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Businesses Refusing Service To Certain Customers (1 Viewer)

Moderate Right

DP Veteran
Oct 21, 2015
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Slightly Conservative
Why is it that the left gets up in arms if businesses wish to refuse service to certain customers but then we get incidences where lefties want to refuse service to police officers?
Why is it that the left gets up in arms if businesses wish to refuse service to certain customers but then we get incidences where lefties want to refuse service to police officers?

Well for what it's worth, I'm not supportive of people denying service to police officers. I don't think anybody should be denied service unless they're being uncooperative or a nuisance.
Why is it that the left gets up in arms if businesses wish to refuse service to certain customers but then we get incidences where lefties want to refuse service to police officers?

Do you have a link, a news source, something to help us figure out what you're talking about?
Well I'm not supportive of people denying service to police officers. I don't think anybody should be denied service unless they're being uncooperative or a nuisance.

You should never be denied because of what you are, only because of actions taken on site that disrupt the business.
Do you have a link, a news source, something to help us figure out what you're talking about?

Several cashiers and staff members of various fast food chains have been refusing to serve police officers.
In those instances that it has been reported they have been promptly fired.
Several cashiers and staff members of various fast food chains have been refusing to serve police officers.
In those instances that it has been reported they have been promptly fired.
Why can't they just spit in their food like any decent fast food worker would do? I'm just kidding..... Don't get all worked up!
Several cashiers and staff members of various fast food chains have been refusing to serve police officers.
In those instances that it has been reported they have been promptly fired.

Again, can you show any links or sources to those reports? I'm not denying they may have happened, but forgive me for wanting more than an off-the-cuff say-so by forum posters.
Well for what it's worth, I'm not supportive of people denying service to police officers. I don't think anybody should be denied service unless they're being uncooperative or a nuisance.

You mean uncooperative like bigots that want to force bakers to participate in stuff their conscience says they must not?
Why can't they just spit in their food like any decent fast food worker would do? I'm just kidding..... Don't get all worked up!

The booger between the bun and patty works well.
Again, can you show any links or sources to those reports? I'm not denying they may have happened, but forgive me for wanting more than an off-the-cuff say-so by forum posters.

I didn't post any links because it is common knowledge and has made the news a lot. I thought most people here kept up with the news. Don't you have a search engine? If it had happened only one time I would have posted a link but in reality, if it had only happened one time I would have never started this thread. Not to be rude, but the info is easily found if you do a simple search.
Why is it that the left gets up in arms if businesses wish to refuse service to certain customers but then we get incidences where lefties want to refuse service to police officers?

First of all I don't know of any business that says they don't want to serve police officers. Assuming what you say is even remotely true, because one is discrimination, the other is not. You can not discriminate against race, gender, sex or creed.

You can not say I don't what to sever black, gays, lesbians or chinese, but you can say I don't want to serve unaccompanied teenagers. Now if an officer is off duty he is no longer an "Officer", but you can not be a off duty gay, black, woman or lesbian! But actually there are clauses that say you can't refuse service or discriminate bases on what people do either. So I really like to see the link. And even if the owner, or clerk did that, he/she most likely will be fired or fined!

Diving Mullah
Do you have a link, a news source, something to help us figure out what you're talking about?

That was a recent discussion in the forum about a restaurant refusing to serve police officers. This was in connexion with blacks being shot by police.
Why is it that the left gets up in arms if businesses wish to refuse service to certain customers but then we get incidences where lefties want to refuse service to police officers?
I have no problems saying that anti-discrimination laws should apply to professions, although I doubt that is explicitly listed in most laws.

There have been a few cases where police officers were refused service over the past year or so. When this happens, employees are typically fired, business apologize, nearby residents often get furious in that 21st Century Social Media way, and so forth.

AFAIK, no business owner or manager has decided to stand on the principle of a unilateral right to refuse service to police officers. No one is going to court over this.

So what, exactly, is anyone supposed to get riled up about...?
How stupid do you have to be to work at a donut place and refuse to sell to cops? :lamo

It is free advertisement, don't forget.
Why is it that the left gets up in arms if businesses wish to refuse service to certain customers but then we get incidences where lefties want to refuse service to police officers?
I can't speak for "the left," but I tend to differentiate "businesses" from rogue employees. In the cases where police were denied service, the employees were promptly fired, as they should have been.
I didn't post any links because it is common knowledge and has made the news a lot. I thought most people here kept up with the news. Don't you have a search engine? If it had happened only one time I would have posted a link but in reality, if it had only happened one time I would have never started this thread. Not to be rude, but the info is easily found if you do a simple search.

Not to be rude, but it is usually incumbent upon the OP (person who creates the Opening Post and starts the thread) to provide the source material so that others know what the **** he/she is talking about. Since that was too much trouble for you, trying to Google up what the **** you were talking about was too much trouble for me. :)
Baker oppression is a very serious problem in America.

It is, when it 1) destroys the business and the family's livelihood and 2) shows a systematic breech in the protection afforded minorities by the Constitution. Personally, I think the latter is worse.

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