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California mailman accused of beating to death hostile turkey (1 Viewer)


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Dec 3, 2017
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A mail carrier in Sacramento has been accused of fowl play after going postal on a wild turkey.

The bird apparently accosted the letter carrier Monday, prompting him to grab a pole or stick from his vehicle and fatally beat the animal with it, the Sacramento Bee reports, citing eyewitness accounts on social media app Nextdoor.

The incident has prompted a probe by California wildlife officials and the US Postal Service.

“We are currently launching a thorough investigation,” Meiko Patton, a local USPS spokesperson told the outlet. “Our employees have had several altercations with aggressive turkeys in the area, including a recent attack on a letter carrier.
If I'm being attached by an animal, it's me or it.

A mail carrier in Sacramento has been accused of fowl play after going postal on a wild turkey.

The bird apparently accosted the letter carrier Monday, prompting him to grab a pole or stick from his vehicle and fatally beat the animal with it, the Sacramento Bee reports, citing eyewitness accounts on social media app Nextdoor.

The incident has prompted a probe by California wildlife officials and the US Postal Service.

“We are currently launching a thorough investigation,” Meiko Patton, a local USPS spokesperson told the outlet. “Our employees have had several altercations with aggressive turkeys in the area, including a recent attack on a letter carrier.
If I'm being attached by an animal, it's me or it.
Don't mess with the postal service.

The phrase "going postal" didn't happen in a vacuum.

A mail carrier in Sacramento has been accused of fowl play after going postal on a wild turkey.

The bird apparently accosted the letter carrier Monday, prompting him to grab a pole or stick from his vehicle and fatally beat the animal with it, the Sacramento Bee reports, citing eyewitness accounts on social media app Nextdoor.

The incident has prompted a probe by California wildlife officials and the US Postal Service.

“We are currently launching a thorough investigation,” Meiko Patton, a local USPS spokesperson told the outlet. “Our employees have had several altercations with aggressive turkeys in the area, including a recent attack on a letter carrier.
If I'm being attached by an animal, it's me or it.
If I'm being attached by an animal, it's me or it.

Don't you WANT to be ONE with the animal? It wants to be one with you. :cool:
First, LOL.

Second, this should be no big deal. Anyone should be able to defend their self, whether it is against a feathered turkey or a jive turkey. :)
A short investigation quickly revealed the cause of the attacks. It seems the turkeys are Trump supporters, and the mail guys wear blue uniforms, leading to the politically motivated attacks. The turkeys are upset that they couldn't get to the capitol for 1/6, so any public official wearing blue is now fair game.

Now that the cause of the attack is known, the mailman has been released without any charges. Seems the law clearly allows the destruction of rabid animals that are a threat to societies safety.

In a new story, thousands of Americans locked themselves in their homes shortly after todays news was published and now refuse to come out.

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