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Burger-Flipping Robot Taking Over In 50 Fast Food Restaurants (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 26, 2007
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San Antonio Texas
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CBS Local — As fast food employees across the U.S. continue to protest for higher wages, a California chain restaurant has decided to hire a new staff member that works for free. The competition for the company’s low-wage workers: a burger-flipping robot named “Flippy.”
CaliBurger has announced they will be installing the high-tech replacement in 50 of their locations around the world. “Flippy,” the robotic kitchen assistant, was created by a California startup company called Miso Robotics and is expected to roll out in 2018.
Fighting For $15? New Robot Taking Over In Fast Food Spots « CBS13 | CBS Sacramento

Demand $15 an hour to flip burgers, get replaced by a robot. CLASSIC!
What's amusing is, progressive, "Raise the min wage" Cali is the place where we'll see these first. MWAHAHAHHA

To anyone at all familiar with technology, economics and history, this was inevitable, quite apart from demands for a higher min wage.

I can see why you'd be forced to laugh.
What's amusing is, progressive, "Raise the min wage" Cali is the place where we'll see these first. MWAHAHAHHA

No need to chuckle as it is coming to many jobs near you.
To anyone at all familiar with technology, economics and history, this was inevitable, quite apart from demands for a higher min wage.

Good point. There is no such thing as a margin.
What's amusing is, progressive, "Raise the min wage" Cali is the place where we'll see these first. MWAHAHAHHA

You're cheering the destruction of working-class jobs? Wow, Renae.
Fighting For $15? New Robot Taking Over In Fast Food Spots « CBS13 | CBS Sacramento

Demand $15 an hour to flip burgers, get replaced by a robot. CLASSIC!

I was unable to read the OP link (my old iPad yerps out on it) but Burger King has had a machine cooking and "flipping" its burgers since it started. It is a gas fired broiler that runs on a chain conveyor - raw patties go in and cooked patties come out. The model used now is a bit different from when I worked there in about 1970. The burgers are re-heated via microwave (as required) immediately prior to sandwich assembly. Have it your way. ;)

Yeah, these things will happen without min wage hikes as well, though it could affect the timing of when it happens.

The closest I ever came to working fast food was being a pizza delivery driver (which was actually a pretty awesome job). Are there actually positions at McDonald's that JUST flip burgers? I would figure they would be multi-tasking. So this alone probably won't replace many jobs. But it is just a matter of time before a fast food restaurant is fully automated and just has a person there to trouble shoot.
No, it wasn't. But since we decided to artificially pump up the price of labor, we made it far, far more likely.

Yeah it was, artificially pumping up the price of labor just hastened the change.
Yeah it was, artificially pumping up the price of labor just hastened the change.
:shrug: I don't see why. Furthermore, what is lost isn't just the jobs, but the follow-on employment those jobs were the stepladder to. Furthermore, you aren't just pushing labor out of industry; you're pushing it out of wage brackets. It's the difference between saying "you're short, so you can't play competitive basketball" and "you're short; no extracurricular activities for you".

It's a heartless and crazy response. "Okay, our policy hurts poor people, but it might have happened anyway."

"All people die eventually, so why get upset about murder?"
No, it wasn't. But since we decided to artificially pump up the price of labor, we made it far, far more likely.

Actually we (meaning by current government policy) artificially lower the cost of labor. One way is by counting employer provided medical care insurance as not being income - that saves the employer 7.65% in SS/Medicare matching. Another is by having a myriad of "safety net" programs - if you require $X/month to live then you don't much care what part of $X is from your paycheck and what part of $X is added by the "safety net". Still another, but more controversial, is allowing (and yes we allow it) the use "undocumented" (illegal?) labor which will work for lower wages and under more unsafe/unsanitary conditions than most US citizens will.
To anyone at all familiar with technology, economics and history, this was inevitable, quite apart from demands for a higher min wage.

I can see why you'd be forced to laugh.

But the MW increases accelerate it and will make this kind of thing more widespread.
You're cheering the destruction of working-class jobs? Wow, Renae.

I'm cheering reality hitting the face of sheep that protested their own jobs into oblivion.
I make burger flipping AI programs.

Seriously though, I am W@H Customer Support for a very large international company.
Nearly anyone can be replaced by technology, You and me. Technology can and will eventually replace those making $26.00 an hour and $7.00 an hour. There's nothing amusing about it.
Fighting For $15? New Robot Taking Over In Fast Food Spots « CBS13 | CBS Sacramento

Demand $15 an hour to flip burgers, get replaced by a robot. CLASSIC!

Finally, to much of our labor force is wasted on the low income service industry. I'd much rather see fast food joints go out of business, they are making us fat, but this works to. I support this and the 15 min wage. Remove the fast food option, is removing a fall back that to many people rely on rather than moving to a better area, or getting a better education, or vocational training. Now all we have to do is make it easier for these people to get job training for something decent.

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