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Bush job rating falls to all-time low (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 25, 2005
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Wow. Bush's job rating has fallen to 34% in a CBS poll. I'm glad that people are seeing him for the dictator he is. "I will do anything I want as Commander in Chief, and neither the Congress nor the Judiciary can stop me."

Mr. Post-9-11-Mindset has been demoted. As I stated last week (as pointed out by Paul Krugman of the NYT), since Bush did such a wonderful job in giving people the impression that Iraq had something to do with the 9-11 attacks, he has been incapable of disassociating the people in the UAE with those that attacked us on 9-11. We reap what we sew.

Bush job rating falls to all-time low: poll
Monday, February 27, 2006; 11:52 PM

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President George W. Bush's job rating has fallen to an all-time low of 34 percent, amid strong opposition to the Dubai Ports World deal and increasing pessimism over the war in Iraq, according to a CBS News poll released on Monday.

Bush's overall job approval fell eight points from 42 percent last month. Fifty-nine percent of respondents said they disapproved of Bush's performance on the job, the poll found. . . .

So....let me get this straight, This guy wants to see what I look at on the internet, feels the need to listen in on my phone calls, and look into my library records. But, he doesnt feel its important to "Know" when we are giving management of US ports to middle eastern coutries....

Seems to be something of a disconnect here.....

Considering he spent the last several years telling me how dangerous these guys are
A year ago this jackass was loved by all and given a second term. Today everybody hates this jackass. Wait a minute who is the jackass here?
Inuyasha said:
A year ago this jackass was loved by all and given a second term. Today everybody hates this jackass. Wait a minute who is the jackass here?
Indeed. Shame on anyone for being foolish enough to have ever supported him.
I have always said that, as big of a threat that Mr. Bush and his minions present to our nation, the bigger threat was the people who supported him.
Some, to their credit, are coming out from under the spell and are beginning to wake up finally. Others, are beyond repair.

But you can't get toothpaste back into the tube. What's done is done. Just remember the famous line from that song recorded by The Who. We won't get fooled again. Those that forget the past are doomed to repeat it.
All the conservatives I know who vehemently supported him a year ago no longer do. I think it was the illegal wire tapping that really did him in for the folk I know.
:applaud :applaud Well done, your finally waking up. 15 months too late I'm afraid. ;)
tecoyah said:
So....let me get this straight, This guy wants to see what I look at on the internet, feels the need to listen in on my phone calls, and look into my library records. But, he doesnt feel its important to "Know" when we are giving management of US ports to middle eastern coutries....

Seems to be something of a disconnect here.....

Considering he spent the last several years telling me how dangerous these guys are

The guy only wants to spy on you if you're suspected of having connectiosn with al qaeda.. he only spied on a couple hundred.

Middle eastern, ah ha, racial profiling, lots of our ports are controlled by foreign nations, why not by a UAE country, which has helped us with the war on terrorism? The UAE control ports in lots of other countries.
Synch said:
The guy only wants to spy on you if you're suspected of having connectiosn with al qaeda.. he only spied on a couple hundred.

Middle eastern, ah ha, racial profiling, lots of our ports are controlled by foreign nations, why not by a UAE country, which has helped us with the war on terrorism? The UAE control ports in lots of other countries.

Typical right-wing spin. Don't try to compare the UAE a country with know ties to Al Quada and 9/11. With the UK who has been our closest ally for the last 100 years. And the simple fact is is that domestic spying without a warrent is a blatant violation of the the IV Amendment.

OK, now back to the topic at hand. So when is W. gonna raise the terror level or have a national speech to try to raise his rating back up? I guarantee you in the next few days he'll do something to try to bump his approval rating up a bit. He always does when they dip.
Cassapolis said:
Typical right-wing spin. Don't try to compare the UAE a country with know ties to Al Quada and 9/11. With the UK who has been our closest ally for the last 100 years. And the simple fact is is that domestic spying without a warrent is a blatant violation of the the IV Amendment.

OK, now back to the topic at hand. So when is W. gonna raise the terror level or have a national speech to try to raise his rating back up? I guarantee you in the next few days he'll do something to try to bump his approval rating up a bit. He always does when they dip.

I didn't say anything about the UK...
Synch said:
I didn't say anything about the UK...

No but the UK is the country in which the UAE would be replacing in effect. So that is the comparison that has to be made.
You've all missed the obvious problem with this poll:

Total Respondents: 1018

Total Republicans: 272
Total Democrats: 409
Total Independents: 337
Total African-Americans: 207

Weighted Republicans: 289
Weighted Democrats: 381
Weighted Independents: 348
Weighted African-Americans: 118


So, in the initial call, they got

Republicans: 27%
Democrats: 40%
Independents: 33%
African-Americans: 20%

Then, they weighted it to:

Republicans: 28%
Democrats: 37%
Independents: 34%
African-Americans: 12%


Does that seem right? What would be the best measure to compare it to in order to see if its an accurate poll?

How about the last huge poll of actual voters, the 2004 National Exit Poll?

In 2004, here was the breakdown of the voters:

Republicans: 37%
Democrats: 37%
Independents: 26%
African Americans: 11%

So, after "weighting," this poll deliberately underrepresented Republicans by nearly 25% from their actual representation. That sure sounds like an accurate poll. Hmmmmm.

Now, Rasmussen reports, the most accurate polling firm of 2004, and one of the most trusted, places Bush's approval rating at 43%


I wonder who to believe?:roll:
Maybe it's getting harder and harder for them to find people that will admit to being a republican?
Cassapolis said:
Maybe it's getting harder and harder for them to find people that will admit to being a republican?

Or maybe when the Republicans heard "Hi, this is CBS news calling to do a poll" they hung up because they know how ridiculous CBS is.

It's always amusing to see people act like this is the death of the GOP, or like this is at all unusual. This happens constantly, people are leaning away from the GOP for the moment. Big deal.
Cassapolis said:
OK, now back to the topic at hand. So when is W. gonna raise the terror level or have a national speech to try to raise his rating back up? I guarantee you in the next few days he'll do something to try to bump his approval rating up a bit. He always does when they dip.

Bush Makes Surprise Visit to Afghanistan
Wednesday, March 01, 2006

BAGRAM AIR BASE, Afghanistan — President Bush made a surprise visit to Afghanistan on Wednesday, flying here secretly to support its fledging government in the face of rising violence from Al Qaeda and Taliban militants.

Bush made a detour from a trip to India for a five-hour visit here that was not announced officially until Air Force One landed at this sprawling military base north of Kabul.

The White House wanted to conceal Bush's presence to reduce the risk of any attempt on his life. But word of his visit leaked shortly before he landed.

From Bagram, Bush was to go to the presidential place in Kabul for a meeting with Hamid Karzai, the U.S.-backed leader.

The president also was to preside over a ceremonial ribbon-cutting for the U.S. Embassy. Before leaving Afghanistan, Bush was to get a pep talk to troops back at Bagram Air Base.

It was Bush's second visit to a war front. His first was a secret trip to have Thanksgiving Dinner in 2003 with U.S. troops in Iraq.

Synch said:
The guy only wants to spy on you if you're suspected of having connectiosn with al qaeda.. he only spied on a couple hundred.
Sounds pretty reasonable that he's only spying on suspects doens't it? This is also the guy that claimed Iraq would a piece of cake and we'd have iraqi's welcoming troops into thier cities and cheering. This is the same adminstration that awarded Trent Lott the freedom medal for his "outstanding work", nominated by far the worst american "diplomat" to the UN and insists that things are going well in Iraq when it's anything but. Do you trust this administration that much to be just "spying on al qaeda"? WHo knows what else they use such executive priviledge for. THis administration just quite simply, has absolutely no credibility.

Synch said:
Middle eastern, ah ha, racial profiling, lots of our ports are controlled by foreign nations, why not by a UAE country, which has helped us with the war on terrorism? The UAE control ports in lots of other countries.
So see, these arabs, these are the bad guys, and then these over here? These are the good guys.
I just do not trust anything that comes out of this administration. They have no credibility at all.
Trent lott: "Iraq's WMD;s is a slam dunk deal".... so where are those WMD's again?
RightatNYU said:
You've all missed the obvious problem with this poll:

Total Respondents: 1018

Total Republicans: 272
Total Democrats: 409
Total Independents: 337
Total African-Americans: 207

Weighted Republicans: 289
Weighted Democrats: 381
Weighted Independents: 348
Weighted African-Americans: 118


So, in the initial call, they got

Republicans: 27%
Democrats: 40%
Independents: 33%
African-Americans: 20%

Then, they weighted it to:

Republicans: 28%
Democrats: 37%
Independents: 34%
African-Americans: 12%


Does that seem right? What would be the best measure to compare it to in order to see if its an accurate poll?

How about the last huge poll of actual voters, the 2004 National Exit Poll?

In 2004, here was the breakdown of the voters:

Republicans: 37%
Democrats: 37%
Independents: 26%
African Americans: 11%

So, after "weighting," this poll deliberately underrepresented Republicans by nearly 25% from their actual representation. That sure sounds like an accurate poll. Hmmmmm.

Now, Rasmussen reports, the most accurate polling firm of 2004, and one of the most trusted, places Bush's approval rating at 43%


I wonder who to believe?:roll:

I don't think it matters too much of how you weight it. Bottom line is Bush's support is low. Even if he had 43%, that's still quite low, particularily at a time of war (contrast Eisenhower, Roosevelt, JFK).
RightatNYU said:
Or maybe when the Republicans heard "Hi, this is CBS news calling to do a poll" they hung up because they know how ridiculous CBS is.

It's always amusing to see people act like this is the death of the GOP, or like this is at all unusual. This happens constantly, people are leaning away from the GOP for the moment. Big deal.

LOL If this wasn't such a big deal, you would not have gone to the lengths that you did to discredit the poll. Oh sure it's not a big deal.

You know the GOP is suffering tremendously right now. Just sit back and accept it (while I laugh). :lol: :lol:
The interesting thing to ponder is what the democratics will do to take advantage of the presidents low approval rating. Disapproval of Bush doesn't mean your ready to jump on the Hilary for President band wagon.
faminedynasty said:
Indeed. Shame on anyone for being foolish enough to have ever supported him.

Did the democrats offer up a real choice? Not in my opinion. Hopefully next time they will. It's not enough to convince me Bush might be doing a bad job when the world is such a mess. You have to convince me someone else would do better.
If Mr. Bush REALLY wanted to improve his rating with me, he'd have to send HIS daughters in Afghanastan in an olive drab uniform sporting M-16's.
Captain America said:
If Mr. Bush REALLY wanted to improve his rating with me, he'd have to send HIS daughters in Afghanastan in an olive drab uniform sporting M-16's.

So who would you like to replace Bush with?

I personally think it would be fascinating if the Republicans ran a woman and the Dems ran Hilary.
Myself, I have had enough of the Clinton's. That includes keg-leg Hillery.
Captain America said:
Myself, I have had enough of the Clinton's. That includes keg-leg Hillery.

I'd never vote for Hilary either:mrgreen: But I fear many women will and maybe not 'cause she's the best for the job but because she is a woman. That's why I'd like the Republicans to run a qualified woman against her.
talloulou said:
I'd never vote for Hilary either:mrgreen: But I fear many women will and maybe not 'cause she's the best for the job but because she is a woman. That's why I'd like the Republicans to run a qualified woman against her.

Woman here, talloulou, and I would NEVER vote for her (well, if she was up against someone like Bill Frist, I might). I can't stand her. I have lots of female friends who are democrats who wouldn't vote for her either. The repubs keep saying she will get the nomination because they WANT her to get it. They know she is an unwinnable candidate.

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