, despite their claims to the contrary, because they have tried every legitimate and illegitimate method of weakening and ending gun rights. They literally already have supreme court justices who have tried to claim that the 2nd amendment DOESNT guarantee ANY right for private citizens to own firearms! That just happened a few years ago when the Chicago handgun case came up, when Sotomayor contradicted her previous promise that she did support the 2nd amenment, by voting and verbally announcing that she believes the 2nd amendment guarantees no such rights of firearms ownership.

That's not even to mention the fact that most of the progressive base have already been "mentally propagandized" to fully and quickly accept a repeal of the 2nd amendment, and a forced removal of firearms from private citizens.

So that obviously begs the question, from an accurate legal perspective, can a group of radical justices put an end to a constitutionally guaranteed right like the 2nd amendment?

Possibly a bigger issue, is the fact that if they do manage to weaken or repeal 1 right, they will most certainly use that newly set precedent to carve out other constitutional rights, such as equal protection(affirmative action) and they will continue to work to work against free speech.

These are all hallmarks of every radical left wing movement that has ever taken power anywhere. Be careful what you wish for, you may get it! Learn to think for yourself, because your bad choices affect more people than just yourself......

The Second Amendment Can be overruled, but the words themselves will remain.

Just as different courts have ruled in opposition to each other, so the Second Amendment will be there and get interpreted back the way it was written. ""...shall not be infringed." is a pretty firm phrase.

Once the thing is interpreted away, it will come back. Not in my lifetime, perhaps, but it will.

It's interesting that deporting 11 million people is said to be impossible by some and that same group shares the thought that confiscating more than 300 million guns is not a problemo!
Re: Can the radical left end the 2nd amendment with 1 more radical leftist SC justice

Most of us realize that the left wing movement seeks to eventually remove guns from private citizens. We know this to be true, despite their claims to the contrary, because they have tried every legitimate and illegitimate method of weakening and ending gun rights. They literally already have supreme court justices who have tried to claim that the 2nd amendment DOESNT guarantee ANY right for private citizens to own firearms! That just happened a few years ago when the Chicago handgun case came up, when Sotomayor contradicted her previous promise that she did support the 2nd amenment, by voting and verbally announcing that she believes the 2nd amendment guarantees no such rights of firearms ownership.

That's not even to mention the fact that most of the progressive base have already been "mentally propagandized" to fully and quickly accept a repeal of the 2nd amendment, and a forced removal of firearms from private citizens.

So that obviously begs the question, from an accurate legal perspective, can a group of radical justices put an end to a constitutionally guaranteed right like the 2nd amendment?

Possibly a bigger issue, is the fact that if they do manage to weaken or repeal 1 right, they will most certainly use that newly set precedent to carve out other constitutional rights, such as equal protection(affirmative action) and they will continue to work to work against free speech.

These are all hallmarks of every radical left wing movement that has ever taken power anywhere. Be careful what you wish for, you may get it! Learn to think for yourself, because your bad choices affect more people than just yourself......

Anti gun folks ought to let the sleeping dog lie. Honest people are getting tired of their rights being brought into question. The 2A was written for a reason and personally I'm not at all anxious to show people what that reason is. But I can bite.
Re: Can the radical left end the 2nd amendment with 1 more radical leftist SC justice

The Second Amendment Can be overruled, but the words themselves will remain.

Just as different courts have ruled in opposition to each other, so the Second Amendment will be there and get interpreted back the way it was written. ""...shall not be infringed." is a pretty firm phrase.

Once the thing is interpreted away, it will come back. Not in my lifetime, perhaps, but it will.

It's interesting that deporting 11 million people is said to be impossible by some and that same group shares the thought that confiscating more than 300 million guns is not a problemo!
Confiscation won't happen, we all know that. Instead, banning and marginalization will happen. We've seen that by the anti-2A crowd for 80 years, since the original NFA, making more and more firearms impossible or extremely invasive to acquire, or outrageously expensive via artificial scarcity.

No one will knock on your door. Instead, you'll get served a summons to explain the disposition of your now banned weapons, or even more "benignly" , a letter with federal letterhead along the lines of "According to our records, you own <firearm>. If this is true, <New gun law, probably named something like "Keep America Safe Act"> prohibits this firearm to civilians. If you do still own this weapon, you are prohibited from transferring it to anyone else prior to meeting the provisions of <Insanely complicated reference to ATF regs>. You are also required to <some sort of registration, background, additional tax requirement>. If you have previously transferred this weapon, please contact <local ATF or some benign sounding committee like "Lawful Firearm Owners Administration"> so they can determine the disposition of this weapon. We thank you for your cooperation, and helping us to keep America safe."

Of course, that may be too straight-forward for how these things usually work. And the water will keep getting warmer.
Re: Can the radical left end the 2nd amendment with 1 more radical leftist SC justice

We don't have ANY "radical leftist" SCOTUS justices. The definition of that term has been so perverted by RWNJs that it has ceased to hold meaning.

Sotomayer is a former member of La Raza. That is a latin supremacist organization complete with their own brand of brownshirts.
Re: Can the radical left end the 2nd amendment with 1 more radical leftist SC justice

We don't have ANY "radical leftist" SCOTUS justices. The definition of that term has been so perverted by RWNJs that it has ceased to hold meaning.

Sotomayor, Kagan, Ginsberg, Breyer almost all vote lockstep left. The only exceptions I see is Breyer occasionally on policing issues. ALL of them have voted pro-abortion, anti-gun, pro gay marriage (Kagan actually lied during her congressional testimony on this one), environmental policy and regulation and have expanded the Unitary Executive theory.

I have seen very little to lead me to believe they will uphold rights if another liberal judge were appointed.

As for the absolute moral authority on Obergefell, do any of you feel the same way regarding Citizens United, or Heller?
Re: Can the radical left end the 2nd amendment with 1 more radical leftist SC justice

Most of us realize that the left wing movement seeks to eventually remove guns from private citizens. We know this to be true, despite their claims to the contrary, because they have tried every legitimate and illegitimate method of weakening and ending gun rights. They literally already have supreme court justices who have tried to claim that the 2nd amendment DOESNT guarantee ANY right for private citizens to own firearms! That just happened a few years ago when the Chicago handgun case came up, when Sotomayor contradicted her previous promise that she did support the 2nd amenment, by voting and verbally announcing that she believes the 2nd amendment guarantees no such rights of firearms ownership.

That's not even to mention the fact that most of the progressive base have already been "mentally propagandized" to fully and quickly accept a repeal of the 2nd amendment, and a forced removal of firearms from private citizens.

So that obviously begs the question, from an accurate legal perspective, can a group of radical justices put an end to a constitutionally guaranteed right like the 2nd amendment?

Possibly a bigger issue, is the fact that if they do manage to weaken or repeal 1 right, they will most certainly use that newly set precedent to carve out other constitutional rights, such as equal protection(affirmative action) and they will continue to work to work against free speech.

These are all hallmarks of every radical left wing movement that has ever taken power anywhere. Be careful what you wish for, you may get it! Learn to think for yourself, because your bad choices affect more people than just yourself......

Very silly to call any of the current judges "radical". Scaleia was a little to opinionated for a judge, but I still wouldn't call him radical. As for your question, judges are chosen based on long histories of being objective decision makers more concerned with legal precedence than opinion. When a judge is left vs. right leaning, the differences are minute. There's no telling how the supreme court could interpret the second amendment going forward, we will have to wait and see. One thing is for sure, and that is that there is a lot of ambiguity in the 2nd amendment that leaves it open to an alternative interpretation.
Re: Can the radical left end the 2nd amendment with 1 more radical leftist SC justice

Most of us realize that the left wing movement seeks to eventually remove guns from private citizens. We know this to be true, despite their claims to the contrary, because they have tried every legitimate and illegitimate method of weakening and ending gun rights.

Well, I stopped reading here because it's clear that you just wanted to rant about "the left."

I certainly wouldn't speak for "most" of anyone, if I was you. I suspect that vast majority of people are capable of understanding that things aren't black and white, and therefore, supporting some gun control does not mean supporting complete gun confiscation.
Re: Can the radical left end the 2nd amendment with 1 more radical leftist SC justice

Sotomayer is a former member of La Raza. That is a latin supremacist organization complete with their own brand of brownshirts.

Latin supremacist organization? So any special interest group actively concerned with the representation of a minority in the US is a supremacist organization? Give me a break dude, most of what they do is get the Latino community jobs, and get young Latino children on the right track.
Re: Can the radical left end the 2nd amendment with 1 more radical leftist SC justice

Latin supremacist organization? So any special interest group actively concerned with the representation of a minority in the US is a supremacist organization? Give me a break dude, most of what they do is get the Latino community jobs, and get young Latino children on the right track.

Michelle Malkin | » 15 things you should know about ?The Race?

1. “The Race” thrives on ethnic supremacy–and the elite sheeple’s unwillingness to call it what it is. As historian Victor Davis Hanson observes: “[The] organization’s very nomenclature ‘The National Council of La Raza’ is hate speech to the core. Despite all the contortions of the group, Raza (as its Latin cognate suggests), reflects the meaning of ‘race”‘ in Spanish, not ‘the people’ — and that’s precisely why we don’t hear of something like ‘The National Council of the People’ which would not confer the buzz notion of ethnic, racial, and tribal chauvinism.”

The fringe is the center. The center is the fringe. Viva La Raza.
Re: Can the radical left end the 2nd amendment with 1 more radical leftist SC justice

Most of us realize that the left wing movement seeks to eventually remove guns from private citizens. We know this to be true, despite their claims to the contrary, because they have tried every legitimate and illegitimate method of weakening and ending gun rights. They literally already have supreme court justices who have tried to claim that the 2nd amendment DOESNT guarantee ANY right for private citizens to own firearms! That just happened a few years ago when the Chicago handgun case came up, when Sotomayor contradicted her previous promise that she did support the 2nd amenment, by voting and verbally announcing that she believes the 2nd amendment guarantees no such rights of firearms ownership.

That's not even to mention the fact that most of the progressive base have already been "mentally propagandized" to fully and quickly accept a repeal of the 2nd amendment, and a forced removal of firearms from private citizens.

So that obviously begs the question, from an accurate legal perspective, can a group of radical justices put an end to a constitutionally guaranteed right like the 2nd amendment?

Possibly a bigger issue, is the fact that if they do manage to weaken or repeal 1 right, they will most certainly use that newly set precedent to carve out other constitutional rights, such as equal protection(affirmative action) and they will continue to work to work against free speech.

These are all hallmarks of every radical left wing movement that has ever taken power anywhere. Be careful what you wish for, you may get it! Learn to think for yourself, because your bad choices affect more people than just yourself......

I hate to do this, but I am going to make your head explode. Did you know that 27 % of conservatives favor more strict gun laws? It is true. Over half of moderates also support more strict gun laws. Meanwhile, over a quarter of liberals do not support more strict gun laws. http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2015/images/10/21/rel11d.-.obama,.isis,.gun.control.pdf
Re: Can the radical left end the 2nd amendment with 1 more radical leftist SC justice

It is very much not hate speech. And Vicoor Hanson argued that the allies were in the wrong to wage war on the Axis- he practically is a white supremacist. I have never heard anything come of La Raza that could in any way be construed as hate speech, other than by people who have some sort of Latino phobia, and that their white power will slowly be stripped away by these interest groups. Here's the main difference. Supremacist organization do not let other races join, much like the KKK. La Raza will accept help from anyone, so it's entirely silly to call them a supremacist group.
Re: Can the radical left end the 2nd amendment with 1 more radical leftist SC justice

It doesn't matter how far left wing the justice is, they're not going to discard precedent-- like Heller-- without a good reason. The danger from appointing anti-gun justices is not that our gun freedoms will be rolled back, but that they will not continue progressing; this is a winning battle for pro-gun people in most states.
Re: Can the radical left end the 2nd amendment with 1 more radical leftist SC justice

Sotomayor, Kagan, Ginsberg, Breyer almost all vote lockstep left. The only exceptions I see is Breyer occasionally on policing issues. ALL of them have voted pro-abortion, anti-gun, pro gay marriage (Kagan actually lied during her congressional testimony on this one), environmental policy and regulation and have expanded the Unitary Executive theory.

I have seen very little to lead me to believe they will uphold rights if another liberal judge were appointed.

As for the absolute moral authority on Obergefell, do any of you feel the same way regarding Citizens United, or Heller?

"Left" and "radical left" are two entirely different things.
Re: Can the radical left end the 2nd amendment with 1 more radical leftist SC justice

You sourced Malkin...:lamo :rofl

You are hard to please. I'd bet you are someone who thinks only white people can be racist.
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Re: Can the radical left end the 2nd amendment with 1 more radical leftist SC justice

It is very much not hate speech. And Vicoor Hanson argued that the allies were in the wrong to wage war on the Axis- he practically is a white supremacist. I have never heard anything come of La Raza that could in any way be construed as hate speech, other than by people who have some sort of Latino phobia, and that their white power will slowly be stripped away by these interest groups. Here's the main difference. Supremacist organization do not let other races join, much like the KKK. La Raza will accept help from anyone, so it's entirely silly to call them a supremacist group.

There are plenty of non-Hispanics who are willing to aid divisive orgs.

There is a lot of money in grievance anything and race baiting.
2. “The Race” has perfected the art of the p.c. shakedown at taxpayer expense, pushing relentlessly to lower home loan standards for Hispanic borrowers, reaping millions in federal “mortgage counseling” grants, seeking special earmarks, and partnering with banks that do business with illegal aliens.

Same link.
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Re: Can the radical left end the 2nd amendment with 1 more radical leftist SC justice

You are hard to please. I'd bet you are someone who thinks only white can be racist.

I bet you are wrong. You should be used to that though.
Re: Can the radical left end the 2nd amendment with 1 more radical leftist SC justice

I bet you are wrong. You should be used to that though.

One story that in some respects was true, but completely dismissed. I am not expecting to win any argument with a liberal.

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