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Can men be the victims of sexism? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 29, 2016
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Political Leaning
Some feminists believe that sexism is a binary issue that only impacts women. Is this true? Are there no cases of unfair sexist standards being used to abuse and victimize men?
Some feminists believe that sexism is a binary issue that only impacts women. Is this true? Are there no cases of unfair sexist standards being used to abuse and victimize men?
Some feminists? What does that mean? It a big world with lots of opinions, why are you so concerned by the proclamations of random feminists? Also, of course men can be harassed and abused in the work place. I've been the target of uncomfortable comments and advances in the work place though I think a large difference worth mentioning is that even when I was alone with my harassers I never felt I was in any real physical danger. Uncomfortable sure, but never fearful.
Some feminists? What does that mean? It a big world with lots of opinions, why are you so concerned by the proclamations of random feminists?

Some of those feminists are active on this forum. I'm interested in a conversation about this being had.
Yes, men can be victimized by sexism as well. I know. I have been off and on for over thirty years. That is because I work in a field predominantly female. I've had male employers tell me unabashedly "I don't hire guys, sorry." I've had female interviewers as recently as three years ago question my motives and sexuality (my wife of 36 years is in the same profession). Fortunately, there are enough employers out there that have joined the 21st century and they never regret hiring me.
Some of those feminists are active on this forum. I'm interested in a conversation about this being had.
Then why not call them out directly instead of the weak ass generic, some feminists spiel? Are you afraid of them?
I reject the premise of this thread.
I reject the premise of this thread.

You reject the question or my suggestion that some feminists do not believe men can be victims of sexism?
Yes they can
You reject the question or my suggestion that some feminists do not believe men can be victims of sexism?

I'm using the commonly understood meaning of the word "premise." Your thread has a premise and two questions based on the premise. I reject the premise.
I'm using the commonly understood meaning of the word "premise." Your thread has a premise and two questions based on the premise. I reject the premise.

@Aunt Antifa expressed her belief that men can't experience sexism not even an hour ago. I also had an extremely abusive ex that believed the same thing. It's not an uncommon thing for feminists to believe.
You reject the question or my suggestion that some feminists do not believe men can be victims of sexism?
Whats being rejected is the premise that these feminists are real people and not frightening specters of your own imagination.
Whats being rejected is the premise that these feminists are real people and not frightening specters of your own imagination.

I wish.

Do men in our society also face unique problems and discrimination for the fact that they are men?

So put another way you believe men cannot experience sexism?

”Experience” it? HAHHAHAAH oh **** no. Not ever. Nope. OOo - got to use it, one more time: NOPE. Feels sooooo good.
Some feminists believe that sexism is a binary issue that only impacts women. Is this true? Are there no cases of unfair sexist standards being used to abuse and victimize men?
Sure possibly on an individual level, but not at the societal level where woman have had to deal with it.
Did you see the quote from the feminist on this forum that said men cannot experience sexism?


Do you know what is happening right now?

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