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Bush thinks he's the rebirth of Christ (2 Viewers)



I've been pondering this the last couple of days, and i'm rather mad about being in the middle. Sure Al-Quaeda hates are guts, and want to kill all the infidels. Because, we are viewed as evil. In there eyes, it's there religion you could say. But are president did something very very stupid. He was qouted saying...

"God told me to strike at al Quaeda and I struck them, and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did." -GW Bush, July 2003

God told him what?

By saying that, he had started another holy war, as i see it, were killing in the name of god. Two opposing religions, killing each other in the name of god. This makes me absolutely sick. I'd think we would of learned, but i guess not.

Proud to be Godless
I agree with you Vague, not sure Bush ever really said that. He's said a lot of really dumb things over the years but I'm not sure you can pin that one on him.
Ok, a few things ageinst you.

Your grammer is bad
No Source
No Reference

Convince me, don't tell me.
Chaos10187 said:
Ok, a few things ageinst you.

Your grammer is bad
No Source
No Reference

Convince me, don't tell me.

Here's a thought- before assulting anyone's post for grammer, or anything for that matter, check your spelling. Then make an attempt to direct your post to whom you're assulting. Of course you could just try to make your point without the assult altogether. Just a thought.
July 9th, 2004....Bush is "reported" as telling the Amish in Penn.....

"I trust God speaks through me."

Personally, I find that a little unnerving.

How can anyone believe that God speaks through them?

It reminds me of what Kerry said during the election...something along the lines of...

"We should not pray that God is on our side, but pray that we are on God's side."
Pacridge said:
Here's a thought- before assulting anyone's post for grammer, or anything for that matter, check your spelling. Then make an attempt to direct your post to whom you're assulting. Of course you could just try to make your point without the assult altogether. Just a thought.

Point Taken.
Bush has definantly been quoted as saying that he is just a humble servant of God, but Bush does believe that in a way he is doing God's work. I hope that you listened to the inaguration speech, DankOzz, because Bush said in it, that he has no idea what God's plan is. Bush does not think he is the rebirth of Christ, he is just trying to do what's right.
So we can all agree that god is the leading cause of death. We need to keep CHURCH and STATE seperate :soap
PRES. Bush is acting like you are suppose to act when you are a true Christian.
Since when did Bush lie.
And don't say WMD.

Jesus said to believe in him and have eternal life. I believe in Jesus so I will live forever.
pwo said:
Since when did Bush lie.
And don't say WMD.

Jesus said to believe in him and have eternal life. I believe in Jesus so I will live forever.

Okay, Bush lies Sans WMD's:

He lied about who would benefit the most from his tax breaks. He said they would by far benefit the poor and they don't they by far benefit the wealthy.

He lied about his Harken stock sale. Saying he wouldn't have sold if he had known there was a problem. However, SEC records show the Harkin Company President briefed him a month prior to his sale of the stock that where was indeed a problem.

He lied when he said he said "Barring an economic reversal, a national emergency, or a foreign crisis, we should balance the budget this year, next year, and every year" Turns out he never said that. But Gore did two years prior to Bush claiming he did.

In 2003 he lied when spoke about an economics report that didn't exist. Here's what Newsweek reported at the time:

"There was only one problem with President George W. Bush's claim Thursday that the nation's top economists forecast substantial economic growth if Congress passed the president's tax cut: The forecast with that conclusion doesn't exist.Bush and White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer went out of their way Thursday to cite a new survey by "Blue-Chip economists" that the economy would grow 3.3 percent this year if the president's tax cut proposal becomes law. That was news to the editor who assembles the economic forecast. "I don't know what he was citing," said Randell E. Moore, editor of the monthly Blue Chip Economic Forecast, a newsletter that surveys 53 of the nation's top economists each month. "I was a little upset," said Moore, who said he complained to the White House. 'It sounded like the Blue Chip Economic Forecast had endorsed the president's plan. That's simply not the case."

Currently he's going around the country lying about the current status and situation regarding the Social Security Adiminstration financial status. I've notice a trend with Mr. Bush and his lies. Most if not all of the ones that can be verified involve separating someone from some cash. Usually more poor peoples money ends up going to the wealthy. The wealthy people that fund Bush's campaigns.

I could go on. But in his defense, he's a politician. Politicians lie, that's what they do. Groucho Marx used to say "I'd never be a member of any club that would have me as a member." In way that's how politicians are, by the time they get to the point where they could be elected they don't deserve the job. They sold their soul to special interests so many times and told so many lies they don't deserve the job they're getting.
Yes, a few of those are legitimate lies, but what really is a lie. Bush had the mission accomplished sign, but the mission wasn't accomplished. He said we would kill bin laden but we haven't yet. He said years ago that we would create hydrogen cars(and he still does). He has said a lot of things, are those three examples lies.
Can you prove that the rich have been helped out more? Those tax cuts were for the rich to spend and the poor to get more jobs because of the increased spending. The economy has done better. If the rich have been helped more, did Bush know how it would work.
What about social security. He says that it will go bankrupt in 2049, dems say later. Its just different projections. But, most would agree that there will be problems in the future.
I guess a lie is what you want to believe. The patriots will win the super bowl, says me, but what if they don't am I a liar.

PS: Seriously, you are on of the more intelligent people at this site. You always seem to know what you are talking about (even if I don't agree with you) and willing to back it up.
pwo said:
Yes, a few of those are legitimate lies, but what really is a lie. Bush had the mission accomplished sign, but the mission wasn't accomplished. He said we would kill bin laden but we haven't yet. He said years ago that we would create hydrogen cars(and he still does). He has said a lot of things, are those three examples lies.
Can you prove that the rich have been helped out more? Those tax cuts were for the rich to spend and the poor to get more jobs because of the increased spending. The economy has done better. If the rich have been helped more, did Bush know how it would work.
What about social security. He says that it will go bankrupt in 2049, dems say later. Its just different projections. But, most would agree that there will be problems in the future.
I guess a lie is what you want to believe. The patriots will win the super bowl, says me, but what if they don't am I a liar.

PS: Seriously, you are on of the more intelligent people at this site. You always seem to know what you are talking about (even if I don't agree with you) and willing to back it up.

I didn't know Bush ever talked that much about hydrogen cars or any alt. energy resources. He should talk/do more about it. It would bring more people on the left into his corner.

Seriously this whole idea that Bush is great or Bush is awful is kind of odd by my thinking. He's a politican. To some degree he's going to tell people what they want to hear so he can get elected. It goes back to the whole black and white- right and wrong- all or nothing thinking that I think we've all been kind programed into thinking. Is he helping the country? In some ways I certainly think so. Is he hurting the country? Again, in some ways, I think so.

The wealthy have benefited far more than the middle class or poor due to Bush's tax cuts. Of course as with all stats one can go and play with the numbers and attempt to make them say whatever you want. I had a stat teacher in college show one day that Rhode Island really was larger than Texas. My problem with his tax cuts are not so much that they benefited the wealthy. I honestly think there's at least some logic to cutting everyone's the same. I don't necessarily agree with the idea. In fact I think it's wrong. But I understand the idea behind it. My problem with his tax cuts is he told the American people the majority of his tax cuts would go to the middle class and poor, they didn't. I think he knew good and well where they were going, a lot of economists told him publicly that he was wrong about it. If he had told the American people the truth to begin with and just said "Look I'm going to give everyone the same tax cut. That's going to benefit the wealthy more than anyone else. But they're already paying more than they should and it's only fair we give the same break to everyone." Then I don't think anyone would have anything to complain about concerning his tax breaks. I'd still be against them because I think swifting the tax burden more to the middle and poorer people of this country doesn't help the economy or the country. But at least I wouldn't be thinking he got elected, in part, by lying to people.

As for what he's saying about Social Security going bankrupt. That's part of the lie. As many in the press, many economists and the Democratic Party have pointed out- it can't go bankrupt. The entire way the system works and the way it's set up don't allow it to go bankrupt. It has no creditors, though the federal government does owe it money. It brings in so many dollars a month and pays out so many dollars a month. There will reach a time when it will begin to bring in less then it needs to meet the payments it suppose to make. When exactly that date is is now being debated. But it can't go bankrupt.

I doubt you'll be proven to be a liar on the Superbowl issue. Though I think I have a sure fire way to make that happen. I could go place a bet on them, anytime I bet on anything- I lose.
Just some comments...

The whole problem with Bush's tax cuts is this: Noone likes paying a lot in taxes, but if you do pay more, look what their going towards. Schools, social programs and other things. And thanks to Bush's tax cuts, schools have less money now. Instead of raising taxes on SS slightly, or raising the pay ceiling (see my economics post), Bush proposes private accounts. Who will benefit most from privatizing SS? The rich people who paid for his campaign. Privatizing SS doesn't bode well for the average guy like you and me (see aarp.com). And Pacridge, you're 100% right when it comes to Bush's lies about SS going bankrupt. It can NEVER go bankrupt. If nothing is done today to fix it, then in 2042 you'll receive less in benefits than you paid into it. That's it.

Speaking of SS, anyone cons willing to put their argument in favor of private accounts in writing in the economics forum?
Just some comments...

The whole problem with Bush's tax cuts is this: Noone likes paying a lot in taxes, but if you do pay more, look what they're going towards. Schools, social programs and other things. And thanks to Bush's tax cuts, schools have less money now. Instead of raising taxes on SS slightly, or raising the pay ceiling (see my economics post), Bush proposes private accounts. Who will benefit most from privatizing SS? The rich people who paid for his campaign. Privatizing SS doesn't bode well for the average guy like you and me (see aarp.com). And Pacridge, you're 100% right when it comes to Bush's lies about SS going bankrupt. It can NEVER go bankrupt. If nothing is done today to fix it, then in 2042 you'll receive less in benefits than you paid into it. That's it.

Speaking of SS, any cons willing to put their argument in favor of private accounts in writing in the economics forum?
anomaly said:
Just some comments...

The whole problem with Bush's tax cuts is this: Noone likes paying a lot in taxes, but if you do pay more, look what they're going towards. Schools, social programs and other things. And thanks to Bush's tax cuts, schools have less money now. Instead of raising taxes on SS slightly, or raising the pay ceiling (see my economics post), Bush proposes private accounts. Who will benefit most from privatizing SS? The rich people who paid for his campaign. Privatizing SS doesn't bode well for the average guy like you and me (see aarp.com). And Pacridge, you're 100% right when it comes to Bush's lies about SS going bankrupt. It can NEVER go bankrupt. If nothing is done today to fix it, then in 2042 you'll receive less in benefits than you paid into it. That's it.

Speaking of SS, any cons willing to put their argument in favor of private accounts in writing in the economics forum?
This is very true, but not many americans think of it like this. I agree with you.
I guess a lie is what you make it to be. If you villainize someone they seem like a liar to you, even if what they say is not completley bad. As for the hydrogen cars, Bush mentioned them last week at the state of the union. He does it every year. I really don't think he is going to do anything.

You are mostly right. Once we are completly stable he should raise taxes, but lowering them helped us to get out of the resesion. About SS: First off aarp is not a good site to get your info from. That's like me going to gop.com to find out what's wrong with SS. I don't know how old you are but I'm pretty young. I'll probally retire around 2046. I kind of like the bush's idea (the only idea i don't like is the 2 trillion it will cost). If the plan work's then it's a good idea. I'm not sure that its a good idea but I like that bush is trying to do something about it.
pwo said:
I guess a lie is what you make it to be. If you villainize someone they seem like a liar to you, even if what they say is not completley bad. As for the hydrogen cars, Bush mentioned them last week at the state of the union. He does it every year. I really don't think he is going to do anything.

Bush misstates facts, ignores facts, conceals facts, and distorts facts. If that isn't lying it's pretty darned close.

You are mostly right. Once we are completly stable he should raise taxes, but lowering them helped us to get out of the resesion. About SS: First off aarp is not a good site to get your info from. That's like me going to gop.com to find out what's wrong with SS. I don't know how old you are but I'm pretty young. I'll probally retire around 2046. I kind of like the bush's idea (the only idea i don't like is the 2 trillion it will cost). If the plan work's then it's a good idea. I'm not sure that its a good idea but I like that bush is trying to do something about it.

We are replacing jobs with McJobs, and not enough of those. That's your idea of getting out of a recession?

That tax cut was out and out class warfare, and guess what, the chances are you're in the wrong class.

Bush's way of handling things is to produce a boogy man of some kind and offer to get rid of it. Somehow his methods always seem to benefit his friends, though. "Omigawd, Terrorism! You need more Security! Let me get rid of that nasty Bill of Rights!"

Also, believe it or not, going deeply into debt is NOT a good idea. It is not a good idea for you. It is not a good idea for a country. :hm
pwo said:
I guess a lie is what you make it to be. If you villainize someone they seem like a liar to you, even if what they say is not completley bad. As for the hydrogen cars, Bush mentioned them last week at the state of the union. He does it every year. I really don't think he is going to do anything.

As for lying. Lying is lying and there's really not a lot of ways to cut that cake and make it a pizza. Over this past weekend I was watching a show where some guy was defending Bush's claim that Social Security is going to go bankrupt. Two guys were debating the issue and the guy on the left called him on it, basically said bush's lying about it, though he didn't use the blunt term. The guy on the right countered in two ways. First that really it's in the definition of term bankrupt. Second that Bush's understanding of the term bankrupt might not be accurate. But in either way Bush's not trying to mislead. The guy on the left said "You're trying to tell me that a guy who has an MBA from Yale doesn't understand the financial term "bankrupt? you're joking right?" The look on the face of the guy defending Bush really said it all.
After the show was over I had another thought. So, it's in the definition? Where have I heard that before? "I did not have sexual relations with that woman." "I didn't realize that oral sex was considered sex." So is it a lie? Maybe it is all in the definition. But as I see it- it's almost sure bet when one sides guy gets caught they make excuses like the definition one and when other sides get nabs with his own words they want to run him up the flag pole.

But again, Bush is a politician. He's going to lie. They all do. Finding lies a politician has told isn't the hard part in politics today. Finding a politician that doesn't lie, that would be mission impossible.

As for the hydro cars, I guess I missed that part of the SOTUA. Okay, so he said he was going to work toward getting the tech. for hydro cars. Is he doing anything about it? Is he honestly working toward that goal? I have no idea. But I think this type of statement falls into the "Ya, but to what degree" category. Politicians do this all the time too, didn't Bush say something about sending men to Mars not to long ago? Are we there yet? Does that fact that we're not prove he lied? I don't think so.

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