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Browns considering Condoleezza Rice for head-coaching job (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 5, 2015
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According to Adam Schefter of ESPN, the Browns are considering former Secretary of State Condoleezza Reice as their next head coach.

Rice is a big football fan who has served on the College Football Playoff selection committee and has reportedly expressed interest in becoming commissioner of the NFL some day. But head coach? There’s no precedent at all for someone without any coaching experience to become an NFL head coach. And Rice has no coaching experience.

But Dorsey did say he is considering women for the job, and if the Browns want a coach to be a CEO who delegates, rather than an Xs and Os game planner, well, maybe they’d seriously do it. Rice probably wouldn’t be any worse than Hue Jackson.


Every time I think the Browns are taking steps to become a semi-comptetent organization, they remind us why they are the worst sports franchise in America.

Condoeezza Rica wasn't even good at her job as SOS, how in the world is she qualified to be a head coach of a football team?

Every time I think the Browns are taking steps to become a semi-comptetent organization, they remind us why they are the worst sports franchise in America.

Condoeezza Rica wasn't even good at her job as SOS, how in the world is she qualified to be a head coach of a football team?

I don't have anything against the Browns, but Jimmy Haslam is a crook who should be in jail with several of his top officers, so I'm not exactly sad that he's failing at being an NFL owner.

I do agree having a "head coach" who can't coach is as dumb as it gets. If her job is to run the organization, there's a job title for that.
This idea seems straight out of right field, but I have the utmost respect for Condoleezza Rice, and if she thinks she can run a football team, then it's probably worth a shot.

Surely there are farm teams she could demonstrate on first if she's serious, which seems unlikely.

Every time I think the Browns are taking steps to become a semi-comptetent organization, they remind us why they are the worst sports franchise in America.

Condoeezza Rica wasn't even good at her job as SOS, how in the world is she qualified to be a head coach of a football team?

She was at least as good as any other Establishment SOS.

Regarding installing her as head coach, that would be a horrible mistake. This kind of thing cold initiate a 50 year period with no hope of an NFL Championship.

She was at least as good as any other Establishment SOS.

Regarding installing her as head coach, that would be a horrible mistake. This kind of thing cold initiate a 50 year period with no hope of an NFL Championship.


Like they’ve ever had high hopes of that before.
Like they’ve ever had high hopes of that before.

Well, yeah...

I mean, it really couldn't do much harm.

If she coached the Vikings, it could result in decades without a Super Bowl win. Same kind of prediction. ;)
Well, yeah...

I mean, it really couldn't do much harm.

If she coached the Vikings, it could result in decades without a Super Bowl win. Same kind of prediction. ;)
if he were smart, he would hire Aldon Smith. Whatever it took for him to take the job.
Source: Browns eye Condi Rice for HC interview

. . . Rice, 64, is a lifelong Browns fan, a love she got from watching Cleveland's games with her father at their home in Birmingham, Alabama. Rice has been featured in a Browns jersey in NFL ads, and there has been speculation that she even could become commissioner of the NFL.
Rice has become more involved in sports, specifically on the collegiate level, since serving as secretary of state under President George W. Bush from 2005 to 2009. She was one of the inaugural members of the College Football Playoff selection committee, where she worked from 2013 to 2016.
Rice also recently chaired a commission on college basketball that recommended major changes to the sport this year, including an end to the one-and-done rule.
She might know more about the game than the average fan, but I don’t believe she has the experince needed to be an NFL coach. She might do well but it seems wiser to go with an experienced coach.
Be interesting for sure, but nah right?

Wouldn't actually happen right?

Having said that, haven't they been a **** team forever?

Haven't made playoffs in 16 years... Anythings worth a shot.
She might know more about the game than the average fan, but I don’t believe she has the experince needed to be an NFL coach. She might do well but it seems wiser to go with an experienced coach.

Remember the Browns hired the ex-Dodgers GM in their front office. They also hired some hot shot attorney that graduated from Harvard.

I do not understand why the Browns don't hire people with a football background.
I just do not see this happening.
This idea seems straight out of right field, but I have the utmost respect for Condoleezza Rice, and if she thinks she can run a football team, then it's probably worth a shot.

Surely there are farm teams she could demonstrate on first if she's serious, which seems unlikely.

If I cared about the NFL, I would much rather see Rice as the NFL Commissioner. She is well qualified for that spot.
If I cared about the NFL, I would much rather see Rice as the NFL Commissioner. She is well qualified for that spot.

Well, she was part of the administration that saw the U.S.'s prestige decline globally. If the NFL wants to see their brand fall, she would be well qualified in that sense.
If I cared about the NFL, I would much rather see Rice as the NFL Commissioner. She is well qualified for that spot.

She couldnt even make peace with other countries. What makes her qualified to do anything?

As far as the Browns goes, hey theyre the Browns- nothing surprises me about them.
Well, she was part of the administration that saw the U.S.'s prestige decline globally. If the NFL wants to see their brand fall, she would be well qualified in that sense.

I am not one of those insecure Americans who loses sleep at night over whether the rest of the world likes or respects us or not. Globalists may worry about that sort of thing. I do not.
Be interesting for sure, but nah right?

Wouldn't actually happen right?

Having said that, haven't they been a **** team forever?

Haven't made playoffs in 16 years... Anythings worth a shot.

No no no the article had it all wrong Condoleezza Rice was considering giving a head job to the coach

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